The people of the Living God united and gave all the glory and praise to our Savior, Jesus Christ; to the One who knew no sin, but sacrificed Himself on the cross for our sins, so that we could live freely!

Then the man of God Harry preached an eye-opening message to the church, which led each listener to examine themselves. He began his message by saying that our words are a tool, and the life we enjoy depends on how we use that tool. Reading from Luke 6:43-45, he explained that the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. So if we have a good treasure in our heart, good and pure words will come out every time we speak. On the contrary, Vain and idle words is a product of a vain and idle heart!

He also emphasized that the Word of God clearly teaches all of us that with our hearts we believe and with our mouths we confess. Therefore, this means that what we confess reveals exactly what we believe in our heart. Unfortunately, many of us, besides speaking negative and idle words, we have even reached the point of judging God’s actions. Prophet Harry gave us the following example, when one comes to testify the wonderful things that God has in one’s life and we judge and criticize this change, it means that we judge God; we go against the glory of God in our brother’s life. This is why we must always remember that every time we speak against the one whom God has blessed, we speak against God. Thus, the man of God earnestly said that if we do not rejoice in the joy of our neighbour, his joy will never come to us!


Mrs. Georgia’s Konstantinidou testimony at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, is one more proof that the power of Jesus Christ is still present and is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Mrs. Georgia’s problem began in 2006 when she was left unemployed and alone with her 4 1/2 year old child. She had been fired from her job, struggling to cope with the harsh daily routine while trying to meet the costs of the necessary bills. Desperately seeking a solution, she came to the conclusion that her only option was to get a loan from the bank, to enable her to cover their monthly bills. And so it was, a bank granted her a loan of 15.000 euros, but due to her prolonged unemployment of two years, it was quickly consumed. She found a job in January 2008, but the money she received did not meet their daily needs and obligations to the bank. The situation for Mrs. Georgia was suffocating and she grew even more desperate as she was unable to repay her loan, which was growing due to the interest rate of the bank. The bank began harassing her on the phone, creating even greater stress and anxiety in her life. In 2014 she was fired once again and her life became even more tragic. As if that was not enough, the company she worked for did not pay her the overtime she was owed. When she realized her former employer would not compromise, the matter was taken to court and she awaited to be justified when the case would be tried. The amount of debt had reached 58.875 euros, according to the official bank statement presented by Mrs. Georgia. She was now convinced that her situation was irreversible. Even if she found another job the salary would never be enough to live on and pay off the bank let alone the interest.

Finally, she decided to come to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, and put her problem in the hands of the problem Solver, Jesus Christ. She asked Him to take this unbearable weight from her shoulders, with faith that the Lord would take her out of this dead end. During the laying of hands, as the man of God was praying for the congregation, he also prayed for Mrs. Georgia. That was when her miracle happened!

Unable to find the words to express the miracle that happened in her life, she thanked her Deliverer and confessed that after the laying of hands and the prayer from the man of God, she received a phone call from a law firm informing her that bank wanted to settle her debt, out of court. They proposed she pay only the amount of 7.300 euros and they would erase the remaining debt! The miracle does not end there! The issue of her overtime from her former employer was tried in court and Mrs. Georgia was acquitted. The amount of money she was paid was 7.430 euros, which is exactly the amount she had to pay to the bank! So, according to the paid billing statement she brought with her, she owes nothing! All to the glory of the Lord! The unbearable weight she felt is gone and is now left in the past! With incredible joy, she advised all to have patience and wait for God’s time, to make their relationship with Jesus Christ a priority, giving Him the first place in their heart. In closing, she promised the Provider of her blessings, to worship and glorify Him every moment of her life!

There is no burden that Jesus Christ cannot lift! So put your problem in His hands and He will put His peace in your heart!


Mrs. Olga Soltys of Austria visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to glorify God and share with the congregation the wonderful acts He did in her life!

 She joined the prayer line with faith that her case would not escape God’s anointing! When the man of God Harry prayed for her, the Holy Spirit gave him the following prophetic word: “What I’m seeing is a moving object, as if something is moving inside you. You think you have to go to the toilet, but you go and nothing comes out… This had caused you to worry and you are wondering what this is because even doctors cannot really find out what it is! At night when you are sleeping, sometimes you wake up, as if something bites you and you have bad dreams. This is the Holy Spirit speaking and the reason why He reveals this, is to set you free!”. He then rebuked the evil spirit that tormented her life and proclaimed her free in the almighty name of Jesus Christ!

Mrs. Olga confirmed that everything the man of God said is absolutely true! She explained that in the last five years, following the death of her husband, she suffered from colic in the abdomen and stomach pain almost every day for five whole years! She felt that going to the bathroom would relieve some of the pain, but nothing happened, because in reality there was no such reason. Indeed, from the morning till the afternoon she felt this intense need to go to the bathroom again and again. Due to this problem, it was very difficult to plan an outing, as the pain would appear right when she would decide to leave the house. This affected her emotionally, as the isolation at home increased her loneliness and sadness, thereby worsening her condition. Also, the quality of her diet was also affected, as many foods made her belly swell and ache. In addition, the last five weeks before coming to Thessaloniki to receive prayer, she had reached the point of eating exclusively soups and bread.

During these years, Mrs. Olga visited several doctors and did all the necessary examinations. Eventually, the doctors decided that she had a sensitive digestive system and, unfortunately, could not do anything about it. She was doomed to live with it and as a result, she had to pay special attention to her diet. As if this was not enough, Mrs. Olga was tormented almost daily for five years by nightmares. She said she woke up terrified because of bad dreams, and when she finally managed to sleep again, it was repeated four to five times throughout the duration of her sleep. There were very few times in a month she could sleep normally!

One week after her deliverance, Mrs. Olga, beaming with joy and gratitude to Almighty God, testified that now everything had changed! The pain is gone and, indeed, the very next day after the prayer she went to a restaurant and ate Greek food without feeling any pain at all. Also, the nightmares have stopped and her sleep is now peaceful and normal! Indeed, what is impossible for humans is possible for God! Concluding her testimony, Mrs. Olga advised us to trust God for all our needs, and promised to follow Him all the days of her life!

Whatever your situation, remember that God always has something to say!

Following are photos from the prayer line, in which God’s anointing works with power and strength, through the man of God Harry, delivering those who come with faith in the name of Jesus Christ from every power of darkness that kept them imprisoned.

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