The attendance experienced another unique Sunday, where the atmosphere was intensively charged with the presence of God as the worship team sang songs of praise! People from all over the world opened their hearts to the Creator, worshipping Him in faith and truth!
An inspirational message entitled “WALK BY FAITH NOT BY FEELINGS!” followed later on, through which the man of God Kastriot Sinaij conveyed valuable lessons to those present. He began by saying that most Christians do not have solid faith because they follow God with their emotions. On one day they give glory to God and the next day, because something unpleasant happens to them, they lose faith and hope. Nevertheless, faith is not a panic button pushed only when in trouble; it is a lifestyle of trusting God, in both good and hard times.

Then he took the biblical proof text from Hebrews 11:5-6, “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: ‘He could not be found, because God had taken him away.’ For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Undoubtedly, Jesus Christ did not come for the “righteous” people, nor for the sinless, he came for the sinners!
He went on to say that our faith must be directed by God’s Word, not by what we feel, what circumstances look like, or what others tell us. You may know the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation and still be unable to believe it and apply it because you have not fully surrendered to Jesus Christ. It is our failure to give Christ His proper position in our hearts that is actually responsible for the crisis of our faith.
He revealed that doubt and faith have nothing in common. Either you doubt or you believe. So, when you negotiate with doubt, it goes without saying that you will do what doubt dictates you to do, not what faith says. In other words, when we are led by our intellect, feelings and emotions, we may confess faith in the Word but keep denying it in action.

Taking the last biblical text from James 2:14-17, he read the following, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” He emphasised that faith without works is dead! Whatever you do without faith, you will eventually get tired and quit, because you don’t believe in what you’re doing!
In closing, he shook the congregation, saying “In order not to end up like the masses out there, who are merely wandering and unsure of their goal and dreams, your objective must be clear!”

Ms. Agnes, originally from Zambia and a resident of Denmark, wanted to thank God for what He has done in her life, by testifying before God and men.
She began by mentioning that her relocation from Zambia to Denmark gradually took a toll on her spiritual life. In particular, she said that while she maintained a relationship with God, she could no longer pray or read her Bible, and began to have nightmares in which someone was coming after her to kill her. Continuing her narrative, Ms. Agnes said she began to notice that the frequency of these bad dreams increased. These dreams were causing her intense fear. In fact, she felt as if someone was sitting next to her while she was alone during the day or, whenever she would wake up from a bad dream, she would feel a dark presence in her room. Thus, she would lose sleep and peace of mind. She used to ask her husband to help her with what was tormenting her, but he was unable to help her, which caused her great distress and she started complaining about it. This is how she began to feel no longer grateful for what God had already done for her, but instead focused on what she had not yet acquired.
Regarding her dreams, she pointed out that she had them at least twice a week, and the day after was always predestined to be bad and full of sorrow. As she could not sleep, because of these experiences, Ms. Agnes would watch television through the night, in an effort to forget her fears, not knowing that this was worsening the situation. What she watched affected her negatively as she began to compare herself and what she was going through with the people on TV. As a result, she began to argue with her husband, belittling him, feeling sorry for herself and complaining. A big part of her life was consumed by TV shows, so she couldn’t keep up with her family obligations. She isolated herself from her surroundings and began to have negative thoughts without even realising it. The negativity she was experiencing was so much that she lost her hope…
Despite everything Ms. Agnes was experiencing, she did not think of seeking human help but wanted to seek the face of the Lord. Therefore, she decided to address the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Thessalonica, in order to receive her deliverance and be reunited with God.

Immediately after the prayer Ms. Agnes received, she said she felt very light, calm and at peace as if a great weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Yet, the voice of doubt within her told her that she was not truly free and that nothing had changed. But then, she had the strength to doubt her doubts rather than her miracle, and she declared with faith that she was free, fighting away every negative thought!
In addition, Ms. Agnes wanted to add that she used to be afraid of aeroplanes, but as she was flying back to her country, she realised she was no longer afraid! Furthermore, she said that she experienced another nightmare, but this time she was able to stand and prevail over the enemy! Now, she can pray, read His Word and has a desire to spend time with Him. In addition, the relationships that were lost because of her previous isolation have now been restored.
Ms. Agnes wanted to urge the believers to forgive because they too need forgiveness, pointing to a dream during which God showed her a list of people she had to forgive. So, she started calling them one by one in obedience, and she joyfully realised that they were happy to hear from her! Also, she mentioned that she weaned herself off her addiction to TV shows once and for all since the day of her deliverance; things are going well with her husband, and she sees a bright future for herself!
She advised believers is to have faith in God and she promised to continue to seek His face and to have His Word as a compass for her life!
If you forgive and let offence leave your heart, something will happen to you that cannot be explained by the human mind!

Originally from Zimbabwe, Ms. Octavia came from England with her sister, Ms. Faith, with the belief that Jesus Christ would change her life and the lives of her family.
During the prayer line, when Prophetess Evgenia prayed for her, an unclean spirit manifested through Ms. Octavia, saying, “Ancestral spirits! I cause confusion in the family, disunity. Look at her teeth! We gave her a snake to control her. I entered her from her father’s side. Her father is as good as dead! He denied his responsibilities a long time ago. He’s always asleep. He has nothing to show…” Later, her deliverance continued when man of God Kastriot prayed for her, during the laying of hands. The unclean spirit said: “I am a husband for all the girls in the family. They are my wives! I am enjoying them, all ten of them! I cause confusion. I visit her in her dreams, that’s how I initiate her! I cause smelly discharge for all the girls. Itchiness! Severe itchiness when they meet with their husbands!” Then, the man of God rebuked the unclean spirit, setting Ms. Octavia free in the name of Jesus Christ!
Later, Ms. Octavia and her sister, Ms. Faith, confirmed the words of the unclean spirit as true. Indeed, their relatives, especially on their father’s side, worshipped ancestral spirits, people who had died. In fact, if someone in the family left for another country, their father would dedicate them to the ancestral spirits before they left. The same would happen when one of the girls got married.
Although Ms. Octavia had not personally partaken part in any pagan rituals, she was aware of her family’s practices. For example, they once performed a ritual where they slaughtered a bull and gave her father’s sister to drink the bull’s blood! They also added that their father’s entire family was separated, did not visit each other and, instead, they constantly accused each other. Their father in particular was fired from his job many years ago. Since then, he never worked again. As far as the affairs of the house were concerned, he stopped being involved a long time ago. As Ms. Octavia described, he wakes up for about 5 hours and sleeps all the rest of the day and night.
In addition, Ms. Octavia and Ms. Faith admitted that they had difficulty maintaining a relationship with God, praying and reading His Word. Ms. Octavia used to see ancestral spirits in her dreams: people in old, traditional clothes, covered in dirt, being very angry with her and chasing her; she also had frequent dreams of men having sexual intercourse with her. When she had these dreams, her vaginal discharge had a very bad odour, and when she went to have intercourse with her husband, she experienced very intense itching in the sensitive area.
The same problem with the sensitive area was faced by Ms. Faith and, admittedly, by all the other sisters – as the unclean spirit said. Because the irritation was so unpleasant, Ms. Faith went so far as to accuse her husband of going with other women, trying to assign a reasonable explanation. When she and her husband were tested, however, they had no problems nor any STDs! So, she couldn’t enjoy the relationship with her husband because she had a burning sensation every time, and then she would get angry with her husband and not want him.
In addition, almost everyone in their family had serious problems with their oral health. They were experiencing bleeding gums and severe tooth decay. Many members of the family have lost multiple teeth each. Ms. Octavia had to have four teeth removed and Ms. Faith had to have her two front teeth removed! Ms. Faith added that all of her teeth are unstable. When she went to the dentist some time ago, he told her that she does not have good oral hygiene, and she cried, knowing that she is doing everything she can to have healthy teeth and the problem does not stem from her personal habits!
After the prayer, Ms. Octavia confessed that she felt at peace and trusted God to take care of her family’s case. Free now, she promised God to serve Him with all her heart, soul and spirit!
Whenever you face unusual challenges, do not despair. It may be for the unusual blessings that await you because unusual blessings always attract unusual challenges!

It is common for people to be haunted by the pain of the past and the rejection of others. However, in the face of these problems, God’s children should not doubt their Creator! This is the lesson Pastor Gregory and Pastor Karlene, residents of the Netherlands, received.
At the time of the prayer line, the Spirit of God spoke to both of them through Prophet Kastriot. The prophetic word to Mr. Gregory was as follows: “You love God, you are trying to bring people into the Kingdom of God, but something is stopping you. While you are trying to tell the world about Jesus Christ, some people reject you and do not accept you. I am here to tell you today to keep doing God’s work, and God will make a way where there is no way!”
Immediately afterwards, it was Ms. Karlen’s turn to hear a word from Heaven: “Pain from the past. Your heart no longer knows what it believes. You no longer know if there is a God for you. There is a God! Whatever satan has stolen in your life, God will give it back to you! You will come here to give your testimony! Forget the past, what has happened, look to the future, because God lives in the future!” When the servant of God laid his hand on her to pray, a demon manifested and said: “I want to kill her, I don’t want her to live!” The Prophet rebuked the demon and declared Ms. Karlen free, in the name of Jesus Christ!
After the service, Mr. Gregory was the first to speak, to give more details about the prophecy. He explained that the reason he experienced the rejection of the people was because he was preaching the Word of God, exposing the kingdom of the devil. At that time, some people could not bear to hear the truth and rejected him, after speaking ill of him…
Ms. Karlen then spoke. The past pain to which the man of God referred had to do with her mother, who when she was pregnant with her drank poison to kill her. Unfortunately, the second child she was carrying died, but Ms. Karlen survived!
As she grew older, the pain of rejection by her mother continued to accompany her, thus she became depressed and didn’t want to live anymore…
Now, both believe that God is with them and supports them! Finally, the woman’s promise is to make the name of Jesus Christ known to the world, while the man has promised to seek God more from now on!
It turns out once again that rejection by people causes God to guide your life!

Mr. Ernest, a resident of Belgium, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to see the power of the Holy Spirit working as it did in the time of Jesus Christ! During the laying of hands, the Spirit of God spoke about his situation through Prophet John and said: “I see that there is limitation in your life. Limitation in your career, limitation in your family, and in general I see limitation in many areas of your life. God Almighty is revealing this to you today because you will never see limitation again from now on. Today will put an end to all that the devil has been limiting in your life, God will bless you and your work will have a big breakthrough!” Then the Prophet declared him delivered in the name of Jesus Christ.
A few minutes later Mr. Ernest wanted to confirm all that was revealed to him by the Spirit of God. He explained by saying that he had never in his life been able to stay in one job. He was always fired for no reason at all! While he was engaged in jobs that earned him money, such as construction and electrical work, something unexpected would always happen and he would “run out” of money without realizing it. In 2006 he decided to start a business but unfortunately, he could not cover all the necessary expenses, so the business went bankrupt.

As he stated, the difficulties began when he was born, as there was no fatherly figure in his life, and so he had to provide his mother the financial support a husband would give her. Because of this zeal to provide for his mother, he became involved in criminal activities and even went to prison.
Finally, he explained that he also faced limitation in his marriage, in which until now there could not be peace or harmony. As a result, his two sons rejected him and wanted nothing to do with him. Now, Mr. Ernest is very happy about his freedom and has promised God to serve Him forever!
If your condition goes beyond the natural, then it becomes a curse that only Jesus Christ can break. Seek God in faith, and you will see that very soon the solution you are seeking in your life will come!
The photos below depict visitors from all over the world who came to see with their own eyes the Provider, Healer, Deliverer and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
Please man of God do you have also a zoom healing service so that us that cannot afford to come to your country me experience also the presence of God…prophecy to us through zoom
“Good morning! Please be advised that if you would like to receive prayer, you are free to call our prayer lines.
These are the telephone numbers you can call and, please, note that you can also call us for free on What’sApp: +30 698 568 7126, +30 698 287 6465. (Both lines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Remain blessed!”