With hearts filled with anticipation and faith, the congregation gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, eager to experience the power and presence of God. The hall resonated with hymns of gratitude as the worship team lifted their voices to heaven, creating a spiritual atmosphere that inspired every heart to draw closer to the Lord.
In this atmosphere, the man of God, George Christodoulou, took the pulpit with a powerful message for every believer titled: “WHAT IS TRUE LOVE?” A sermon intended to remind everyone of the power of love and the importance of living with love that reflects the heart of God!

He began by stating that Christmas is a celebration that unites people and nations, filling hearts with joy and hope. Everyone celebrates it in their own way—through traditions, gifts, gatherings, and moments of relaxation. However, the essence of the celebration lies not merely in outward expressions but in a deeper truth: love! A love that is not confined to one day but is meant to be lived daily. The true meaning of Christmas is selfless, genuine love, which attracts and captivates the heart of Jesus Christ.
His message was based on 1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” This verse emphasizes that love is above all. He highlighted that while faith pleases God, it is love that brings our faith to life. As he poignantly stated, “Love is the fuel that activates faith, making it work effectively.” Without love, faith cannot bear fruit, and this is an essential lesson for every Christian!
He further explained that love is not merely words but actions. Serving God is not limited to prayer and reading the Bible but is demonstrated through service to others. The man of God, George, emphasized that when we help someone in need, we are essentially helping God Himself. He encouraged us to give not only from our surplus but also from what we need, explaining: “When you give something you don’t need, you will receive what you don’t need. But when you give what you need, you will receive what you need!” Christmas is an opportunity to examine whether we are truly walking in love by paying attention to the needs of those around us.

Almighty God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to meet our need for salvation and eternal life. This act of love shows that true love cannot exist without sacrifice and offering. He explained that God did not give us something trivial but His only begotten Son, demonstrating how deep and selfless His love for us is.
Furthermore, he stressed that our relationship with God is strengthened when we decide to become channels of blessing for others! God is looking for people who will share His blessings with the poor and those in need rather than keeping them for themselves. “True love acts, works, and gives,” he emphasised.
In conclusion, he pointed out that charity and love should not be considered obligatory acts but rather a mission from God! As Scripture says, “God loves a cheerful giver.” Therefore, true love is that which seeks, acts, and offers with joy and selflessness.

When we go through difficulties, illnesses or pain, we often feel helpless and alone. The situation may seem hopeless, and worries may dominate our lives. However, God is always there, ready to intervene and give us the healing we need, if we entrust our problem to Him. There is nothing impossible for Jesus Christ, all He asks is that we approach Him with faith. This is also proven through the life of Ms. Despo from Cyprus, who brought her problem to God and experienced the miracle of His healing!
After the birth of her baby, Ms. Despo began experiencing unbearable pain in her hands. Every morning, when she woke up, the joints in her wrists, elbows, shoulders and thumbs would “sting” to the point where she could not make even the simplest movements. At first, she thought it was something temporary and tried to focus on the joy of motherhood. However, instead of decreasing, the pain worsened day by day, making even the slightest activity excruciating.
Her daily life as a new mom was now full of frustration and limitations. She couldn’t hold her baby for long, bathe him, or complete household chores. Every time she tried to hold an object, it would fall from her hands due to the pain. This resulted in one day, when her baby was six months old and starting to become more mobile, he almost fell from her hands and hit his head on the table. This incident scared and worried her so much that she decided that she couldn’t neglect her health condition any longer!
So, she discussed her problem with her husband, and together they decided to see a doctor, specifically an orthopedist. The first orthopedist who examined her assured her that this was a common problem that many new mothers face, and this reassured her quite a bit. He suggested surgery, but he could not guarantee that the pain would go away permanently. This answer worried her even more, as she knew that she had no one to take care of her baby during her recovery period other than her husband, who was working. She then visited a second doctor, who suggested cortisone or surgery, emphasizing that in both cases the pain could return, especially if she continued to carry weight. Seeing that medical solutions were not providing her with the complete healing she needed, she decided to turn to God!
She decided to bring her problem to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica. She joined the prayer line, where the man of God Kastriot prayed for her! A few days later, she had a dream that was to change her life and give her the solution she was looking for. In the dream, a man told her that the only way to be healed was to do exercises. He explained to her that this was the most powerful “medicine” for her case. Waking up from the dream, she felt an absolute certainty within her that this was the answer she was seeking from God!

Following the instructions she received in the dream, she began physical therapy exercises, while continuing to pray to God in faith to heal her. Within just two weeks, the pain that had plagued her for nine whole months completely disappeared! What the doctors could not achieve, became a reality through the power of God. Ms. Despo felt immense relief and gratitude, seeing that she could now live a normal life again and enjoy the gift of motherhood!
Now , she can do all the movements that were previously impossible for her: hold her baby, bathe him, wash the dishes, and perform daily household chores! She feels completely blessed and healed by God.
Wanting to give a key to all believers, she advises them to entrust every problem to God, no matter how small or big it is. Then, full of joy and gratitude for God, she promised to follow Him and serve Him forever, as through this miracle, she saw His love and power change her life completely!
In our most difficult moments, God demonstrates His power, providing a solution where everything seems impossible. Your present situation, no matter how hard it is, is meant for your spiritual benefit. Through faith and trust in Him, your trial or illness can be turned into a blessing. The Lord is always faithful and never leaves us alone!

If a person has never been seriously ill or in an accident, imagine what they might have experienced in order to reach the point of wondering why they are still alive. Even worse, their very life could be a vicious cycle of disappointment and failure… If the following story prompts you to reflect on some things and examine your life, then the solution for you is not out there, but in Jesus Christ!
Ms. Machema, who lives in London, visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica and took part in the prayer line, where a demon was exposed as the prophet Javier prayed for her: “Leave me alone! I told her not to come here! I told her so many times, she shouldn’t come close to you people! She doesn’t belong to you people, she belongs to us! I told her so many times, she keeps coming to your God! I don’t want her to go to your God! We have our own god, we have our own society, we have our own everything, why does she keep running to your God? I come from her father’s house; I’m an idol from her father’s house. Her father was serving us, but they didn’t know. They thought they were serving God, but we deceived them! I have done a lot to this girl, I don’t even know why she is alive! We have tried to kill her so many times, but she is not a normal human, if she was a human she would be gone long ago! But she’s not a human because her Father up there put something inside of her! They don’t want us to kill her, she should be gone long ago, but her Father in Heaven says ‘No’!” The servant of God then commanded the unclean spirit to come out of her, declaring Ms. Machema free forever, in the name of Jesus Christ!

After a while, to the glory of God, she herself gave more information about her life. As for her father, he used to sacrifice various animals such as cows and goats in rituals every month. Also, when a boy was born in the family, 2 sheep were sacrificed, while 1 sheep was sacrificed when a girl was born. It is worth noting that he was married not to one or even 2, but to 6 women in total!
They thought in the family that they were serving the Lord, but due to ignorance, they were serving a demon…
Of course, the demon “honored” these sacrifices by causing all kinds of problems for the family and for her. All of her sisters, for example, have not been able to get married. Ms. Machema only found a husband when she abandoned Islam and believed in Christ. Another area in which there was stagnation was in her academics, since she was unable to graduate from her school. Furthermore, in her dreams she saw people feeding her and men approaching her.
As if all of this weren’t enough, the unclean spirit spoke to her, urging her to commit suicide, while trying to convince her that no one loved her. It even suggested ways to end her life!
With the spirit of depression within her, one day she was searching the internet for some words of comfort and encouragement. She then discovered Emmanuel TV , the television station of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations.
With faith now in Jesus Christ, she traveled to Greece from the other side of Europe! From the moment she entered the space, she felt the presence of God, and in fact, something inside her felt uncomfortable and afraid.
Now she knows that this something was the unclean spirit, from which she declared herself free with obvious joy, and she believes that the best is yet to come in her life! Her promise to the Lord was to serve Him for her entire life!
Prayer is an acknowledgement that there is a superior realm that controls the physical and invisible world. This is what Ms. Machema understood and she incorporated prayer to God into her life, and she saw her life gradually but steadily changing for the better!

In life, many people face difficulties that seem insurmountable. Family burdens, financial difficulties, health problems and spiritual concerns can weigh down the soul and rob people of the joy of everyday life. However, when a person turns to God, they can find the strength, comfort and guidance they need to overcome any obstacle. Faith and prayer can transform even the most difficult situations, bringing hope and blessing to the lives of those who seek His help.
Ms. Secundina from Spain, who was facing such problems in her life, visited the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessaloniki wof putting an end to them. Thus, Jesus Christ located her and during the prayer line she received a prophetic word from the man of God, Javier, who told her: “The same spirit that attacks your family, that is, the idols that your great-grandfathers worshiped, is now attacking you and your family. God has exposed it and you will have a new beginning in your life!”.

After the prophetic word she received, she felt the need to confirm the Prophet’s words, recognising that there was a tradition of idolatry in her family. In particular, she emphasised that her great-grandfathers used to practice such things, which had also affected her within the family environment. She also emphasised that her parents also experienced similar problems such as financial difficulties, difficult situations and problems in marriage.
In the professional field, although she worked hard as a chef, things were not going well. The restaurant where she worked did not have the expected clientele, and this made her face debts, despite her efforts. She faced serious stomach problems which even led her to three surgeries in a week and several times close to death! She also had to be hospitalised for an entire month!
As for her dreams, she often had nightmares with dead people. Despite her efforts to stop these attacks, it was to no avail. Together with her parents, she prayed persistently about this problem, while they even sought help from local doctors, without success.
Now, after praying, she feels happy, full of gratitude and wants to give her testimony for everything God has done in her life. She finally promised to serve God until the end of her life and, as He would fill her with His blessings, she pledged to be generous and to help her fellow human beings.
As a child of God, don’t be ruled by your situation because your relationship with God is based on nothing else but God. Become a beacon of faith and devotion, allowing God to guide you in every aspect of your life, regardless of the challenges you face.

When life confronts you with difficult situations that seem insurmountable, it is time to turn to Jesus Christ. He is the source of true freedom, the Only One who can give you the peace and strength you need to face any challenge. No matter how heavy the burdens you carry, Jesus invites you to leave them in His hands, as He promised in His Eternal and Written Word that He will not allow us to be tempted more than we can bear. That is exactly what Mrs. Ejiro did, who came from the Netherlands with her beloved son, to see the power of God unfold in her life.
During the prayer line, an unclean spirit manifested itself through her, saying the following: “I am the idol from her father’s house. I have destroyed her! She has refused to follow me and has followed the way of God. She is a prophetess of God, she can see things, she prays for people. She has refused to serve me! I am sending the wrong relationships into her life. I am using her siblings to destroy her. I knew that the only way to destroy her was to use her own house!” After the wonderful deliverance she received, Mrs. Ejiro wanted to confirm all that the unclean spirit had said about her life.

She began by explaining that, indeed, in their home, in the village, there was an idol that her family worshipped. However, because she loved God from a young age, she was never been involved in his worship. Nevertheless, she often had dreams of people calling her “their daughter,” even though she did not know them. After these dreams, she noticed a stagnation in her life: people hated her for no apparent reason, causing her intense loneliness. Every night she heard various voices and, in her dreams, she saw a man telling her that he was her father, while she categorically denied it. These events occurred in her life for 16 whole years!
In her personal life, her ex-husband left her to marry another woman, for no reason at all. At the same time, he did not allow her to marry anyone else for 16 whole years. According to their culture, in order to dissolve the marriage, her husband had to take back the money he had given to her parents during the wedding. However, he stubbornly refused. Faced with this situation, her parents decided to offer the money before the idol, hoping for a solution.
Ms. Ejiro was diagnosed with arthritis, which affected her daily life. She could no longer carry groceries from the supermarket, while her job as a cleaner became impossible, as it required carrying heavy buckets of water.
She was, thus, forced to stop working and rely on financial assistance from the state for her survival.
Regarding her involvement in God’s work, she said that she is particularly active in various church activities.
Although all her siblings attended university, none of them managed to find a decent job. She, as she says, did not have the opportunity to study, but her life is not much different from that of her siblings, who have various diplomas. In their personal lives, they also face difficulties, as they fail to create stable relationships and have children without being married. In fact, as she noted that several of her siblings are involved in witchcraft, and in a serious form, as they are witches!
As for her son, she described a dramatic incident that occurred shortly before they arrived in Thessaloniki, when a car tried to run him over. From the moment he was born, this child had health problems, such as eczema on his skin. However, the situation worsened last year, when, due to the many difficulties he was experiencing, he reached the point of wanting to end his life. This forced her to seek help from specialists, with her son attending sessions to deal with his condition!
During the prayer line, Mrs. Ejiro saw an old woman leaving her body, as well as a black animal, which she could not identify. After this experience, she now feels free, as if a great burden has been lifted from her. She confessed that she was exhausted by the situation she was experiencing, but now she is full of hope and promised God Almighty to do His will and serve Him faithfully!
In whatever situation you are in right now, the time has come to face your problem with Jesus Christ as your ally. Because when you run away from trouble, you run away from solution, success, and breakthrough.
The following images reflect the Divine presence of God affecting the hearts of believers, offering them renewal, healing and spiritual strength, all through the almighty name of Jesus Christ!