A beautiful Sunday at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, the worship team sang hymns of praise, opening the heavens, and welcoming the Spirit of God into the room and into the hearts of those present!

Then the message entitled “YOU NEED A ROLE MODEL” by evangelist Katerina Otamere, revealed the key of success to those who want to succeed in life. She read from 1 Corinthians 11:1 “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ”. She explained that, just as Apostle Paul imitated Jesus Christ and followed in His positive example to accomplish the purpose of his life, if we also want to succeed we must find our own role model. A role model whose example is worth following and imitating. A role model that has accomplished everything we want to achieve and is everything we strive to be. However, she clarified that there is a prerequisite for discovering our role model. Firstly, our purpose in life must be clear, which means that we must decide and commit to what we want to do with our lives! Then, without hurry, we will be able to choose our role model, carefully examining the process that this person followed to succeed, as the process is far more important than the outcome.

The evangelist said that successful people do not just drift to the top. It takes focused action, personal discipline and a lot of energy to make things happen! Those who succeeded played their part, but at the same time had the role model they wanted to be like. The role model was their motive, a people who constantly reminded them that no matter the difficulties and challenges, all men fall but great men get back up! In closing, the evangelist exhorted and counseled all those who want to be successful in their lives, to clarify their purpose and goals, then to choose a role model and to follow in his/her footsteps, despite the difficulties that might arise, because nothing great comes easy!


Mr. Boniface Karangwa and his wife, residents of the Netherlands, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to testify the greatness of God and the miracles He does in their lives.

Mr. Karangwa began by describing how God began to use him when he implemented instruction heard on Emmanuel TV by the man of God, Prophet T. B. Joshua. During a Sunday Service, Prophet T. B. Joshua urged entrepreneurs to create jobs for people in need, for people who are poorly qualified and in need of work. So, since he was an entrepreneur, and already had a high-end business where only qualified people were able to work, he thought he needed to create another company for people without much knowledge and skills in order to help people in lower ranks. So he decided to set up a transport company that would hire people to load and unload luggage from airplanes. After doing all the necessary paperwork, he informed the man of God Harry, who encouraged him to proceed. Believing in this new beginning, he went to a job search company to look for employees. The number of people he received was impressive! Today, by the grace of God, over 70 people are working in his new business, among them are former, homeless and alcoholics who have received a second chance at life. Just as Mr. Karangwa looked after these people’s problems, God took care of his family’s problems and blessed him greatly!

Immediately afterward, Mrs. Karangwa shared with the congregation her own experience of how once again God proved His unlimited and selfless love in the life of her family. Two years ago, when she became pregnant with twins. At first, everything seemed to be going well until doctors discovered in the fifth month of pregnancy that her uterus had become too enlarged, which would result in her babies being born prematurely, with the risk of losing their life. Her doctors suggested that she be admitted to the hospital immediately and stay there for the rest of her pregnancy. So she was given two days to pick up her belongings and go back to be admitted. Immediately, Mrs. Karangwa and her husband called the man of God Harry, who prayed for her and assured her that everything would go well. In fact, he told her that she would give birth to her babies at the right time. However, he advised her to follow the doctor’s instructions! Mrs. Karangwa kept these words in her heart and obeyed the instruction given by the man of God. When she returned for admission to the hospital, the doctors wanted to examine her again. The test results were unprecedented! To everyone’s surprise, her womb already closed within two days to its normal size!

Mrs. Karangwa acted with faith and believed with all her heart the words of the man of God. She was willing to obey the instruction, even though it was not that pleasant. Since obedience is the key to blessings, the Lord blessed her with two healthy babies who were not born prematurely. Having seen God’s hand act dynamically in their lives, Mr. and Mrs. Karangwa advised us to obey the instruction we receive from God’s servant if we really want to see changes in our lives. They also promised that they would continue to change people’s lives as God changes their own!


With her family, the 11-year-old Emanyila Chonkova from Bulgaria, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to give all glory to Jesus Christ, confirming the prophecy that she received a few weeks ago from Prophet Harry and testified to the freedom she has been experiencing from that moment!

While standing on the prayer line, waiting for a divine touch, the man of God said: “I see her on a screen all the time… She is 11 years old and now the spirit of fear torments her. She is afraid! Why would an 11-year-old girl be scared?” He then turned to Emanyila and said, “It’s not your time to be using a phone yet at this age… You will grow up, become responsible and then your parents will get you a good phone to use as a tool, to do your work.”

Confirming the prophecy she received, Emanyila said it all began when she asked her parents to buy her a cellphone at the age of eight. Once she was able to convince her parents and they bought her one, she was unable to manage the time she spent with her cellphone. So, she reached the point of constantly using it and watching horror movies on the cellphone with her friends. The negative effects of the cellphone in her life did not take long to see… The horror films caused a great deal of fear, as she woke up at night and, despite her age, wanted to sleep in the same bed with her mother. She also heard footsteps around her house, voices calling her and various shadows. She could not even spend the day alone at home, and when she got home from school she stayed outside in the backyard in the cold, waiting for her parents to return home from work so she would not be home alone. She was also very nervous and could not speak calmly to anyone.

Her parents had absolutely no idea that all of this had been caused by the excessive use of her cellphone, therefore, were unable to properly help her. So they decided to visit SCOAN Thessalonica to join the prayer line, hoping that their problem would finally end. Indeed, the Spirit of God located them and today Emanyila is a different person, all to the glory of the Lord!

After the prayer she received, the spirit of fear and all demonic influences disappeared from her life! Now, she can stay home alone without any problems, even in the dark! She no longer hears steps or voices, sees no shadows and does not wake up at night terrified. On the contrary, she sleeps peacefully in her own bed! Her cellphone addiction is a thing of the past! She has put it aside and uses it sparingly because she now has total control! She can now talk calmly with her parents and follow her school schedule and lessons! Clearly happy, she warmly thanked God for delivering her from the spirit of fear and addiction to her cellphone and advised children of her age to spend less time on their phones and more time with God. Finally, she promised before all to seek the face of God in everything she wants to do and to follow Him throughout her whole life!

We as parents should remember that everything big, starts little. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)


Mr. Olof Leo Awiti, who is native to Tanzania and permanently resides in Finland, decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to honor God for the breakthrough he received in his life.

In 2015 he was planning to travel from Tanzania to Finland, but this required a visa, a document that would allow him to enter and stay in the country. However, at that time it was difficult to obtain visas for Africans who wanted to travel to Europe because of the refugee crisis. Even if he married a woman who was from Finland, it would take two years for him to finally be able to stay in that country with his spouse. When he finally applied for a visa, it took 21 days to receive it, instead of the usual 14 days. After his first trip, he needed to travel again, so, he applied for a visa and because he had not received a response in the first seven days, he decided to contact the man of God Harry to ask for God’s grace to expedite the process. Prophet Harry said to him three times, “Receive in the name of Jesus Christ!”. And so it was! The next day, he received a call from the Finnish Embassy informing him that his visa was ready. Thus, he was able to travel to Finland to marry his wife. However, to stay in the country permanently he needed a residence permit, which he had applied for. The time required to issue it was eight months. However, after 15 months his application was rejected because his passport was declared invalid. He was also warned that if he did not get a new passport soon, he would be expelled from the country despite being married to a woman from Finland.

Overcome with confusion about what happened to him, as twice before he had been granted a visa with the same passport, he informed his country’s embassy and they in turn contacted the Finnish immigration office. But all in vain! One week remained until he would have to be deported, when he decided to contact SCOAN Thessalonica, to ask for prayer because God was his only hope! To his great surprise, three days after the prayer he received, something remarkable and unprecedented happened! The embassy of his country which is based in Sweden sent a representative to Finland to meet with Mr. Olof and to solve his problem. Of course this is not a usual case, as a representative of the embassy is not allowed to resolve individual issues, but the embassy pointed out that this was an exceptional case! With God’s help he was granted a residence permit without the need to obtain a new passport. With deep satisfaction in his heart for the outcome God brought to his case, he advised us to have faith because God’s time is the best and promised to make God’s Word a guide to his life.

God wants to turn our temptation into a confession and our failure into a blessing, provided we involve Him in our affairs. The unpleasant situations and the “foolish” things we encounter on our way are part of our journey to success. Therefore, let us pray as if everything depends on God and let us work as if everything depends on us!


In the photos below, we see people from all over the world coming to the prayer line because they believed that a touch of God’s anointing is enough to change the story of their lives.

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