Once again the Spirit of God honored the congregants of the SCOAN Thessalonica with His presence. There was an overflow of gratitude, joy, honor, thanksgiving and love for God in the atmosphere while the worshippers sang and the hands of the believers were raised! In such an atmosphere, the hearts of the believers blessed God and thanked Him for everything He has done, everything He is doing and everything He will do!

Following, evangelist Stavros Michailidis brought forth a revealing message entitled “YOU NEED MAINTENANCE”. He began by stating that many of us today who ask God for something, such as health, prosperity and the like, once possessed these things but lost them. The problem that Christians have always faced is the maintenance of all the blessings God has given us. Exemplifying the story of the paralytic from the Book of John 5:1-9, who had been disabled for 38 years, the evangelist focused on verse 14: “Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, ‘See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you’”. Explaining, that Jesus meant, if you do not know the purpose of your blessing, you will make foolish mistakes that will cost your life.

Many of us have found ourselves in a similar situation to the paralytic man. We once were praying and making our requests to God with promises attached, but upon receiving our blessings we forgot those promises we made to God. Now, having lived our life outside of God’s will, we once again come with promises to God, asking again for what He had once given us. From this, we understand that people will promise God heaven and earth when they are in need, but do little to nothing when they receive what they asked for. However, Jesus Christ is not only interested in providing a temporary solution to people’s problems; yet, He is concerned about the salvation of our souls.
As Christians, after receiving a miracle we have a role to play – to stop sinning, to leave our old life and to seek our salvation. Thus, from the Word of God, we understand that if we do not prosper in our spiritual life and we seem to prosper in some other areas it is dangerous; satan will enslave us. This is why it is better to not receive, rather than to receive something that we are not ready to maintain. The evangelist continued by emphasizing the positive example of blind Bartimaeus in the Gospel of Mark 10:46-52. He pointed out the last verse, “Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go your way; your faith has made you well’. And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road”, and revealed that Bartimaeus understood that he needed God more in his healing rather than his affliction; he knew that this was the only way he would be able to maintain his healing. From this, we can conclude that maintenance is salvation! Evangelist Stavros concluded that “If we want to get out of the cycle of failure and loss, we must stop asking for a blessing or a miracle, and start seeking salvation because that is what we truly need!”.The miracle we seek is not the end, but it is a means to the end; the end is eternal life!

Mrs. Andriana Sakka, a resident of Thessaloniki, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to express her gratitude to Almighty God for the incredible intervention she experienced in her life – granting her healing from three different afflictions, in an instance!
She began by saying that when she was 7 years old, she was involved in a car accident and because of it she was left with a neck injury (slipped disc). This resulted in her experiencing vertigo, migraines and pain ever since, forcing her to restrict her head movements through her daily activities. She eventually visited a doctor who advised her to wear a neck brace for a few hours during the day so that she could find relief from the symptoms, assuring her that this problem will persist for the rest of her life. So, one Sunday during service at SCOAN Thessalonica, while worshiping she earnestly prayed asking God to take this problem away, and immediately she felt a fire inside. God instantly acted and Mrs. Sakka began to vomit, removing anything that was not of Jesus Christ. Immediately afterward, she tried to move her head in the way that caused her vertigo and pain, and found that she was healed!
However, her testimony does not stop there! Last year, when her father passed away, a great deal of stress and sadness entered her heart. As a consequence, she began to have insomnia and when she finally managed to fall asleep, her sleep was restless. During the day, the stress prevented her from properly managing her time, which rendered her unable to fulfill her obligations. In addition, she noticed that her nails had become very soft and brittle, breaking off at the nail-bed causing her bleeding and aching. This problem affected her at home and at work. Upon visiting a doctor, he diagnosed her with anxiety-induced psoriasis. He then gave her a medication with various ointments and creams, advising her to trim her nails completely and to avoid putting them in water so they would not break. Tired of this situation, she decided to seek prayer from the man of God Harry, by taking part in the prayer line with faith that God could deliver her.

Immediately after the prayer, she noticed that her heart was free of the stress that had afflicted her and joy had taken its place! As for her sleeping, it is now effortless and restful! Insomnia no longer exists and Mrs. Sakka can finally feel rested when sleeping. Thus, during the day she has control over her activities as well as fulfilling her obligations. Furthermore, her nails returned to their normal state without taking the medication prescribed by her doctor!

Last but not least, the third affliction that Mrs. Sakka received healing from, occurred a few days prior when she made a quick movement and felt a very sharp pain in her lower back. From that moment she was unable to sit, bend over or lie down. When she went to the hospital with intolerable pain, she underwent an x-ray and was diagnosed with a slipped 5th lumbar spine vertebra. Her doctor recommended a muscle relaxant and told her to be very careful with her movements and to get plenty of rest. He added that it is something that can not be cured and even surgery would have questionable results.

However, Mrs. Sakka had experienced the power of God in the past and once again she joined the prayer line to receive her permanent healing from Jesus Christ. Immediately after the prayer she received, she found that the pain had disappeared! She began to try all the body movements that she could not do before and quickly noticed that the pain has completely subsided! Having received a package of blessings, she advised us to have faith and not doubt the miracles that God can do!
In reality, we need God to do everything. We need Him to dress, to wash, to sit, to stand up… We need Him for everything! Let us seek Him earnestly every moment, for the devil will tempt us where we think we do not need God!

Mr. Henry Nosa, who lives in Athens, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to testify of the miraculous intervention that God performed in his life, after the prayer he received from the man of God Harry!
Mr. Nosa was facing the problem of unemployment for the past two years! Prolonged unemployment, coupled with the insecurity and fear that it brought, made him feel very bad. He was unable to meet his needs, nor could he meet his obligations. In fact, this situation worsened when his residence permit expired because he did not have the money to pay for the renewal! So, aside from the problem with his documentation, Mr. Nosa constantly saw nightmares during this unemployment period in his sleep! When he would wake up in the morning, instead of feeling rested he felt his whole body aching, as if he was fighting all night! At some point, because the state of his health worried him, he decided to seek the advice of a doctor, but no pathological cause was diagnosed. Then, a friend of his who knew his situation recommended that he visit SCOAN Thessalonica.

So he came and joined the prayer line, hoping and believing that Jesus Christ could solve his problem! Indeed, after the man of God Harry prayed for him and when he returned to Athens a friend of his suggested that they work together! Therefore, he soon managed to raise the necessary money to renew his residence permit in the country, with a validity of 5 years!

Cheerful and giving all the glory to God, he showed his renewed residence card and added that now he sleeps well! The nightmares, bad dreams and pain all over his body have disappeared! Concluding his testimony Mr. Nosa advised us that whatever situation we may be in, to have faith and trust in God!
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7: 7-8)

Mrs. Maria Kalogerakis traveled from Munich, Germany, with her daughter, and attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, on Sunday, to participate on the prayer line in the hope of finding a solution to her problems.
Mrs. Kalogerakis’ problem began in 2011 when she had very serious knee surgery. The surgery was a knee arthroplasty. Although the operation was declared successful according to the doctors’ findings, she was unable to walk for nine years. She would walk very slowly, using a walking stick and shifting all her body weight on the healthy leg. Thus, she found it difficult to walk in her everyday life, making simple movements, such as getting up from her bed or descending the stairs of her home unbearable. As a result, her other leg became strained and, eventually, this caused her back and waist to ache, until the pain spread to both her legs. In addition, she faced the problem of urinary incontinence, which troubled her and tired her very much. However, since she stepped foot in SCOAN Thessalonica, to her great surprise, her incontinence was immediately healed!
Refreshed in her faith as she already saw the anointing of God acting in her life, she stood on the prayer line and when the man of God Harry located her and asked her what she believed Jesus Christ could do for her, Mrs. Kalogerakis replied that the reason she came from Germany is that she believes that Jesus Christ will heal her of all her problems. Then the man of God said to her, “Let it be done according to your faith!”, and as he prayed, the man of God proclaimed her healed and free in the name of Jesus Christ. Immediately afterward, Mrs. Kalogerakis felt relieved, and instantly got up and started walking without any pain, thanking and glorifying God! Just as Jesus did signs and wonders, it is proof once again that His resurrecting power can bring any dead area to life! This means that everything is possible for the one who believes!
Shocked but at the same time thrilled, Mrs. Kalogerakis described the changes after the prayer line, saying that all the pain in her legs, waist and back has become a thing of the past! Now she can do all she could not do before, she can walk and move normally! Even her incontinence has indefinitely stopped! Having received permanent healing from God, she promised her Great Healer to follow Him, serve Him and thank Him daily with her obedience!
Our capacity to believe must be strong enough to attract and accommodate all rights and privileges in Christ!
Visitors from all over the world attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, seeking God’s salvation, healing, deliverance, blessing and solution to their problems. As we can see in the photographs below, they generously received what they were seeking through a divine touch from the man of God Harry.