The atmosphere in the church was full of reverence and anticipation as the believers gathered to praise God. The songs and prayers rose to the Heavens, filling everyone’s hearts with faith and hope.

In this blessed atmosphere, Prophet Giannis stepped up to the altar to deliver his message, entitled “WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?”. He began the sermon with the following question: “If you are a good Christian, why do you run out of faith when things are hard?” First putting God’s people in thought, he explained that if you are a genuine Christian, the faith that brought you to Jesus Christ is the same faith that will preserve you no matter what may come your way. God’s Word states that anyone who has faith like a grain of mustard seed has the power to move mountains! A man can be a Christian in profession and yet not such in heart, he concluded.

Next, he read from Luke 18:8, “I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” So, based on the verse, he pointed out that faith is not just knowing God’s Word, but trusting God to bring about what He has promised. He also stressed the importance of reading the Bible daily, as God does nothing without His Word, while the devil is constantly trying to make us question His truth.

In closing, He emphasised that God will not use a mere listener of His Word, but rather the doer of His Word! Thus, the Prophet urged believers to keep their faith active by acting on God’s Word so that they would see real change in their lives!


In the hustle of modern life, we often take every moment, every day for granted and we often tend to forget that every breath we take and every moment we experience is proof that God is beside us, protecting us and preserving our lives. Embracing this understanding cultivates a sense of gratitude and humility, reminding us to acknowledge and appreciate the Divine influence that guards us day and night. This is the understanding to which Mr. Panagiotis and his young daughter, Joella, from Thessaloniki were led!

It all started a week after the man of God Harry returned from the revival that took place in San Diego, California. The man of God made sure to bring anointed stickers and bracelets for the disciples of the church, those who are with Him 24/7 and have dedicated their lives completely to God. Some disciples did not have the opportunity to attend the event, so the anointed gifts they received were of special significance. Although Miss Joella was not in the category of the church’s disciples, she was also graced to receive a package of blessings that was not meant for her, yet the man of God blessed her.

As father and daughter explained, for the last few years young Joella has been visiting an orthodontist in her country, Albania. On their last trip for the regular visit, Mr. Panagiotis traveled alone after work, while his daughter had gone the day before with her aunt. Tired after several hours of work and a few hours of sleep, Mr. Panagiotis headed to Albania to accompany his daughter to the appointment and after their visit was complete, they headed back home. Almost an hour after they had started their return journey and while they were still in Albania, Mr. Panagiotis and his daughter, due to fatigue and the intense heat, fell asleep while the car was in motion! As a result, Mr. Panagiotis lost control of the steering wheel and the car hit and knocked two pillars on the road! After hearing the sounds of the crash and becoming aware of what had happened, Joella did not want to open her eyes directly as she did not want to see images that she would probably never forget… After opening her eyes, she realised that both she and her father were lying with their heads on the roof of the car, while the car was completely turned upside down! Not yet able to understand what had happened, they got out of the car.

The two were in great shock, in fact, Miss Joella was flooded with terrifying thoughts about her father’s physical integrity just before they got out of the car. “Before my father spoke to me, right after the accident, I didn’t know if he was alive, if he had lost a leg, if he was completely fine!” she confessed with tears in her eyes!

Shortly afterwards, an ambulance arrived at the scene and those reaching the site were sure that the people in the car were definitely dead! However, the people who were in the ambulance and also people passing by who saw what had happened could not believe that Mr. Panagiotis and Miss Joella were the people inside the wrecked car they were looking at. The nurses examined them and they did not find a single scratch on them! As a matter of fact, one of the nurses in the ambulance confided to young Joella that while she has been involved in this job for years, this is the first time she has seen people come out of such an accident unharmed, with such material damage!

God Almighty protected this family through the anointed bracelet and sticker they had with them throughout their trip! God’s protection preserved their lives and so, what the devil planned for destruction, God turned it into a great testimony for His glory!

Such an experience made Mr. Panagiotis and his daughter reconsider many things and understand how important it is to be close to God and to have a good relationship with Him, because none of us knows when our last day on earth will be. Therefore, as they pointed out, we should not take anything for granted, because God is the One who holds our lives in His hands! The mother of the family, Mrs. Enkelenda Bardo, who is extremely grateful that Jesus Christ has protected her family, also wanted to give thanks before the congregation.

Lastly, Mr. Panagiotis’ promise to God Almighty for giving him another chance in this life is that he will maintain his relationship with God forever, while his young daughter promised to do everything she can, everything in her power to glorify the name of God through her life.

God works in mysterious ways. As  His children, therefore, we should not limit  Him because God is not limited in time and space. When His protection is with you, no devil and no man can stand against you.


Have you ever felt that you are not giving your best at your job? Maybe you feel that you have made small and foolish mistakes, or that something is stopping you from doing your best. And if you thought that this is only happening to you, Mr. Mboyo’s story proves again that behind everything there is an unclean spirit!

Mr. Mboyo’s passion for football started at the age of two, when his dream was to become a great professional footballer! He was naturally chasing this dream as he grew up, but he had a hard time finding teams to sign contracts with.

Wishing to be more specific, he said that these challenges started when he was 12 years old, when a football club assured him that they would sign him a contract, yet that never happened. He experienced the same predicament 2 years later.

So, at the age of 18, he was lucky enough to sign a contract with a prominent football club in Germany. In fact, on his debut, he made his way towards the opponent’s nets! But then he was unlucky, as after a hard tackle, Mr. Mboyo hurt his leg, which had to be operated on…

Generally speaking, in terms of his career, he always felt that he was performing at 60% of his potential. While he was good in training, he was not good in the games, he felt he had chains on his feet. Moreover, one season he ran into problems with a coach who told him he was counting on him and believed in him, but later he wouldn’t let him play even a few minutes. The upsetting part was that his teammates would see him scoring in dreams, but in reality, he wasn’t even playing!

As if the stagnation that marked his career was not enough, even his own friends had a negative influence on him, persuading him to go out with them and have fun. As he gave in a few times, he didn’t stop there but began to indulge in pornography and masturbation. He would also see in his sleep that he was being chased or that they wanted to kill him, even women wanting to sleep with him. So, many times he would wake up wet in the morning. As a consequence of the above, he was completely dissociated in terms of his dreaming.

In addition, he had a particular friend who was into horoscopes and zodiac signs. As she was talking to him one day about all this, she gave him a bracelet, and he thought the whole situation was very strange…

After that, and coupled with his lack of progress in his career, he was filled with anger inside, which he channeled mostly towards his teammates and partners in football.

Mr. Mboyo knew something was wrong, but when he sought the cause of his problem from some people, they told him that it was all his parents’ fault. These words led him to distance himself from his family. He stopped talking to them, he stopped inviting them to his games, he even stopped showing them love, knowing of course that the Word of God demands that His children love and respect their parents. The rejection by their son made his parents feel very bad.

Until Mr. Mboyo understood that his situation had a spiritual root. He decided to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, where he participated in the prayer line, receiving the following prophetic word: “Your life has remained stagnant. Nothing goes well. And in the family things are not going well either. I see that you are fighting with them, and it is not only happening to you, it is happening to your parents too. Today you will be free from everything that satan has used!”

During the prayer, Mr. Mboyo was happy to see his body shaking because he was desperately wanting something to happen. Seconds later, he realised that something was coming out of him!

What has changed since that day? But of course everything! First of all, he is filled with hope, not anger! His relationship with his family has been fully restored, and bad dreams are a thing of the past! And as the cherry on top, Mr. Mboyo has been transferred to a better team than his previous one, with higher goals, and certainly with a better contract! Last but most important of all, before the prayer, when he used to go to read the Word of God, he would fall asleep, now he reads the Bible with joy!

“Believe in your dream!”, was his wonderful piece of advice, while he promised to serve the Lord from now on!

Believe in your dream! When you believe in your dream, you become a man of vision! Therefore, do not despair because any challenge or trial that comes your way as you walk the path towards your dream, your calling, is for your spiritual growth. It’s to make you rely on God more and pray more!


Lack of attraction in a marriage can easily lead to divorce. But what can a couple do to restore their lost attraction to each other? The root cause of an unhappy marriage is not always due to natural causes… The devil, intent on stealing every blessing God has given us, very often attacks married couples in order to break up the sacred institution of marriage! One such case was that of Ms. Grace from the United Kingdom!

Prophet John, as he prayed in the prayer line for Ms. Grace, revealed the following through the Holy Spirit: “Marital problems, you don’t know what to do, you’re in despair, ‘What to do about this?’… Arguments, challenges, trials, nothing goes well! But divorce is not a solution, because I see that the devil keeps bringing it up in your mind. He says to you, ‘Get a divorce and everything will be over!’ That is a lie! God united the marriage, and now the devil is coming to divide it. How can blessing come from something like that?”

Mrs Grace, wanting to shed some light on the situation, said that since October 2023, her husband confessed to cheating on her. After this incident, came several thoughts that she should divorce her husband, as this infidelity broke her heart! In fact, she was so hurt that she was planning to take the money from the business she owned with her husband and leave him.

This whole situation affected her dramatically! She stopped eating for two whole weeks, drank only water and as a result, she lost a lot of weight. She stopped cleaning the house and dealing with housework, and so, everything was a mess. There was no peace in her life and she could not even play with her children. In addition, she had several difficulties and fights with her husband, she wanted to spend time alone, since all trust for her partner was gone!

Thank God, however, that He looked at her problem and spoke words of hope into her heart. Having indescribable joy, peace and freedom now, she promised God Almighty to do His work, to become a channel of light where there is darkness, and furthermore, to become an example that a broken marriage can be turned into a good marriage for the glory of God!

God’s will for us is to be happy, healthy and content in Christ Jesus! So, whenever you are faced with a problem that doesn’t agree with this, remember that God is still saying something even when He seems silent. Listen to God’s opinion about you, your situation, and whatever is troubling you before you fall into one of satan’s traps.


Although the act of prayer is a beautiful expression of faith, it is extremely important to be careful about who we receive prayer from! In the same way that millions of believers pray to God for grace and mercy, there is a category of people who pray that their neighbour, their fellow man, will suffer and die! This is what Ms. Christine from Germany had to deal with, suffering from the negative prayers she received not from enemies and people who hated her, but from the pastor of the church her whole family attended!

As Prophetess Eugenia prayed in the prayer line for Ms. Christine, God had this message for her, “I see a man praying for you, but not with the power of God; with the power of the devil! He has powers not from God, but from the devil. This is the root of the problem! From today you will be delivered, the Lord will protect you as you play your part, and you will not have sorrows and bad dreams, because this is where it all comes from. Apart from that, your ancestors used to sacrifice to idols. They poured animal blood! That’s where it all comes from! All the failures, the sicknesses, the obstacles that satan puts in your life and your family, all of it comes from there! But today you will be set free!”

Ms. Christine began by saying that her children went to church, and the pastor of the church told her children that she and her husband were working for the devil. That pastor even told her children that their mother, Ms. Christine, and her husband were going to die because they were working for the devil! This pastor, Ms. Christine added, brought problems to her family because her relationship with her husband and children was strained.

Her dreams were just as bad, and she had health problems, to the point of being unable to get up without assistance.

After the prayer line, she felt that her body was freed! Now, she can stand up and sit down without assistance, she can even dance!

Having indescribable joy, peace and freedom, she promised God Almighty to follow Him!

When your condition is beyond normal, it becomes a curse that only the Great Deliverer can break! Run to Him, for only He has the solution to your problem!

In the following pictures we see the Spirit of God working in the lives of those who have sought Him with a sincere heart, bringing all kinds of breakthrough to their lives!

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