Being moved and in deep awe, those present sang and praised God Almighty! Once again, the atmosphere was highly charged with the anointing of Jesus Christ!

Later on, an inspiring message entitled “BE READY TO FIGHT!”, was followed, by Prophetess Evgenia, in which she mentioned that most Christians have Jesus Christ as a role model, as He did the will of the Father! In a few words, He was a good leader! As Jesus Christ was a good leader and had a purpose, our Lord has given us a purpose on this earth so that we can be good leaders! God did not create us to be mere employees or followers, but to be somebody with a difference so that we can change our society today! Unfortunately, though, because most of us have grown up in a difficult environment, we believe that we can’t make it in life and feel worthless! Some people have lost any kind of meaning in their lives! The prophetess emphasised that your life will become meaningful when you discover God’s purpose for your life! Moreover, she said: “Never make the mistake of telling God that you have nothing to offer because God did not create useless people.” Just like Jesus Christ was able to complete His mission successfully, so you will be able to fulfil your mission in victory! Because, as we follow God’s purpose for our lives, we will encounter challenges and trials, but as Christians, we should not give up, but rather but be ready to fight!

She then took the biblical text from the Book of Judges 11:1-11, which says: “Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty warrior. His father was Gilead; his mother was a prostitute. Gilead’s wife also bore him sons, and when they were grown up, they drove Jephthah away. ‘You are not going to get any inheritance in our family,’ they said, ‘because you are the son of another woman.’ So Jephthah fled from his brothers and settled in the land of Tob, where a gang of scoundrels gathered around him and followed him. Some time later, when the Ammonites were fighting against Israel, the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah from the land of Tob. ‘Come,’ they said, ‘be our commander, so we can fight the Ammonites.’  Jephthah said to them, ‘Didn’t you hate me and drive me from my father’s house? Why do you come to me now, when you’re in trouble?’ The elders of Gilead said to him, ‘Nevertheless, we are turning to you now; come with us to fight the Ammonites, and you will be head over all of us who live in Gilead.’  Jephthah answered, ‘Suppose you take me back to fight the Ammonites and the Lord gives them to me—will I really be your head?’ The elders of Gilead replied, ‘The Lord is our witness; we will certainly do as you say.’ So Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead, and the people made him head and commander over them. And he repeated all his words before the Lord in Mizpah.”

Explaining, she said that Jephthah was born of a prostitute woman, but his father’s wife had other sons, who disowned him. He was rejected by his brothers and his family. However, Jephthah became a very good warrior, as they looked for him back in his country. Even though he was rejected, he was a fighter, and so he could succeed in any trial!

The woman of God added that many of us reject various people, “do not reject someone because of their weakness because you do not know their strength.” she added.

When Jesus Christ preached, some people were angry! But He was ready to fight as He continued to heal, deliver, and bless! Unlike Elijah who, when persecuted, asked the Lord to take his soul! However, When they persecute you for what you believe, it is a chance to face your situation and overcome!

Then, the prophetess emphasised that a good leader must first be a good follower. Jesus Christ had 12 disciples, and as the Lord trained them, He anointed them to continue His work.

In closing, she said that we should not reject people, but we should be ready to fight! All heroes of faith were judged and people wanted to harm them! However, if you become a good leader, you will be a fighting leader! Therefore, We overcome by keeping our purpose, our vision and our mission in the forefront of our minds!


A truly special testimony from Mr. Samuel and his wife, residents of the United Kingdom, were privileged to hear those present at the Sunday Service! They were also privileged to glorify God for the great things He has done in their lives and testify before everyone all the wonderful changes they are experiencing!

During the prayer, Mr. Samuel received the following prophetic word from the Prophetess Evgenia: “There is anxiety. You are stressed about anything but mostly about your future. This is what stresses you the most, and sometimes you can’t concentrate or even sleep, and that makes you tired. You feel tired. What you have to do to have joy and to fill the emptiness in your heart, that only Jesus Christ can fill, is to follow Jesus Christ, and from today, if you’re thinking right, according to the Word of God, whatever you do, you will do it successfully!”.

To begin, Mr. Samuel confirmed 100% what the prophetess said, stating that on his placard he mentioned several of the symptoms of his problem, while the prophetic word revealed its root. The realisation that anxiety was the reason every area of his life was paralysed, led him to a rewind to the past. So, he realised that in 2013, when his parents divorced and while he was still at university, he felt as if he was torn in two, because it was something he didn’t expect to happen, and he couldn’t handle it. This event caused him enormous pressure – as the firstborn of the family – to set himself as the right role model for his family.

Sleep was also an issue for Mr. Samuel, who did not have the necessary peace of mind to sleep, because of the overexertion created by stress. In particular, he mentioned that he slept very little and was so exhausted, that he would fall asleep at the wheel while driving long distances, and it was God’s grace in his life that protected him from serious accidents happening to him, as his friends and acquaintances had.

About his career, while he had many good business ideas, he couldn’t make anything out of them. He couldn’t focus on anything and every time he attempted to make a start, his plans would fall apart, and it was even worse because he was losing money, on top of everything else. So, his anxiety increased and while he tried again from time to time, his efforts fell through. Mr. Samuel could not manage the multiple failures that came his way…

Another problem that Mr. Samuel exposed during his testimony was the scalp ulcer that he had been dealing with since 2016. At that time, he was walking against the will of God, as he knew his calling from a very young age, yet he was not willing to follow it. At that time, his anxiety multiplied, and almost out of nowhere his scalp began to bleed, and it became purulent. The inflammation spread throughout his entire scalp, causing him to lose hair and fill his pillow with blood, forcing him to use a towel. He could not cut his hair because he was bleeding, and also feeling heat on his head. He tried so many medications, with no results, so he stopped going to the doctors, started isolating himself and all of this was causing him additional stress.

Mr. Samuel said that the end of 2022 was a turning point in his life because he realised that he had run away from God long enough and turned back to Him, to be under His protection. When the way opened to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, he didn’t expect he would be delivered all at once, as the years he had been disoriented were many, so he expected that God would locate him and that he would receive prayer, but he did not expect to receive a prophetic word that would so specifically expose the root of all of his problems.

Since then, Mr. Samuel has felt immense peace in his heart, seeing anxiety lessened and concluded that he must protect his deliverance by staying close to God.

Regarding his professional steps, Mr. Samuel said that after the prayer he experienced a breakthrough that cannot be explained by common sense! He is a businessman who takes care of sick people as well as he manages people who work as health visitors. Although there are situations that need to be resolved, at the same time there is a steady economic upswing! In addition, he has cars in his company’s inventory, accommodating his employees so that they visit the patients they need to nurse. His employees reach the number of 20 at the moment and the workforce is steadily growing, as are their salaries, while the company’s profit has doubled in just one month! In fact, he was able to add 5 more cars to the fleet, so to reach even greater distances and take care of more and more people!

Experiencing God’s hand so tangibly in his life, Mr. Samuel said that he is full of gratitude and truly happy as he was richly blessed to become a channel of God’s inexhaustible blessing and help as many people in need as he can! In addition, the ulcer on his head has disappeared!

Mr Samuel’s wife, Mrs Elizabeth, confirmed everything that her husband had said adding that he now sleeps so well that if she does not wake him up, he just sleeps!  Full of gratitude towards God for the changes in her husband’s life, Mrs. Elizabeth wanted to give God all the glory, as she also received a prophetic word from the prophetess during her visit to church on that divine day! The prophetic word she received is as follows: “I see a spiritual husband coming in your dream. He destroys your relationship and generally destroys everything good that God wants to give you. One of them is that the Lord wants to bless you, give you a financial breakthrough. But the devil wants to stop that. As you will be delivered, what the Lord has put in your heart and goes through your mind, do it! The reason the spiritual husband is coming is that it used to happen to your ancestors too. Because they sacrificed to idols.”

Mrs. Elizabeth confirmed the prophecy given to her and said that she understood the reason she was having strange dreams. Her ancestors worshipped satan, and that presence was always there to harass her in her life. Her husband confirmed the prophecy, saying that while they loved each other as husband and wife, there was something that at times made him furious and ruined their relationship, although he is a very calm man.

Continuing her testimony, Mrs. Elizabeth said that once while driving, an alcoholic jumped before her, causing a serious car accident, thus breaking her right ribs and remaining in the house for a whole year with 75% disability due to back pain. After the necessary medical procedures, so that the doctors could restore her bones to their proper position in her arm, her entire right side remained paralysed and numb from time to time. The doctors told her that she would never be in the same condition as she was before the accident, and that she would not be able to return to her professional duties.

Giving all the glory to God for the healing she received, Mrs. Elizabeth mentioned that before the prayer she could not stand, she could not raise her hand or turn it over, she could not even move her fingers, showing the attendants that she could now do all of these things and even more!

Mrs. Elizabeth now feels strong and has peace in her heart that she cannot describe in words! Their marital life is peaceful and harmonious, they do not fight, and she feels happy, also she has never again experienced the strange dreams of the past. Professionally, she now works full-time as a healthy person, fully functioning in society! She feels no pain and can do anything! As a human resources manager, she hires people from all over the world and channels them into the health sector. Financially, she has been blessed seven times more!

Her advice to the congregation is to seek a living church and not rely on their understanding of things, but in all things to recognise the Lord so that He may guide their steps! Mr. Samuel’s advice is to remember that God is always there speaking to them. Furthermore, he urged the congregation to trust in the Lord with all their hearts, as God, as the Father that He is, wants to talk to His children on a daily basis, thus building a close relationship with them!

Anxiety and fear stop us from making important decisions about our lives. Satan attacks you where you think you don’t need God! But you do need God in everything you do!


For 2 very difficult months, Ms. Anna suffered from a pain in her dislocated knee, which prevented her from walking normally. Seeking first Jesus’ opinion on this issue, she travelled from the UK and joined the prayer line, believing that the pain was not her portion as a child of God.

She received prayer from prophetess Evgenia, and immediately afterwards she got up and started walking normally, without pain! “After the man of God touched my knee, I felt a warmth in that spot, then I knew I was well!”, she said after the service. Full of joy, she couldn’t stop walking, praising God that in a moment her problem that had appeared 2 months ago in the blink of an eye disappeared.

In the end, she promised the Lord to continue to pray without ceasing, praising Him continually!

Your capacity to believe must be strong enough to attract and accommodate all the rights and privileges in Christ!


Coming from Spain, Ms. Paola was facing some thoughts, thoughts that did not allow her to move forward. So, she visited the Synagogue Church Of All Nations Thessalonica!

During the laying on of hands, an unclean spirit was manifested through her when Prophet Stavros prayed for her, saying: “She cannot go to work! She feels rejected. She does not believe in herself. She thinks everyone hates her, I made her think that!” The next thing that happened was the servant of God rebuked the unclean spirit, and Ms. Paula received her deliverance, in the name of Jesus Christ!

“When I entered the hall, I felt the presence of angels!” were her first words after the service. Then explaining the demon’s words, she said that for so long she felt as if she had been living in a cage. The reason was that she felt that the people around her did not love her. Thus, she was filled with negative thoughts about herself. As a book author, even though she was told that her writings had quality content, she still didn’t believe in her abilities…

In an attempt to find a solution, she received a prayer from a certain person, however, instead of helping her, this prayer exacerbated the negative thoughts she was having.

Unable to escape these thoughts, her relationships with people around her were affected, as was her relationship with her husband.

But now, believing that she has been set free, she is ready to fulfil her dreams and she is full of confidence! Her advice is to seek Jesus, because only He can change our situation, and she promises to draw closer to Him!

Believe in your dream! When you believe in your dream, you become a man of vision!


Mr. Solomon, from far away Dubai, has been visiting the Synagogue Church Of All Nations Thessalonica for seven weeks now so that he could see first-hand the miracles he has heard being performed in the lives of believers around the world!

During the laying of hands, Prophetess Evgenia approached him and asked him the following: Who is the girl in the picture you are holding? The girl will be healed, but I see something else in her. She is suffering from depression! She may look happy, but inside she is not, she is isolating herself and crying. I also see that she doesn’t have a good relationship with men. Something is not right, she cannot settle down. But it doesn’t matter, as you are here today, distance is not a barrier for God to heal her and deliver her from depression, as this is an attack, and her family has the same problem. The devil came into her weakness with a spirit of death to kill her, to make her commit suicide. But the Lord is protecting her because somebody is praying for her! So, let her know that from today she is free! You will call her and tell her that she should read the Word of God every day!”

After the incredible prophetic word he received, Mr. Solomon wanted to confirm everything that Prophetess Evgenia said about the girl in the photo!

First, he explained that the girl is the daughter of a very good friend of his. She herself suffers from various psychological issues. As a result of this, she often wanted to end her life.

At the moment, as Mr. Solomon explained, the girl has been paralysed in Dubai for 10 years. As a consequence, nothing in her personal life is moving forward. Her father tries in every way to help her, but all his efforts have been in vain…

Mr. Solomon stated that he would do exactly what Prophetess Evgenia told him and call this girl to tell her that she is free through Jesus Christ who continues to work miracles in our days! He promised to continue to speak and spread the name of Jesus Christ throughout the world!

Distance is not a barrier for Jesus Christ to locate you. Nothing can stand between you and Him, even if the problem that in your eyes seems like a mountain. Therefore, keep seeking His face, and the best will come into your life!

The photos below depict visitors from all over the world who have come to experience the Great Healer, Great Provider, Great Deliverer and Saviour, whose name is Jesus Christ!

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In an atmosphere full of life and fervour, the believers gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, raising their voices in gratitude and praise. Afterwards, a revealing message entitled “YOUR GREATEST ENEMY” was delivered by the man of God Stavros, in which he discussed…

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In a warm and spiritually refreshing atmosphere, the believers raised their voices and hearts with hymns of praise to God. The auditorium was filled with deep feelings of gratitude, faith and joy as those present prayed and sang with all their hearts. In this atmosphere of faith and praise, the believers…

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With time already ticking down to the arrival of the new year, the children of God gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica! They were waiting to hear a message that would give them the right advice and the truth is that God did not disappoint them, as the message of Prophet Javier was entitled “RENEW YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!”…

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With hearts filled with anticipation and faith, the congregation gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, eager to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere, the man of God, George Christodoulou, took the pulpit with a powerful message for every…

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In an atmosphere filled with awe, worship, and unwavering faith, people from all corners of the world gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, hoping to witness the hand of God that would bring the long-awaited solutions they had sought in their lives. Soon, man of God Giorgos Athanasiadis…

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With gratitude and awe, the believers gathered at the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to praise Jesus Christ. The voices of the believers were filled with love and faith and they rose to Heaven through prayers. Every song was dedicated to the One who sacrificed Himself, rose again, and reigns for the salvation of the world with power and love. Thus, the Prophet reached the title of the message, which was “YOUR ASSIGNMENT AS A CHRISTIAN”…

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With hearts full of anticipation and faith, believers gathered at the Christian Church Οf All Nations – Thessalonica, longing to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere of faith, Prophet George Christodoulou stepped up to the altar with a message that touched everyone’s hearts, entitled: “COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD!”

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In a joyful and spiritual atmosphere, the believers of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica gathered to worship and praise God. The message entitled “MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES” was given by man of God Javier, encouraging believers to change their lifestyle one small step at a time and teaching…

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