The Sunday Service of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, was truly a beautiful experience for those who attended the prayer mountain! With the well-established “walk and pray”, the believers expressed their thanksgiving to the One who always reveals His power in any circumstance of life!

In his divinely inspired message entitled “ΤESTED BUT NOT FORSAKEN”, evangelist Sorin from Romania, stated that, indeed, God’s children desire to give their best to Him, because the Lord also gave His best to His children! However, many Christians today lack the patience to go through the process God has appointed for them to make them fit to be used for His glory! Therefore, we need the trials, difficulties and persecution to make us fit for Jesus Christ as true Christians.

In the course of the sermon, the evangelist referred the congregation to the book of Genesis 39:20-23, “Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined. But while Joseph was there in the prison, 21the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. 22So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. 23The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did”. He emphasized that Joseph, though he did not deserve it, was imprisoned because of his integrity and his faith in God. But at no time did he ever fall into self-pity, nor was he ever filled with anger and offense within him. He had in the front of his mind his vision, his goal and his mission! He knew that victory in Christ Jesus is not for those who quit but for those who endure!

Similarly, we are called to do the same as followers of Jesus Christ; as the evangelist emphatically mentioned, “There is something far more important than your present situation – your divine destiny!”. So, he urged the attendants to focus not on the problem, the difficulty, but on God’s purpose for their lives, because personal improvement and fulfillment in life come through the continual process of learning from both negative and positive experiences.

Coming to the end of his message, the evangelist gave guidelines for dealing properly with challenges, saying that whatever situation you are in as a Christian, it would be too early to grumble, murmur, complain or take a shortcut without finding out what God says about it!


In James 1:3 God’s Word says: “because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance”. This was the case for Ms. Tatiana, who came from Spain to confess how the Almighty God brought final restoration to her life as she waited with patience!

Mrs. Tatiana stood in the prayer line of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, with the faith that Jesus Christ would give her what she was seeking. So, as the man of God, Harry, was ministering, he said to her, “Sometimes you think God is speaking to you, but  is not God, it is an unclean spirit. This unclean spirit wants to shame you. Our heart is the communication point with the Holy Spirit, but it is also the communication point with satan. If God wants to talk to you, He will talk to your heart. If satan wants to talk to you, he will talk to your heart. So, knowledge of the Bible is required to be able to discern the voice of God and the voice of satan. If it is good, it is God. If it is evil, it is satan. It’s very simple, you just need to spend more time with God’s Word. If you want to get to the level where you hear the voice of God, that can be done at the deepest level, but you are still at the deep level. From the deep you have to go to the deeper, and then to the deepest, before you can begin to hear God. There has been disappointment in the past, somebody had disappointed you and it has hurt you. So, I want you to forgive and forget. Move forward because the best is coming!”.

Having the conviction that Jesus Christ brought an end to the sadness in her life, she came back to give her wonderful confession!

She began by saying that in the past she had had many disappointments and much pain from her relationships and also from her marriages. She had already divorced twice, and she felt like everything was over for her, as she felt no motivation for anything! She didn’t see herself as someone able to have a family. All these problems filled her with sadness and uncertainty, making her constantly feel an emptiness inside. Even when she tried to have a relationship with someone, in order to get married, she was always led to disappointment!

Mrs. Tatiana, however, had realized that all that she was facing was as a result of the curses in her family. Her grandmother was into witchcraft, and so, in the family there were many marriages, but also many divorces. For this reason, Mrs. Tatiana always sought a spiritual solution to the problems she faced, because she knew that she was in need of liberation.

So, as she persevered in prayer, she received the package of blessings that God had prepared for her! A month after the prayer she had received from the man of God, Harry, she met her future husband, who stood by her side so that he in turn could give all the glory to God! But in addition to this wonderful prophecy she received, God also restored other areas of her life!

After 20 years of living in Spain, she was able to obtain Spanish citizenship – a very important achievement, as without this document she would not have been able to live in America with her future husband. Since Mrs. Tatiana is originally from Russia, it would be very difficult – even impossible – for her to travel anywhere, as Russia is at war with Ukraine. Yet, she remains grateful to God because, even though her husband is originally from Ukraine, God was able to bring them together!

Joy, happiness and peace are some of the feelings that characterize Mrs. Tatiana’s life now! Her future is bright with joy and many gifts from God!

The advice she gave to God’s children is to never give up, persevere and seek God’s answer in every situation! Finally, she promised to follow Him and seek His presence forever!

Victory in Christ Jesus is not for those who quit but for those who endure! No situation is permanent, we need the right people to show us the way of salvation as well as the way to success!


Mr. Ademola’s coming to the prayer mountain from Germany was all he needed, as the Spirit of God visited him in a mighty way and delivered him!

While standing in the prayer line, the man of God Michael approached him and after praying for him, he gave him a prophetic word: “You have two friends. They are satanic. They are also friends… with him. Satan is their friend. What is going on with you? Why are you with them? They influence you in a bad way. Do you want to be like them? Do you know what you must do? Be like Jesus! I see you have a star. This is why you receive these attacks. I do not know where to start! Anger? Lust? Worry? Depression? Nightmares? All of this is an attack! But you have a star, this is why you have these attacks! Today you are free! Jesus will use you mightily! You are young! Build your relationship with Jesus. You will see His mighty hand in your life. As for these people who are friends with satan, leave them alone. Run away from evil! You have light in your soul and you go with people of the dark… You will lose the light you have in you! You are here, where are they? They are smoking cannabis, they are drinking alcohol, they are beating people up… this is not for you. This is not your future. Be careful. We do not play with God!”.

Mr. Ademola then confirmed the prophetic word he had received, saying that it was completely accurate. He even felt as if the prophet had read his whole story, as everything he said was exactly as it had happened, in every detail!

Indeed, his friends were involved in various negative activities. They smoked cannabis, drank alcohol and did other similar things.

He referred to the attacks he faced on a personal level, saying that he could not sleep well and even the slightest thing would wake him up. He also suffered from nightmares, lust, anger and severe depression. He said that after his father’s death he fell into depression, which affected him negatively on a daily basis. Equally negative was the lust in his life and he had become addicted to pornography, masturbation, as well as engaging in relationships with many women.

Another problem he had was stress and anxiety. He worried a lot about many issues. One of them, for example, was his professional restoration, because as a basketball player, he was not given the right opportunities in line with his abilities and potential.

Free and determined after the prayer, he promised to act upon the instructions he received from the man of God Michael regarding his relationship with God. He also promised to read the Word of God more, to pray and to keep his distance from his “friends” who had been influencing him negatively so far. Finally, he promised to serve God Almighty for the rest of his life!

Who do you receive influence from daily? Remember, when you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you are changed and you become a person who is guided by the Heavenly Father and not by the influence of others.


Mr. Anezi came from America to experience the power of God working mightily in his life! During the prayer line and as God’s anointing was working powerfully through His anointed servants, God spoke into his life through Prophetess Evgenia, saying: “There is an idol in the family that is destroying you and wants to kill you all. There are sicknesses in the family, but the Lord will deliver you today and you will receive breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus Christ! You are blessed! What you need to do is preach the Word of God. You love God and you need to be more committed to this and you will see, God will use you!” After a few minutes, God brought total restoration to his life and sent the man of God Michael to tell him the following: “You have not written anxiety on your placard. This is number one! I see you at night full of anxiety worrying about tomorrow. Don’t worry about tomorrow, there is a verse that says not to worry about tomorrow, sufficient for the day is its own evil. You need Jesus!”.

Recalling his past, Mr. Anezi said that his relatives used to worship idols. They even offered animals, food and wines to the idol. About the sicknesses, he recalled that his grandmother and father were constantly ill. Thus, many of his relatives died of various sicknesses!

This idol also affected the career of his family members since all of them have always been stagnant. Concerning his relationship with God, he said that he always had love for God, but he was looking for something more!

About the anxiety he was facing, he stated that he was always worried about his future as it seemed uncertain. Now, he feels happy and grateful to God and promised to completely surrender to Him!

Life is a battlefield and the sooner you realise that, the wiser you shall be! Seek God through His Word and you will see His hand at work in your life!


Mr. Abraham, who came from as far away as Canada to learn God’s view of his life, called this day incredible!

During the prayer line, the man of God Michael prayed for Mr. Abraham and, through the Holy Spirit, gave him these prophetic words: “Forgive and forget! This woman was not from God, but now you will find a woman. Please fix your relationship with God because you can destroy this woman! If you do not have a good relationship with God, you will not have a good relationship with your wife. Put God first in your life. She is a very beautiful woman! Take care of yourself, too, in all areas”.

Mr. Abraham, wanting to confirm those words that came directly from heaven, mentioned that he was married for seven years to a woman who was into black magic, until he divorced her this year. He stressed that he had a lot of guilt because he felt he had let God down. So, he asked for a Word from God in regards to his decision to divorce this woman, which was given to him! The problem he had with this woman was that the way she was acting was not in agreement with God’s Word. His heart was troubled for seven years…

In addition, he grew up in a Muslim community and he was the first in his family to become a Christian, and as a result, he received a lot of rejection from his family environment. His heart was quite broken because of this issue. His relationship with God was therefore negatively affected.

Filled with gratitude to God and feeling relieved as a great burden was lifted from him after the prayer he received, he promised the Lord that he would worship Him, glorify Him and grow in the spirit!

Our relationship with God is the foundation so that the relationship we have with other people can be maintained! Therefore, build your relationship with God, redefine your relationship with your Creator, and you will find that whatever you do, whatever you receive in your life, you will be able to maintain it!


Mrs. Rachael came from Germany to the prayer mountain of the SCOAN Thessalonica, where she had a wonderful experience, as she described.

When Prophetess Evgenia prayed for her at the prayer line, an unclean spirit manifested from within her, exposing the devil’s plans for her: “I want to destroy her ministry! I do not want her to progress! I want to give her shame! I want her ministry to run down!”. Then the Prophetess declared her free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Afterward, Mrs. Rachael gave more information about what happened. More specifically, she talked about how she believes God called her to be His minister and a chosen vessel of His power. Following her heart, while still in Nigeria, she formed a group of people of the same faith with whom she preached the Gospel and prayed for people in the name of Jesus Christ.

After she moved to Germany, every opportunity she had to engage in God’s work was blocked – for some inexplicable reason! So, she was overjoyed to hear that all this struggle would come to an end!

Her promise to the Giver of her freedom is to spread the good news of the blessing she has received, as she is delivered from every chain that held her back and also to return to give her testimony, hence all the glory to Jesus Christ!

The bad news is that satan came to steal, kill and destroy. The good news is that Jesus Christ, as a light in the darkness, came to expose, nullify and destroy satan’s plans! Wherever you are, call upon His name, believing that He has already taken care of your situation!

The following highlights prove that Jesus Christ never said goodbye and He continues to empower His disciples to change the world!

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