Another memorable Sunday for the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, took place in the Holy prayer mountain, where, as always, the focus of the attendees was on how to strengthen their relationship with God, glorifying Him. Following the instructions of the man of God, Harry, through “walk and pray” – a way of prayer passed down to the man of God by his spiritual father, Prophet T. B. Joshua- the congregation tuned directly into the heavenly frequency.

Then, evangelist Sorin took the floor, with a stimulating message entitled “SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS NEEDED”. The evangelist started off by saying that today people think that the end has come, but for a child of God living in the light, the best is always yet to come! Today people say there is no way, but for a believer, God always makes a way where there seems to be no way! People lose hope, but those who rely on God’s Word say, “My problem is over because of what Jesus did on the cross!”. Therefore, we can clearly see that we have been fighting a spiritual battle between light and darkness for thousands of years. Jesus Christ has overcome, but that is not enough if we want to overcome, because we have a part to do as well. Anyone who desires victory must be prepared to embrace war, because victory is a product of war!

Ephesians 6:10-18: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people”.

The Apostle Paul is one of the greatest men of God in the Bible. During the time he was writing this letter, he was in a very difficult situation, imprisoned in Rome. Through his situation, however, Apostle Paul teaches us three basic truths:

1. How to know our enemy

Even among Christians there are fights over silly things and that’s because we don’t recognize our real enemy! If we fail to see that there are powers that cause one to be bowed down in bondage, we will fight the wrong battle. The devil is the tempter, and he uses our situation to distract us from the good fight of faith!

2. How to know the strategies of our enemy

Satan is not in the physical, but in the supernatural. Thus, we cannot fight him with physical weapons, but with the Word of God! Therefore, we should continue the good fight of faith in love for our fellow man and not by attacking each other. Satan takes our weaknesses and limitations and uses them to “bind” us! Therefore, lest we be unarmed against him, we should not walk according to the physical, but according to the spiritual! To do this, we need the eternal truth and the understanding of God’s Word, through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians choose to read only certain parts of the Bible, but in order to know the truth, our knowledge of the Bible must be broad and holistic, and in this way, Satan cannot bring us down with his tricks and methods! The first place to be victorious is in our spiritual life and in our mind, because victory does not start around us; it begins within us.

3. How to overcome satan practically and effectively

As Christians, whenever we are tempted, we should always remember that our foundation, our defence and our answer is simply the written and eternal Word of God! God’s Word must become the basis for our personal opinion. This is what our Lord Jesus Christ did in every situation as His heart was filled with the Word.

In conclusion, the evangelist read the biblical passage again, encouraging believers to be strengthened in the Lord and put on the armor of God, following the instructions of the man of God, the Apostle Paul. As the evangelist emphasized, let us always remember that when God is involved in our battle, our victory is assured because the extent of His care and the strength of His might in our lives weaken and frustrate our adversaries!


Ms. Halyna, from Ukraine, was present at the prayer mountain to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the deliverance she received a year ago when she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, for an issue that had tormented her for almost all her life.

She said that when she was about four years old, she suffered from alopecia, a disease that caused her to lose some of her hair. Her parents, in their attempt to find a solution to her problem and after taking her to various doctors to no avail, decided to take her to a spiritualist. The spiritualist, as a form of therapy, gave them a tape with a recording of his voice, with the instruction that the then little Ms. Halyna should listen to it every night, with the lights off and the doors of her room closed!

Hearing the strange and unfamiliar voice of the spiritualist, who even addressed her by her name on the tape, had the effect of creating intense fear in her heart. From then on, she was afraid to be alone in the house and felt the presence of some sinister entity around her, watching and chasing her! She was so afraid that when she felt that someone was looking at her, she could not even turn her head to see who was behind her! In fact, she pointed out that in her country the lights were turned off every few days and she was so afraid of being alone in her house in the dark that she preferred to wait for her parents to come back from work out in the street!

Furthermore, reaching the age of ten, Ms. Halyna had a friend who used to put on horror movies. When she was invited home, they watched the movies with the lights off, which further aggravated the feeling of fear she already had from a younger age. This had a very negative effect on her and further aggravated her already difficult psychological state! As soon as it started to get dark, her usual, daily agony, would begin, and she would call her brother to come and take her home, because she could not go out on her own, due to the fears she was experiencing. Her fear was so intense that it paralyzed her, she couldn’t move and she would remain motionless in her spot! In addition, she would have very bad nightmares, almost every night, of creatures chasing her with the intention of killing her, or of being in unknown, dark, and very scary places, with no way to escape. The nightmares she had were so intense that even when she woke up, she would lie still in bed and have to wait for a long time before she could be herself again…

Ms. Halyna explained that because this situation of constant fear was a daily experience for her since she was a child, she never thought of asking for help, as she considered it to be something normal and ordinary, until last year, when she visited the Synagogue, Church of All Nations in Thessalonica, and saw the spirit of fear written on a placard in the prayer line! This encouraged her to join the prayer line for the same reason, which she did!

After the prayer line, the fear disappeared and she no longer feels that dark presence that has haunted her for most of her life! The nightmares have stopped and she is now free, feels great, has peace in her heart, and is thankful to God for her freedom! Since then, she has not run away scared anymore, and even if she has a bad dream, which happens very rarely, she has the strength to fight it, because she knows that the Lord Jesus Christ is on her side!

Her advice to those who may be facing a similar problem is to trust God, to know that He is protecting their every step, and to not be afraid but to ask Him to be with them to fight their every battle, because He is able and willing to do so at any time! She also promised that she will listen to Him and obey His Word!

Fear and insecurity dominate a life without faith, but we, as children of God, have a Savior, His name is Jesus Christ and He has promised: “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).


Equipped with the necessary faith, Ms. Alice from the UK came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to receive the divine freedom she had been seeking for in her life!

As the man of God, Harry, prayed for her, he said these prophetic words to her, “God has set you free from premature death, because it has been like that in the family. That is the end of it; you are disconnected today. You will begin to see your life start moving from now on!”. In saying this, he proclaimed her free in the name of Jesus Christ!

Shortly afterwards, Ms. Alice confirmed the truthfulness of what was said by the man of God, Harry, by explaining the circumstances of her daily life. For example, she mentioned that every time she drove, she had a strange feeling that an accident would happen. Even when she was walking or in business meetings, she was afraid that people around her would say something negative, something bad. Moreover, when she entered a room without light, she felt an unclean presence in that space, which filled her with fear. She wouldn’t find relief from the spirit of death in her sleep either, since, when she slept, she felt as if someone was pressing on her throat! When this happened, she would wake up agitated, full of fear! In general, fear had robbed every inch of her life!

In addition, Ms. Alice stated that she used to suffer from asthma for many years! The times she had to be hospitalised in an Intensive Care Unit were many. The doctors treating her would give her medication, but still, they feared that they would never be able to control the course of the disease. Thus, even they were pessimistic about her health.

Finally, she confessed that death had crept into her family for good. To illustrate, her sister, some of her cousins, and other close relatives, had died very young! As was normal, the losses of her loved ones created some unanswered “whys” regarding the reason behind her experiencing such situations. So, again, she was filled with fear within her.

Now, with the root of the problem exposed by the Spirit of God, fear has been replaced by joy! Ms. Alice feels free as the Lord has answered her prayer request!

It is true that the devil came to steal, kill and destroy. However, Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil and to give abundant life to His children! Receive abundant life today with faith in your heart!


A wonderful example of God’s intervention in the lives of those who love Him is the case of Ms. Maryam from Manchester, United Kingdom, who had the joy of visiting the Holy mountain, where she received a prophetic word that was to realign the course of her life!

The Holy Spirit spotted Ms. Mariam in the line of prayer and she was given the following prophetic word through the man of God, Harry: “Be wary of your friends! Be careful who you are friends with, because nobody is above influence. If your friend is a good person, they will have a good influence on you, but if the person is wicked person, they will have wicked influence on you. Be careful because I am seeing you are influenced, going into worldly ways. Don’t follow that way of lifestyle, it will not help you. So, make sure you read your bible, pray, establish your relationship with Jesus first, and God will bring you good people to be your friends”.

Ms. Mariam wanted to confirm the prophetic word given to her by thanking God for not passing her by, and said that she already knew that she was being negatively affected by her friends and, while she knew that this was not right, she continued to be influenced by them, causing friction with her family because of her nights out at the clubs, and her late returns home… The bad influence of her friends sometimes made her drink, smoke, listen to worldly music, and follow her friends in various activities. She said that she knew she needed to draw closer to God and that this way of life was distancing her from Him. She used to pray, read the Bible and listen to Christian music in the past, but she almost completely stopped. She only prayed every few weeks and stopped studying her Bible…

After the prophetic word and instruction in righteousness given to her, she believes that she has received a blessing and an opening in her life, and that, when she returns to her country, she will be able to refocus on spending time with her Creator and Saviour, studying His Word, persevering in prayer, and listening to Christian music, so that she can be spiritually strengthened and able to resist anything that distracts her from God’s will in her life.

She now feels great because she knows what she needs to do, and believes that God has given her this message to correct her and put her back on His path, to follow Him and not the world. Finally, she promised to always follow Him, and to be careful, pointing out that the Lord has already put in her heart what He wants her to do in life, and also to obey His will, disregarding worldly things, leaving them behind!

As God’s Word teaches us, if you make God your heart’s delight, you will have your heart’s desire. As the Almighty God states in the book of Jeremiah 29:11, “‘For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’”. 


It was a day of blessing for Ms. Christine from the UK, as it was the day Jesus Christ set aside to give her a new life!

During the prayer line, the man of God, Harry, delivered the following prophecy to her: “So, there is something going on in your womb. Something’s going on, something is turning, moving. You know, sometimes it will give you the sensation that this is pregnancy, this is baby. It is not a baby, this one is a fibroid, something has been trying to form. Sometimes you begin to see the traces, clot of blood coming out, pieces of blood. So, don’t worry, as I am telling you this, this will be the end of it! God loves you!’’. After that, the man of God prayed for Ms. Christine, declaring her free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Later, expressing her joy for the beautiful experience at the prayer mountain, she said that the content of the prophetic word is completely true. In particular, she strongly felt something moving inside her womb. Moreover, she noticed that sometimes clots of blood were coming out of her body. These problems had occurred twice over the time that she had her period.

As she emphasised, this situation was not easy, it was a problem for her. However, her faith in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ was enough for her to receive this much-needed healing! Now, fully rejoicing in the Heavenly blessing she received, she promised God to focus more on Him!

Indeed, in the presence of God, healing and deliverance are like breathing! Hold on in faith to the One who has promised not to let you down or forsake you, and you will see His greatness in your life.


Mrs. Mercy Balasu from the UK had the special joy of receiving a miraculous prophecy from the Man of God Harry last Sunday on the holy prayer mountain, which brought freedom, peace and joy to her heart as she now knows that the issue that has been bothering her intensely is now a thing of the past, as she is in the capable hands of Jesus Christ!

The Holy Spirit through the man of God, Harry, gave her the following prophetic word: “Sister don’t worry – you will have your baby. Don’t worry! All that has happened to you was a result of evil attack. Satan has been attacking you and attacking you in the spirit, but now you are free, it is out. You are delivered, you will get a breakthrough!”.

Relieved and thankful to God, Ms. Mercy fully confirmed what the Holy Spirit revealed to her, stating that she has suffered more than 6 miscarriages in a period of 7 years! As she explained this was after a dream in which she saw that she was bleeding and losing her baby… This was devastating to her and she felt unworthy as a woman every time it happened to her. She visited various doctors and had various tests and tried everything that was scientifically possible in an attempt to find the cause of her problem, however, it was not possible to justify any medical reason for these miscarriages happening to her.

As a result, she lost hope and agonized, as she experienced sadness and mourning for the pregnancies that ended unexpectedly. In fact, seeing friends and acquaintances carrying and delivering their babies, she would fall into even greater grief and wonder what was happening with her, or if she herself was responsible for the problem.

All that is now a thing of the past, because she is now happy and absolutely sure that she will give birth to a child, by the grace of God. In fact, she said that just hearing the voice of the man of God, Harry, before she was even given the prophecy, she felt a redemptive powerful force in her heart while walking and praying!

She now feels peace, joy and knows she is on the right track. In addition, she promises to build a stronger relationship with God, to live her life fully according to His Word, and that she will return to give her testimony after she has been able to give birth, in the name of Jesus Christ, thanking her Redeemer for the full restoration of her life!

Jesus Christ is the same, His anointing is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. “Leave all your cares to him, for he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

Pictured below we see snapshots of people from all over the world receiving healing, deliverance, and all kinds of blessing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

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