Believers from all over the world came to Greece to experience a touch from God, believing that Jesus Christ would erase their past and give birth to a new future within them!
With the New Year just around the corner, the man of God Harry stated that the choices people made in previous years determined the life they enjoy today. He particularly spoke about God’s children.

Specifically, he pointed out that the vast majority of problems that Christians face exist not because God wants to test them or see them suffer, but because they did not make the right decisions in the past. Thus, in keeping with the Word of God, he said that whatever a person sows, whether good or bad seed, that is what they will reap in the end. Therefore, there is no reason for the child of God to blame God or satan for their poverty or sickness.
Then the Prophet mentioned that there is the Holy Spirit, which is the kingdom of light, and the unclean spirit, which is the kingdom of darkness. He emphasised that the spirit of man can never be free; he either yields to the Spirit of God or to satan.
The servant of God also stated that Jesus Christ is more interested in our obedience than our sacrifice, as our obedience determines whether we are in His will. In conclusion, he said that no one can say “no” to sin without the help of the Holy Spirit and he encouraged the congregation to begin a new life of obedience to God by acting upon His Word, as the Lord lives in His Word and He does nothing without it!

Mrs. Augusta came from England to receive a prayer that would change the story of her life. As she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, she joined the prayer line and the man of God Harry gave her a prophetic message, which was as follows: “The spirit of death is worrying you. Dead people visit you in the dream and give you food to eat and many nasty things. This is an attack and that is why it always causes you different diseases in your body. You start having stomach problems, headaches, leg pains. One thing goes away and another comes. Don’t worry, today this spirit that is attacking you is exposed, and you will be free in the name of Jesus Christ!”.
Later, Mrs. Augusta wanted to say a few words about the prophecy she received which, she said, is 100% true. She said she felt scared all the time and thoughts of death kept going round and round in her mind. Even for some blood tests she had done, she was so scared that she didn’t want to go to get the results! Thoughts of death affected her very negatively on a daily basis. She also said that she always felt some pain in her body, whether it was her stomach, her head, her legs or her back, just as the man of God mentioned in the prophecy.

It all started with the death of her father. She went to his funeral last December and, since then, thoughts of death have captured her mind. At night in her sleep, she would see herself eating as well as associating with dead people.
Therefore, she decided to come to the presence of God where His anointing finally located her, and she received her freedom! She felt great joy that God shed light on her problem and set her completely free! Finally, she promised to serve God Almighty for the rest of her life!
Whatever your problem is, God can deliver you, heal you and save you! Don’t lose your joy and faith because with God on your side, you can face the destination of your life with courage!

In the Book of John 6:51, Jesus Christ said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.” He is the only One that can give us the true joy, which is the salvation of our soul. This is exactly what happened in Mrs. Lais’ life from the Netherlands. She visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica and experienced the manifestation of the power of God first-hand, finding herself unable to find the proper words to describe her amazing experience!
During the prayer line the man of God Harry, led by the Holy Spirit, delivered the following prophetic message to Mrs. Lais: “I know you are concerned, ‘God help my children, bless my children, make them good children’, but salvation is personal. You also need salvation. As they need salvation, you also need salvation. Because of this now, satan has been attacking you a lot. You have been receiving attack in your dream, in your thoughts. Even your way of thinking is sometimes confusing, but this is not from you, it is an attack from satan. Satan wants to keep you away, make you forget about your prayer, forget about your studying, forget about your relationship with God. Don’t allow this. Now, from today, God will manifest His strength in your weakness, so make sure you read, pray on a daily basis for your salvation!”.
Having accepted the word of the Lord in her heart, Mrs. Lais confirmed the accuracy of everything said by the man of God. Initially, she mentioned that she used to focus not only on her children, but also on the rest of the people. Nevertheless, her greatest concern, which led her away from God, was her son’s condition. He was a restless child, always distracted, and that is why she had to take care of him all the time. Because he was an uneasy boy, fear entered her heart. She was really worried, thinking that he was involved with bad company and was terrified with the idea that something bad would happen to him.

She kept on by saying that she had demonic attacks in her dreams, as she saw people chasing and fighting her. She saw her youngest son drowning and she dived into the water to save him. Then, she saw her oldest son being attacked and eventually shot by a group of people! All these things brought frustration in her mind since she was wondering what was going on with herself and her children.
As a result, the things that worried her disoriented her and affected her relationship with God, as she confirmed that even though she used to read and pray, she didn’t do so with devotion.
Mrs. Lais now feels calm, happy and she is confident that God is in control of her life and her children. She believes that everything will work out in the best possible way after the heavenly prophecy she received. Finally, she promised to study and pray more for the salvation of her soul.
The Word of God states that salvation is a personal matter! It is written in Philippians 2:12-13 that, “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”

Full of hope that was born by faith that a heavenly intervention would be enough to transform his life, Mr. Nehemiah from the United Kingdom, participated in the prayer line of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica.
While Prophet Harry was praying for him, he conveyed the following prophetic word from the Spirit of God: “You need to pray against hypertension, against high blood pressure. Pray against it. It is exposed so that God will set you free! As I am telling you this, you are free!”.
With relief and joy obvious all over his face, Mr. Nehemiah confirmed the accuracy of everything the servant of God said. Indeed, hypertension was a major problem that made his everyday life difficult. It started 6-7 years ago during which Mr. Nehemiah suffered from tiredness, shortness of breath, and headaches. The medication he had consumed was more than enough, yet no pill was able to improve his health condition.

So, he placed his hope on the One who paid with His blood to heal us from any sickness, any disease. His name is Jesus Christ! Indeed, the Lord did not disappoint him, and Mr. Nehemiah could not withhold his excitement that he had found a permanent solution to his problem!
The Word of God clearly states in Isaiah 53:5 that by His wounds we are healed! Do not lose your faith! The healing, the deliverance and the blessing that Jesus Christ can give are available for you today!
The following pictures prove that the power of the name of Jesus Christ has not disappeared nowadays, on the contrary, our Lord is still manifesting Himself in a mighty way in our challenges!
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