Sunday, 19 June 2022 was a beautiful and blessed day! The visitors and the members of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, had another opportunity to visit the Holy Mountain of the Lord, draw near to Him, and give Him all the glory, honour and worship. As in every service at the prayer mountain, the day began with “walk and pray,” a special kind of devotional prayer, under the direction of the man of God Harry.

This was followed by an enlightening message entitled “HUMAN WILL”. The man of God began this message by saying that as humans, we often do the opposite of what we want. Even though we wake up willing to do the right thing, not to sin, not to get angry, not to fall into weakness, trying to tame our human will, we find ourselves doing exactly what we don’t want to!
Using the example of Apostle Paul in Romans 7:15, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.“, the man of God explained that Apostle Paul had the divine revelation that sin is not something physical, but spiritual. Then he quoted the story of king Abimelech, who took Abraham’s wife, Sarah, as his own, being unaware of the truth. Because the king had a good habit of involving God in his affairs, God warned him that if he did not deliver Sarah to Abraham, he and everything he had would die! So, Abimelech did the right thing, preserving his life as well as his family’s. So, unless God is involved, no man can say no to sin, because sin is a spiritual thing, as the man of God pointed out. In the same way, we should involve God in every affair, in every decision of our lives, and not after we have already acted.
Many of us, have lost many good jobs due to anger and annoyance. We prayed to the Lord to give us a good job, and, after getting it, when the first trial comes, we give up, thus left unemployed once again. But when we ask the Lord to take more of us and give us more of Him, to take more of our weakness and give us more of His strength, to take more of our anger and give us more of His self-control, we involve Him in our case!
In this day and age, it is very difficult to involve God in our affairs, as we are too busy with our business, our plans and our daily lives. The reason why we don’t strive for something better is that we don’t believe that our life can change! Our lives cannot rise above the level of our thoughts. Therefore, we are the ones limiting ourselves, not God. If we don’t want to lose the good things we have built so far, we must have an upward course in life, constantly improving.
The man of God stressed the point that we need a renewal of mind and heart! Without a renewed mind, we cannot glorify God. Even on the prayer mountain, many people, seem to be in an atmosphere of faith, praying with devotion, while others look at the trees and think of other things. The heart of these people is shut to the Word of God, because they see it as a physical experience, while it is spiritual. The man of God analysed that we go up the prayer mountain because we want to connect with God, and for our lives to change. In spite of all that, we end up connecting more with our problem than with the Lord and hence only focus on that!
Based on verse 164 of Psalm 119, “Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws“, the man of God pointed out that just as king David spent quality time with the Lord seven times a day, praying, praising, worshipping, and studying the Word of God, we too should invest more time in the spirit than in our flesh if we want to have a spiritual mind. Jesus went to Gethsemane to pray every night, and every man of God, in every situation, sought this intimate contact with his Creator. In conclusion, we understand that our lives cannot change until we change something we do every day. For example, one habit we all have is spending too much time on the mobile phone (or some other technological device). Many of us, in fact, spend a lot more time with it than with our family or with God. Our habits are not spiritual, which is why we don’t have a spiritual mind, because the habits we have, determine the life we enjoy. For example, if one wishes to become a great football player, he has to spend hours every day improving his technique in order to become top in his field. In the same way, if we want to overcome our weaknesses, we must spend quality time with God. The place we are now in our lives is as a result of our habits thus far.
As stated in Psalm 51:5, sinful nature is part of all of us, it’s human. But if we want to have a spiritual mind, we must crucify our sinful nature. This can only be achieved when we feed the spirit more than the flesh. When we are born, we have no spirituality in us, we are 100% flesh, so, by nature, it is easier to do the wrong thing rather than the right thing.
He then gave some more examples of people of God who sacrificed many things to dedicate their lives to God’s work while following their calling, and thus encouraging believers today with their lives. The man of God, emphasised through these examples, that if one wants to encourage other people, he must change something he does every day. Furthermore, his habits should follow the direction of his calling. Many of us are predestined by God to become great, but we do not know it! The reason why God does not show us our calling is that we are so full of our carnal and sinful nature that even if He did show us, we would not follow it! When we put more emphasis on developing our spirit, instead of our flesh, the time will come when God will reveal our calling.
When we feed our bodies 3 times a day while we study God’s Word once or even none, consequently, we strengthen our body more, and our spirit does not develop. So, as Christians, we should learn to live a balanced life. Then, the man of God went deeper by saying that our body goes “hand in hand” with our sinful nature, and so there is a constant conflict between flesh and spirit. A good example of this battle is that we fall asleep every time we want to read our Bible, whereas if we’re going to go out and have a good time, we stay out late without falling asleep! Then, as we sin, our bodies are excited, while our spirit weeps and begs us not to go on. But we are unable to hear it since the voice of sin is louder in our lives.
Closing his message, the man of God reminded those listening that the choices of today determine our future and encouraged them to track the habits causing them backsliding, stagnation, sadness, and failure in their lives, and to replace, each one, with habits that bring blessings, breakthrough, and prosperity in every area of their lives!
Mrs. Konstantina Riginou, a resident of Thessaloniki, shared with the attendees a great testimony on Sunday, 19 June, giving all the glory to the Almighty God for His mercy in her life!
On Sunday, 22 May 2022, Mrs. Riginou received a prophetic word from Prophetess Eugenia during the laying on hands. The prophetic word was as follows: “You have many doubts in your heart about Jesus Christ. This thing troubles you, it torments you. You are perpetually in thought and it does not let you be happy. It will stop from today, and a breakthrough is coming to your life. You’re very blessed and you don’t know it. You’re going to become great!”.
Mrs. Riginou confirmed that the prophetic word she received was 100% true. The doubts she had were the root of all her problems, as her mind was constantly occupied with them. She even worried about whether God loved her or was guiding her. She also doubted the man of God, whether he was really a man of God. Although she had a strong desire within her to follow God and His commandments, she experienced very strong doubt regarding everything about Him on a daily basis, and she felt tormented… In fact, she constantly felt grief, which caused tension and conflict in her relationships with other people, as well as with her husband.
As a natural consequence of the above, her relationship with God was negatively affected, as she felt that she could not pray enough, study God’s Word, and self-condemnation because of her doubts, as well as a lack of hunger and thirst for God’s Word. She felt like a boat in the middle of the ocean, with no direction! She chose, however, to not confide in anyone about the situation she was experiencing so as to not affect them negatively. She stressed that she did not want to accept these doubts either, and was trying to hide the problem well within herself. These doubts still made her feel that she was stagnant and that she could not receive from God. As she had no peace in her heart, she also suffered from nightmares.
On the day she received the prophetic word, she felt that God was caring for her and exposed the root cause of her problems! She strongly felt God’s love, and a fire that went through her whole body. This prophetic word marked a new beginning in her life and in her relationship with God!
Indeed, after the prophecy, she feels joyful, full of willingness and energy to do things, and has a desire to give 100% of her potential! She feels that she is now a partaker of God’s mercy and grace daily, through prayer and her relationship with God!
She advised those in attendance by saying that Jesus Christ is not bothered by doubt, as long as we seek the answer from Him in the midst of doubt, thus encouraging them to run to God for everything through prayer! Finally, she promised the Lord to believe in Him and glorify Him in both good times and bad!
The best antidote, the best cure for doubt, is to reflect on God’s track record in your life – this will help you increase your confidence that God will act in your present situation!
This Sunday was a blessed day for Mrs. Yvonne Billa and her husband Mr. Gregory Mwenketishi, from England, as God bowed down from the throne of His grace and gave them a solution, direction, and deliverance from their troubles!
The couple came to the prayer mountain to receive their miracle. While the man of God Harry was praying in the prayer line, he reached to Mrs. Billa and gave her a prophetic word: “Jesus loves you, you were just under attack. Satan is causing this because of what happened with your forefathers. They used to serve one idol, and that idol now is killing your children. The second thing this idol has caused is that sometimes you don’t understand yourself, what you do… Your behaviour would change. You’re a good woman. You tell your husband: “Go to sleep alone, I’ll sleep alone.” There’s no way somebody would want to destroy their own marriage, his own life. It’s not your fault. It’s that idol because nobody delivered you before. That’s why all this has been happening. But because you both endured, I want to congratulate you!”. Then the man of God turned to Mrs. Bila’s husband, and said to him: “You are really a patient man! You are a true child of God. I want to congratulate you for your patience because sometimes it used to affect you also. Her behaviour affected you, and you would start to do the same, but that would not solve the problem. Since now that the root cause of the problem is exposed, now you understand what it was, so all is well now. It is exposed, she is free, you’re free, so now you begin to enjoy your marriage, and you will see the fruit of your labour! You will receive the fruit of the womb also!”

Mrs. Billa, being moved, confirmed the prophetic word she had received, testifying that the words of the man of God were true. From the day they were married, she and her husband had been trying to have a child, but all their efforts were in vain, for not only did they fail to have a child, but she had 16 miscarriages! Every time Mrs. Billa became pregnant, she saw a man in her dream sleeping with her, and after that, she would lost the baby… This painful situation caused the couple intense grief and disappointment.
She then referred to the second part of the prophecy and confirmed that many times her behaviour changed, and she wanted to be left alone, away from her husband. In fact, she felt a lot of anger towards him, and she didn’t know why!
At that point, Mr. Mwenkitishi also confirmed the prophetic word that he and his wife had received from the man of God. As mentioned previously, every time his wife got pregnant, after four weeks she saw someone coming and sleeping with her in her dream, and then she had a miscarriage. He mentioned that, indeed, many times she was very angry with him, and wanted to stay alone. This behaviour was confusing and distressing to him, as he also felt unable to help his wife. Although he was generally a happy man, this situation was a great challenge for him.
Mr. Mwenkitishi, in his attempt to find a solution to their problems, went to different places, countries, and doctors, but without any positive results. Still, even their coming to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Thessalonica, was a great challenge. Their efforts to travel began in 2020, with the coronavirus pandemic stopping them. They later tried again, and the airport of their hometown in England cancelled 4,000 flights during the days they were planning to come! However, by the grace of God, their own flight was not cancelled!
Indeed, God intervened in their case! When they received the prophetic word from the man of God, their hearts were filled with joy and gratitude for the mercy and love of the Lord! Mrs. Billa, happy and excited about her freedom, thanked God for His promise to give her a child, and for the deliverance from the bondage of the idol which had stolen her blessings for so many years!
Finally, she promised God Almighty to devote herself more to Him through the study of the Word of God. Her husband also made his promise to the Lord, to be devoted to Him through prayer, the study of the Word, and putting His commandments into practice!
When we are busy with a problem while neglecting its cause, we cannot have a lasting solution and that is why the problem keeps recurring. There is a permanent solution, and He is called Jesus Christ!
Mrs. Hadassah Hajabakiga came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, from the distant country of Rwanda to see the anointing of God Almighty at work in her life!
During the prayer line and as the anointing of God was powerfully using the man of God Harry, the power of prophecy, which has the ability to change and transform hearts, came and brought hope into Ms. Hajabakiga’s life: “Jesus loves you, you have a great future. This is what satan saw, he saw your star. You are very intelligent and your future is great, but satan wants to quickly destroy your life. Corruption has already entered through your friends. You just want to look good, but within you, you know that you are not good, you want to show others that you are enjoying, that you are fine, that you like life the way it is, but you do not enjoy it, you are depressed. You need to be free and live the real life. God has a plan for you, you are to be great! So, do not allow satan to trick you with foolish things and take the blessings of God from your life. You are not too young to succeed and you are not too young to fail. Because if you do not walk in the way God has put you to walk, your life will just be a mess. You will start delivering children here and there, different men, different fathers, and this has been happening in your family. The same curse wants to come over you now. Forget about the past, make sure when you leave here, you will write down all your bad habits. You have to delete one bad habit and in the position of that, you will put one good habit. That is how you create good habits, when you change something you do daily. That is how your life will change. A prophet praying for you is not enough. Only when you play your role the prayer of the prophet can give you a wonderful breakthrough. If you do not play your role, no matter how many prophets pray for you, nothing will happen. I am telling you how to play your role when you go back in order to maintain the blessings of God. God loves you, your future is great!”
Deeply moved and happy that God Almighty revealed something unique about her life, she decided to confirm everything the prophet of God, Harry told her.
She began by saying that there was indeed this curse in her family, as several women in the family had given birth to children by various men outside of marriage. As for her own life, she had already started a relationship in which she could see herself in such an unfortunate situation.
Regarding the corruption mentioned by the man of God, she stated that her friends, with whom she started the race of faith together, began to have a lifestyle that did not fit God’s standards, affecting her as well. They began to do everything they learned that did not reflect the life of a Christian, making her feel angry and sad because she knew what was right with God, but because of her lack of character she could not stand for what she believed!
All of this affected her life very negatively and she felt depressed. Even though she showed others that she was happy and cheerful, people who knew her well doubted that. What tormented her the most was the balance she was trying to find between God and worldly cares. This brought confusion to her life since her liking towards the world interfered with her spiritual growth.
Ms. Hajabakiga’s future is bright and she wants to work in natural resources, as she comes from a country that has them in abundance. During the prayer line, and as God’s presence was intensively present in the atmosphere, she could not hold back her tears, for all that she was witnessing was new to her.
She now feels ready and strong to fulfil the calling that God has given her and she promised that next time she comes, she will be successful in every area of her life!
Man is always looking for outward beauty and greatness, however, all that glitters is not gold! Do not allow worldly concerns and vanity to get the best of you. Invest in your relationship with God and you will see that very soon, you will find yourself in the palace, just like the great hero of faith, Joseph!
Mrs. Rosa Georgieva, a resident of Thessaloniki, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to experience and hear a word from God Almighty.
Without expecting it, during the prayer line God wanted to give her a prophetic word, through Prophetess Evgenia: “Many negative thoughts and this is not from you, this is an attack from the devil. I don’t know if you understand it, you have to arm yourself against these thoughts. How are you going to arm yourself? With the Word! “Everything that is not from you Lord to come out!”, that’s what you have to say because this is an attack from the devil, negative thoughts. That is why nothing goes well for you, but you will receive a breakthrough, also in your job, your family, and your children will receive a breakthrough. Don’t worry, God loves you! As long as you become warmer with the Word, because you come and go, there must be stability in your life in order to maintain this blessing.”
Joyful and full of hope, Mrs. Georgieva confirmed everything she was told by God’s Prophetess about her life.
She began by saying that she faced negative thoughts every day. In fact, they had reached a level that she thought she was responsible for the death of her husband that happened a few years ago! These guilty thoughts were causing her much pain, as she loved her husband very much and they had planned a life together.
Another issue that caused pain and negativity to Mrs. Georgieva was the situation of her only son because she would very much like to see him settle down his life, but he is approaching 50 years of age and has not settled yet.
Mrs. Georgieva is ready to trust God, and she truly believes that everything that Prophetess Eugenia told her will happen in her life! She promises the Giver of her blessings that she will always follow and obey Him!
It is worth believing in God, even when every sense contradicts Him because He has promised to honor those who honor Him! Therefore, do not give up! Leave your situation in His capable hands, and He will put His peace in your heart!
Desperately searching for a solution to the difficult situations she was experiencing, Mrs. Caroline Urbigkeit came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with her daughter, Joy, where they were given the grace by God to experience His miraculous power!
As she had taken part in the prayer line, she heard the following prophetic words from the woman of God Evgenia, regarding her daughter who was born autistic and with mental problems: “Ι see that there is an idol in the family. there is an idol, and it is like a family curse, it follows you all. It comes from a long time ago, from your ancestors. If you don’t disconnect from it now, it will go to your children, and other children… and it will go on. That’s why you have health problems and in your family in general, you have health problems, that’s why this girl… it is not that she has it naturally, but it’s a curse from your ancestors. But now she’s disconnected, and the Lord will slowly cure her, and she’ll be fine”.
A few moments later, she received a second prophetic word from the man of God Harr, this time about herself: “You know why I am praying for you? You are attacked by the spirit of death. Dead people, people who have died, they would visit you always in your dream, you will begin to see dead people, they want to eat with you, they want to take you for a walk, they want to tell you something. and when you realise in the dream: ‘but you are dead, how?’ that is when you see they would not talk to you, they would just look at you. That is the spirit of death, is not them that died the spirit of death is using faces who have died, to come and visit you and attack you. In that way it is afflicting you, with all sort of mishaps, that’s why you are experiencing a lot of setbacks, you try to do something it will not work, disappointment…even your relationship, nothing is really moving forward in your life. You just have so much disappointment, but the main thing satan wants to do is to kill you, if not, I would not even mind speaking to you, but this is serious. I am telling you what the Lord is delivering you from, because as I am prophesying to you, and as I expose these things to you, that is the end of it!”.
After the ending of the service, Ms. Urbigkeit shed more light on her case. She first expressed her gratitude as she could not hide her excitement at visiting the Prayer Mountain, that holy place where God’s anointing moves with power and might!
She then began her story, saying that since 2015 she had been experiencing some health problems. One of them was that she was suffering from skin conditions which she believed were the result of magic, because they made her feel as if someone had thrown her into the fire! She felt as if she was burning all over her body! She also had a terrible problem with her eyesight. Until she took part in the prayer line, she sometimes found it difficult to see well, and in the past, she even went as far as not being able to see at all! No doctor was ever able to help her in any meaningful way, nor did she ever receive a valid diagnosis, as doctors attributed her problems to stress, not finding a physical cause. She even took medication several times, with no results making her feel disappointed.
Then, again verifying the words of the people of God, she stated that she was not the only one in her family experiencing such challenges. In particular, her daughter was stillborn! Thankfully, doctors brought her back to life, however, she was born autistic, which rendered her unable to take care of herself. In fact, she even had treatments up until a few days before she joined the prayer line. In addition, Ms. Urbigkeit reported that her parents also passed away prematurely. Her father died of tuberculosis, while her mother had health problems in her legs that were not serious enough to take her life. She died, however, due to medical errors…
Not knowing the cause of all these misfortunes in her life, she was filled with sadness. Everything changed, however, to the glory of God, since she now knows that the idols of her ancestors were the source of the origin of the misery in her life and that of her family. She feels immense gratitude and joy that the prophecies were enlightening, and through them God gave birth to a new future for her! Finally, she promised the Lord that she would spend more quality time with Him!
Whatever situation you find yourself in, do not doubt your faith, doubt your doubts because they are unreliable! God – not only knows your situation, but He is also Almighty to put an end to every weapon the enemy uses to steal, kill and destroy!
Mrs. Agness Mwanza, originally from Zambia, travelled from Italy to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, seeking freedom from Jesus Christ!
As she participated in the prayer line, she received prayer from Prophetess Eugenia and the man of God, Harry. The prophetess gave her the following word from the Lord: “Do not worry, you are free! I know you are seeing dreams which are not from God, but today they are over. Sometimes you dreamt that you were eating something. This will stop now. You are free, in the name of Jesus Christ!”.
Rejoicing in her freedom, Mrs. Mwanza confirmed the prophecy she received, explaining that she had indeed been having such dreams from long ago. In particular, she would dream that she was offered food, which she ate, and that she had a spiritual husband.
When she dreamt that she was eating, she always knew that something bad would happen to her that day. At first, she thought that eating in the dream was normal, but then, seeing the negative effects on her life, she found out that it was something spiritual.
When she would see the spiritual husband, on the same day she would either argue with her real husband or experience a disappointment in her life. That is if she was expecting a breakthrough in her life, or news about an opportunity, the response she would receive would be negative. Her marriage was affected in the same way, as she was experiencing difficulties because of the spiritual husband.
The demonic attacks she was experiencing and, of course, the effects of these were quite troubling to her. Many times, she was worried or even frightened because of this situation!
Now she believes that an end has been put to all these problems, as through prayer and prophecy, deliverance came through Jesus Christ! Now, full of joy and gratitude that the Lord had located her, she promised increase her faith in Him and to always be sincere to Him!
The words you speak determine the life you enjoy. Thus, do not confess failure, do not accept the enemy’s attacks as a new reality but prepare your heart for war! Command everything that is not of Jesus Christ in your life, your family, your marriage, your career, to come out, in the almighty name of Jesus Christ!
The photos below depict people receiving breakthrough, healing, and all kinds of blessings as the chains of darkness in their lives are broken, in the name of Jesus Christ!
I feel like my life is stagnant. I keep having health issues one after the other.I try to get close to God but I hear nothing like I am alone.I pray the sins I have done will not keep him from me.I love watching the Lord Jesus bless in people’s lives thru you both.Please pray for me.