The scent of Christmas filled the service at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica! In this festive atmosphere, the congregation praised and thanked God for the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, since He is the reason Christmas exists! The man of God Harry expressed his gratitude for the way the Lord blessed the SCOAN Thessalonica, as in 2022, He anointed two men and a woman of God! At the same time, he expressed his anticipation for the miraculous way in which Jesus Christ will glorify His name through them to the nations! Finally, he stated that in the New Year, he expects God to anoint even more prophets and prophetesses because, as the Word of God emphasises, in the last days God will pour out His Spirit on young men and women!
A wonderful message inspired by the birth of Christ was afterward preached by Prophet Sorin, entitled: “JESUS CAME TO BRING US AND MAINTAIN US IN GOD!” First, he could not help but testify for God’s faithfulness to His children in the year 2022, since, as he stated, if you are breathing, moving, thinking, it means that Someone is taking care of you and He deserves a big “Thank You”! His name is Jesus Christ!

Then, he highlighted that God is interested in knowing His children’s opinion about Jesus Christ and His birth. The Lord Himself asked a similar question to His disciples just before He was crucified, when He asked them Who they thought He was. Willing to point out the significance of His coming to earth, the Prophet of God stated that when Jesus Christ came into the world, light came into the world, salvation, healing, freedom and wisdom came into the world for every human being! Our Lord opened our heart so we can realise that we were created to think with God, talk with God, plan with Him, and, of course, act with God and for God!
The prophet quoted Matthew 1:21: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give , him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins”, in order to point out the reason our Lord and Saviour left Heaven. Jesus Christ came to restore the relationship between God and man, as there was a barrier between them that was none other than sin! He came to put an end to our past and give us a new future in Him!

Additionally, He came to destroy the works of the devil. In this regard, the man of God Sorin said that many people receive the Lord in their hearts with joy, but later, when they realise what it really means to follow Him, they think that the devil will attack them, that they are not perfect and cannot walk in the way of holiness and righteousness. The remedy to these negative thoughts is the absolute conviction that the Son of God has disconnected us from the fear and works of the devil, so that we can boldly follow our divine calling today! In effect, he underlined that no mortal man or devil can supersede the plan of God for your life. There is only one person that can take you out of God’s will, and that is yourself.
Thirdly, Jesus Christ came to give us the spiritual resources necessary to maintain ourselves in God. In light of Ephesians 1:3, the prophet encouraged the believers, saying that when they sin, the blood of Jesus Christ is there to cleanse them; when the devil attacks them, the name of Jesus Christ has been given to them so that they can fight him with authority!
Completing the message, the man of God concluded that the Lord’s works here on earth encourage believers not to waste their precious time, but to be conscientious and responsible about God’s purpose for their lives! Finally, the Prophet wrapped up his message by stressing that the key responsibility of Christians regarding what Jesus Christ did is to trust the Holy Spirit in every area of their lives and to keep His Word in their heart, for this is the only way to succeed in their calling!

After the service, Mrs. Annisstar from the USA wished to recount her awesome experiences for the glory of God, as she received a shocking deliverance! Having made the decision to seek a solution from Jesus Christ for her situation, she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica where she joined the prayer line.
While the man of God Sorin was praying for Mrs. Annisstar, an unclean spirit was exposed through her and said, “I am a demon, leave me alone! I made her depressed! I tried to make her go crazy, but it didn’t work. She keeps praying. We don’t want her! She’s a woman of God, we don’t like her! We don’t want her to set people free through the gift of music!” After a while, Prophet Stavros also prayed for her. Once again, a demon manifested through her body, saying the following: “Leave us alone! I am the spirit of rage, I make her angry! I bring limitation into her life! She gets angry, she posts on social media and I bring limitation! She won’t be anything! I entered her through Facebook! I’m making her vent on social media. I made her post about everything going on in her life and then I entered her! That way, the witches can see what’s going on in her life! Take off the stupid ring! (addressing the man of God). This ring on her left hand, her engagement ring! The father of her child gave her this ring! She is not supposed to get married! Her parents got a divorce and I did it! 21 years of marriage are gone!”.
Later, clearly happy and grateful for God’s divine work in her life, she talked about everything the unclean spirit confessed, beginning with the dark period of depression she faced after her parents’ divorce. As she said, that period was really hard for her. She became anxious, she received many demonic attacks and she even became so depressed that she could sleep all day and she would only get up to go to the bathroom or eat! In addition, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia! This caused confusion in her mind, affecting her sleep and her ability to hear God’s voice when she prayed. The voices she was hearing were telling her what to do, to stop praying and that Jesus Christ was not real… So, because of schizophrenia, she was hospitalised in a mental institution for a month! While she seemed normal on the outside, she was unable to take control of her mind… Suicidal tendencies did not take long to appear, yet, God protected her from committing suicide.
In her attempt to find peace of mind, she took medication that not only did not help her, but caused her greater harm! Every time she heard these voices, she felt pain in her ear and later in her throat as well…
She also felt lonely and in order to cope with it, she was particularly involved in social media. She was constantly uploading content from her personal life, she was also looking at things of sexual nature through the platforms she was using and in this way, she was going even deeper into sin…
Still unable to find real joy, she entered a relationship with a man who is now the father of her child! Trying to find a solution to her problems, she came knocking on a psychic’s door! Nevertheless, even this did not bring any real help! On the contrary, she began to see shadows and she got various fears.
Referring to the words of the demon, which confessed to have caused her parents to divorce, Mrs. Annisstar explained that there was a family curse that caused women to marry, divorce and remarry. The same happened to her mother who divorced her husband after 21 years of marriage.
Anger was also a big thorn in her life. Many times, she would go to extremes and speak very badly to her partner with the intention of hurting him, but by the grace of God the relationship did not crumble. She did the same with other people, as she also aimed to hurt them with her words.
Regarding her calling, she said that she indeed has the gift of music and every time she sang, she saw how people felt the presence of God. However, she always avoided getting involved in ministry.
The moment the men of God prayed for her, she felt the rage of the unclean spirit within her! Despite this spirit’s efforts to resist the power of God, it finally fell defeated in the name of Jesus Christ, and Mrs. Annisstar was completely set free!
After the prayer, she feels happy, light, full of peace. She feels God’s love and she knows that He is in control! Finally, she promised to serve God all the days of her life!
Never forget that God also understands the language of sighs, tears, wishes, meditations, and sincere desires of the heart of a man of faith. Therefore, do not be discouraged by the giants who come against you in life, but raise your voice and pray to the One who hears your prayers!

Ms. Kashimu came from England to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to experience the power of God, knowing that a divine intervention was required in order to escape from the destructive action of their family idol.
During the prayer line, Ms. Kashimu received a prophetic word from God through Prophetess Evgenia. The words spoken were as follows: “There are idols in the family. That is why you are going through sicknesses and all these problems. But as the Lord has exposed it, know that from today it is over! So, there will be a breakthrough in your finances and in your work, you will see! You will come back to give your testimony!”.
After the end of the service, Ms. Kashimu confirmed that this prophecy is absolutely true, as her grandfather is a Muslim and he does not believe in Christianity! She also added that many of her family members do not know anything about the Word of God. They instead believe that power comes from people.

As expected, the idols that existed in the family affected both Ms. Kashimu and her family! A glaring example of this is her parents, as they always had tension and problems on a daily basis. As for her own life, there was no professional and spiritual progress. On the contrary, her health was also impacted, since she was diagnosed with arthritis 2 years ago!
Ms. Kashimu, then, recounted the past and talked about her childhood and specifically when she was 7 years old. As she described, she was suffering from a strange illness that caused a trembling sensation in her head. Her father took her to several hospitals, some of them private. However, no doctor and no medicine could help her… So, as her parents saw that the years were passing by, but no cure could be found, they decided to turn to witchdoctors! They were desperate to find a cure for the health problem their child was facing and as a result, they spent a lot of money…
Naturally, the dreams and the financial aspect of her life did not escape this situation. At night, when she went to bed, she would see dead people visiting her, chasing her. She once also saw a man unknown to her in her room! As for her finances, although she has been working for many years, she has never been able to set aside a sum of money, because money always kept disappearing.
So, as the Spirit of God exposed the root cause of her problem, Ms. Kashimu feels happy and blessed for this day, knowing that this prophecy will bring change, blessing and breakthrough in her life! Finally, she promised God Almighty that she and her family will serve and glorify God for the rest of their lives!
For a person of the world, his or her problem can destroy them, or even kill them. For a child of God, however, it is to reveal His power through this particular problem! Therefore, do not despair, do not lose heart, for God is Able and Willing to defend you!

Ms. Karina travelled all the way from Peru to experience first-hand all that she kept hearing for so long regarding what Jesus Christ is doing through His faithful servants in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica!
At the time of the laying of hands and as the anointing of God was working powerfully through the man of God Harry, an unclean spirit manifested through her, saying: “I destroyed her and her daughter, I destroyed her family and her home! I destroyed her ministry, I don’t want it, I’m the devil. She prays, she delivers people, I don’t want people to be saved. I don’t want her to be happy, because if she is happy, everyone will be happy. Everyone in her family is to become a prophet!” So, after the man of God declared her free, full of joy and gratitude, she thanked God for all that He had done in her life!
After receiving her deliverance, Ms. Karina wanted to confirm everything the unclean spirit had said. Taking a look back into the past, she explained that her first husband was quite violent with her, resulting in their divorce. After he left, she was alone for at least five years with one child. Later, when she met her second husband, problems soon started coming… For no reason whatsoever, she started to be jealous of him, and as a result, they often had very heated arguments! However, because her husband is a believer in God, he managed to explain more to her about the spiritual world and the ways of God, until they learned about the church in Thessaloniki.

As for her daughters, they had a lot of fear and sorrow because she was working 12 hours a day and they didn’t see her as much as they would have liked! One of the problems her children were facing was low self-esteem and depression, things she believed were passed on to her children because of her.
The devil wanted so badly to destroy their blessings that he wasted no time in wreaking havoc! When they arrived at the airport in Lima to travel to Greece, they were told that their daughter could not travel because the name on her passport did not match the name on her ticket. All this caused frustration in regards to their journey, until an official explained that if they had their passport with them they could travel normally! Before travelling from this airport, they had been denied by the authorities to fly to Greece from two other airports in Peru, as they were suspended for some reason! Another unforeseen event that caused panic was an accident their young daughter had on the plane. Her father dropped hot water on her by accident! Thanks to God, there was a pediatrician on the flight and he was able to treat the burns immediately!
After the prayer, she felt joy and peace and promised to share with the world the exciting experience she had in the Church Of All Nations for the sake of the name of Jesus Christ!
How wonderful it is to see people from all nations witnessing the power of Jesus Christ. Even if your situation does not guarantee you the future, always remember that no situation is permanent!

Many today abandon God when they face a long-term problem. Many others quit their pursuit of healing by faith and settle with the sickness when countless disappointments come their way. Such is not the case for Mr. Phillipe from Switzerland who visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica and chose to take God at His Word!
During the prayer line, as the Holy Spirit was mightily using His anointed servants, a word of prophecy was given to Mr. Phillipe by Prophet Sorin: “The spirit of death tried to kill you, to destroy you, in the past. God has brought you here today to expose this and to end it! You are free, in Jesus’ name!”.

Mr. Phillipe stated that he was surprised to receive a prophecy and that he was very happy to finally get to attend a Sunday service! Touched by God’s anointing, after the service, he was willing to confirm the accuracy of the prophetic message he was given. The spirit of death did not try to take only his life, but it has already cost the life of many of his family members such as his father and his grandfather. Currently, his uncle is also battling with cancer, and Mr. Phillipe admitted that he would have definitely be the next in line had he not received prayer! As a matter of fact, after having a blood test last year, the results showed that his blood PSA level was above normal, and his doctor deemed it necessary to run even more tests…
The satanic influence in his life was clearly present, not only in terms of sickness, but even during his daily activities! To be more precise, Mr. Phillipe explained that he was initially planning to visit the church in August, but due to unexpected accidents and difficulties, he was forced to postpone his trip until December. First, for instance, he said that a day before leaving his country to begin his journey to Thessaloniki by car, just as he was about to enter the vehicle, he slipped and fell, hence,ssss injuring one side of his body. Additionally, two days before the service took place, Mr. Phillipe was walking in the city when he fell down once again, causing more pain in his body.
Nevertheless, Mr. Phillipe was determined to reach out to God and claim his freedom as a child of His, admitting that the pain is no more after the prayer from Prophet Sorin! He added that he firmly believes that by receiving this divine message from God, he is truly free from every demonic chain, as he was eagerly wishing to be located by His anointing! Lastly, his promise to the Great Deliverer is to fast and pray steadily!
When hardship strikes, do not give up! Look up at the Cross to remind you that your healing and your blessing are available to you at all times, and hold onto the promise of the One who took the victory for us!
In the photos below we see the Spirit of God moving with power and might, offering salvation, freedom, healing and breakthrough to all those who approached Him with humility and sincerity of heart!
Oro para que algún día pueda visitar su iglesia y experimentar la Gracia de Dios y su Poder manifestado a través del ministerio del Profeta Harry. Pido oración para poder visitarlos pronto 🙏 🙌