Another amazing service of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica took place, where the Spirit of God moved mightily, preparing the hearts of the believers who sang in faith to receive their miracle in the name of Jesus Christ!

Then a different message, straight from the heart of God, was delivered to the congregation by man of God Stavros “THE GREATEST SACRIFICE”.

He started his message by saying that every week, several people come to attend the service, each one for a different purpose. Some come to receive just a healing, a blessing, some counselling… But there is also a category of people who come for spiritual improvement. This kind of people are asking the men and women of God the answer to their question: Why is it that while they invest time in God’s Word, pray, fast, and make many sacrifices to Him, they are not able to progress spiritually?

For many years, a lot of people have been trying to get closer to God and feel His presence, as it was at the beginning of their faith, but they do not succeed. And this is why many become disappointed, leading them to the conclusion that God has stopped listening to their prayers… On the contrary, it is not that the Lord does not listen, but their faith remains dormant without a specific ingredient.

He then read from the Word of God, from Luke 9:51-56: “As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. And he sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him; but the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, ‘Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?’ But Jesus turned and rebuked them. Then he and his disciples went to another village.”

Then he added another passage from the Word of God, from Mark 10:35-38: “Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. ‘Teacher,’ they said, ‘we want you to do for us whatever we ask.’ ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ he asked. They replied, ‘Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.’ ‘You don’t know what you are asking,’ Jesus said. ‘Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?’”.

The first thing that these disciples thought of, given the sacrifice they made before God, namely that they left their families and their old lives and followed Jesus Christ, they felt that this would automatically elevate them higher in the eyes of God. They even tried to guide their Master, asking Him for fire to fall from Heaven! As if that wasn’t enough, they later approached the Lord privately, asking for a special favour. The same thing is happening today with many of us, the prophet added. Because many Christians make sacrifices for God, they think that in this way they can easily convince Him that they deserve a reward. Today, His Word teaches us that if God would gratify all our desires, it would soon appear that we desire fame and authority and are unwilling to taste of Christ’s cup or have His baptism.

Using as evidence the verses from 1 John 4:9-11, the prophet underlined that God Almighty expressed His love for us not with words, but with works! He sacrificed His most priceless and precious possession! Undoubtedly, we are sons and daughters of love! Therefore, if you truly love God, it is your duty to love your fellow human being!

Love looks around to see who is in need. It looks after others more than it looks after itself. God’s love never offends anyone and does not look down on people. On the contrary, love is patient and determinant, it never gives up! Finally, he concluded, Love is God and God is Love. So, therefore, as important as fuel is for the engine, he explained, just as important is love for faith!

In closing his message, the man of God said that Jesus Christ is not so much interested in how many times you read His Word or pray. What He is interested in is the number of people whose lives you have affected!


If one lesson can be taken out from the following story, it is that every situation you go through serves a purpose. That purpose is what Ms. Zoe from Thessalonica came to make clear, parallelly giving all the glory to Jesus Christ!

Turning back the time by two years, Ms. Zoe mentioned that her venture started when at some point, she fell ill for a week. However, instead of her health improving, she began to feel some kind of discomfort in the sensitive area, which soon turned into pain to the point where she could not go to school, dress, or even walk!

The next logical thing to do was to visit the gynaecologist. The latter diagnosed a cyst in her sebaceous gland and prescribed some antibiotics. The antibiotics did not help at all, and the pain did not stop for a moment…

As normal, Ms. Zoe felt sad, stressed because she didn’t go to school and, ultimately, despairing about her situation.

So the doctor had no choice but to schedule surgery. Of course, she had made it clear that if anything would go wrong during the operation, it could not be corrected. She also stressed that even if they removed the cyst, it would only be a matter of time before it reappeared.

The very idea of surgery was a terrifying thought for Ms. Zoe. As her aunt prompted her to call the man of God Harry, he encouraged her, saying that everything would be all right! Suddenly, a few hours later, she felt an unbearable pain and saw blood and pus coming from her sensitive parts. To her surprise, however, when she went to the toilet she realised that the cyst had broken and had received her healing from God!

Extremely happy, she decided to go back to the gynaecologist, who could not believe her eyes when she saw that the cyst had completely receded, because this kind of problem cannot be cured by itself. After talking to the man of God later on, he told her that God had allowed all this to happen in order to bring her to Him!

Regarding the words she heard from the prophet, Ms. Zoe confirmed that before she went through this ordeal, she often argued with her parents, her friends, she was easily stressed and she felt she had no value before God.

To her surprise, God refuted every negative thought she had about Himself, as He proved that He was with her from the beginning to the end of this trial! “It was not a surgery on my body, it was a surgery in my soul!” were her words. Additionally, she states that her character has changed, she doesn’t argue with those around her and she is calmer.

Her advice is for those facing difficult situations to know that God is with them, while promising to make God’s Word the standard for her life!

In the end, what seems to be against you, ends up being for you, because God is with you! The trouble you are going through today is to bring you close to Him, so you will see His perfect plan unfold in your life!


Most of us today believe that we have to have incredible faith to receive anything from God. Mrs. Carmen came from Miami, USA to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with faith as small as a mustard seed. To her surprise, God had a prophetic message for her.

During the prayer line, the Prophetess Evgenia approached her and gave her the following message: “I see curses in your family, that’s why sometimes you are exhausted and not in the mood to do anything. This thing started a long time ago and is haunting your whole family. Even if you want progress in your life, something stops it! But from today it will stop and God will bless you and your family in all areas of life”.

After the service, Ms. Carmen confirmed that what the prophetess said was absolutely true! She explained how there was a history of witchcraft in her family and was not at all surprised when the prophetess accurately stated that the entire family had been affected. She recounted how when she was young, it was normal for her parents to consult witchdoctors whenever the family was in trouble, but despite their advice, the family could never progress. She saw in her own career as a real estate agent, that she only had one agreement a year – which was extremely unnatural. Every time she wanted to try something new, there was always resistance…

She also described how the curses in her life led to a steady decline in her health. She suffered from a variety of illnesses that made her nervous when left alone, due to the fear in case of having to be rushed to the hospital, because of heart palpitations she was experiencing on a daily basis. In particular, she reported a painful condition called stenosis, in which a person experiences constant discomfort from a nerve in the spine. She was absolutely miserable and doctors could not help.

Finally, she decided to come to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, stating emphatically that two days before she arrived, she had a dream and she already knew that she would receive her blessing!

Excited and full of hope to return with a testimony, she expressed her thanksgiving to God for putting an end to her past and giving birth to a new future. In fact, she promised to give God her all.

Your capacity to believe must be strong enough to attract and accommodate all the rights and privileges in Jesus Christ. Despite this woman’s weak faith, God blessed her and the best will always keep coming in her life from now on!


In the presence of God there is fullness of joy, as it is written in Psalm 16:11. The story of Mrs. Remonda from Larissa proves this clearly! As she was receiving prayer from the man of God Stavros, a demon manifested from within her and confessed its destructive action: “I have done too much to her! When she got married, her daughter was born sick, she has had 7 surgeries! She came here for her daughter, I made her sick! She kept seeking God, she loved Him, she always prayed. She sought God, Jehovah, in the Quran! I made her believe that God was there and that is how I entered her! She was seeking Christ, not me. I have caused her pain; she cries constantly and is sad. She has no joy in her; I don’t let her have joy!” After rebuking the demon and declaring her free, the prophet also had some words to say to her: “You are delivered now! This unclean spirit is gone in the name of Jesus Christ, and whatever trouble it had caused in the family is over today! Do not allow the devil to come and put doubts in your mind in any moment. You are now free and he has no authority over you!”

Moved after the end of the service, Mrs. Remonda confirmed that her daughter had a very serious problem in her intestine, even before she was born. Although the doctors knew about this problem, they did not handle it properly and as a result, the little girl has undergone 7 surgeries to date.

Unable to see her daughter like this, Mrs. Remonda’s mental state was severely affected; she cried easily and she could not sleep at night.

Moreover, she mentioned that she was seeking God’s presence in her life. However, she was searching in the wrong places at first. For example, she was a member of a church which was teaching certain things that were contrary to the Word of God. Frustrated that she had no joy and peace within her, she turned to the Quran hoping to find God. Evidently, no joy and no peace were to be found in her either…

Certainly, because she was sincerely seeking to find God, the Lord revealed Himself in her life in a wonderful way! Mrs. Remonda and her daughter now enjoy joy and peace, while she promised to surrender her life in the hands of Jesus Christ!

Your situation cannot destroy you! It is what God will use to draw you to Him!

In the pictures below, we see the power of the Holy Spirit touch those who have entrusted their lives to Him with an anointed touch, filled with the eternal love of Jesus Christ towards His children!

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In an atmosphere full of life and fervour, the believers gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, raising their voices in gratitude and praise. Afterwards, a revealing message entitled “YOUR GREATEST ENEMY” was delivered by the man of God Stavros, in which he discussed…

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With gratitude and awe, the believers gathered at the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to praise Jesus Christ. The voices of the believers were filled with love and faith and they rose to Heaven through prayers. Every song was dedicated to the One who sacrificed Himself, rose again, and reigns for the salvation of the world with power and love. Thus, the Prophet reached the title of the message, which was “YOUR ASSIGNMENT AS A CHRISTIAN”…

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With hearts full of anticipation and faith, believers gathered at the Christian Church Οf All Nations – Thessalonica, longing to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere of faith, Prophet George Christodoulou stepped up to the altar with a message that touched everyone’s hearts, entitled: “COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD!”

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