Believers at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, experienced a special and unique Sunday, as they saw, heard, and many of them encountered first-hand the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, through His anointed servants!

Just before they received the blessing, healing or deliverance they were seeking, they listened to a wonderful sermon from Prophetess Evgenia, entitled “WALK IN THE PATH OF DIFFERENTIALITY”, which was intended to awaken and educate God’s people. She began her message by explaining that in life we will encounter two kinds of people – ordinary and extraordinary people. Specifically, she elaborated that ordinary people shun responsibilities and do not want to do anything innovative in their lives. On the contrary, extraordinary people are always producing new ideas, seeking responsibility and chasing innovation. One of the most important differences that the Prophetess pointed out was that unusual people always believe in themselves, with this placing them on the list of extraordinary. Nevertheless, she explained that although we are all included in God’s master plan, nothing great comes easy! Discovering new paths, therefore, certainly requires work and effort, because without effort you cannot acquire anything in this life.

She took her first Biblical quote from Genesis 19:1-3, “The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. ‘My lords,’ he said, ‘please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.’ ‘No,’ they answered, ‘we will spend the night in the square.’ But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate.” With this reference to God’s Word, she wanted to make listeners realise that extraordinary people like Lot are few and rare, and that is because he walked by faith and not by sight! On the other hand, his wife, like most of us today, walked by sight, since she belonged in the category of ordinary people. Thus, we understand that the more we get into the natural, the more satan rises up and becomes bigger. On the contrary, the more we get into faith, the more satan diminishes.

Many times, as humans, we are curious about evil, sin, and disobedience, and that is because our minds will either be occupied with faith or with doubt. In Genesis 12:1-7, the Bible explains that Abraham, regardless of good news or bad news, always followed God’s will, and always was the unusual one among the ordinary. Abraham, even in the most difficult trial of his life, which was to sacrifice his beloved son, remained faithful to God, and so the Lord blessed him! From this, we can understand that unusual challenges bring unusual results! Concluding her message, Prophetess Evgenia asked the audience if they want to become extraordinary people, while setting the premise that success requires purposeful actions, personal discipline and many activities! It’s time to set some goals in our lives so that we too can join the category of extraordinary people!


Everything began when Mr. Benjamin was inexplicably attacked by a man in Mexico, which is his homeland. After this event, he decided to move to Germany with his family in search of safety. However, although he did live safely, he could not find peace in his heart…

Since then, he had been unable to cope with work properly and had become isolated in his home. In fact, such was the worry, fear, and anxiety in his life, that he refused to go shopping with his family or to even visit a doctor when he needed it! As a result, the burden of the family fell on his wife…

Staying true to God’s Word, Mr. Benjamin did not abandon his faith. The Lord was showing him through dreams what his calling was, as he saw himself praying for other people with signs and wonders. He was desperately seeking to find a solution for the unfavourable position he was in mentally, but no matter how hard he tried, it was in vain… Then, he decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, praying that the Spirit of God would locate him and give him direction. Indeed, during the prayer line, the man of God Harry gave him the following prophecy: “Since you moved to Germany you are not at peace. You have a kind of worry, a kind of anxiety. Jesus loves you. I see that you have heart for God, I see that you love God, you want to serve Him, and God is going to use you! You have dreams seeing yourself through ministry… Preaching the Word, praying for people… That is your calling. Anything, no matter what would do, outside that, it will not give you joy. I will give you some direction how to go about it. Don’t worry! Jesus loves you! Also, sometimes your heart would hurt. Heart pain. Don’t worry!”.

After receiving prayer, Mr. Benjamin returned to Germany and dutifully followed this instruction. As a result, he received greater revelation from God and thus, the Lord began to use him with miracles! He has begun his ministry, preaching God’s Word to others and praying for them! In addition, he is now completely delivered from fear, anxiety and worry, and can go about his daily activities normally!

Regarding his heart problems, Mr. Benjamin confirmed that he indeed used to have chest pain, tachycardia, and was often unable to breathe normally. However, immediately after the prophecy and prayer he received, all of the above disappeared and his heart as well as his breathing returned to normal!

Mr. Benjamin’s testimony was then accompanied by that of his wife, Ms. Fanny. Because of her husband’s condition before he visited the church, she used to feel pressure and sadness as she was carrying all their family burdens alone. In addition, their finances were not in good shape because she was the only one working and they were barely making ends meet… So, she decided to stand in the prayer line, seeking breakthrough in every area of her life – and so she received! Immediately after the prayer from the man of God Harry, and while she had never asked for it personally, her employer gave her a promotion and increased her salary by a large percentage! That was just the beginning! Now, relieved by the blessing she received, she can buy exactly what her family needs, and joy is now permanent in her life! Plus, she also enjoys her husband’s change and his positive influence on others!

The couple, who came to glorify God through their testimony and to receive even greater direction, advised believers to never give up, no matter what situation they find themselves in, to keep believing in God and they are sure to receive!

Once again, it is proven that the victory of Jesus Christ is not for those who give up, but for those who endure until the end!


Mr. Atis came from Latvia to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with only one line written on his placard: “BREAKTHROUGH”. However, the Spirit of God had a surprise in store for him, as during the time of the laying of hands, God revealed what no one knew!

“I see mental disorder in your family,” Prophetess Evgenia told him, and went on to say: “This is affecting you too. That is why you are unstable as a person. One day you are fine and the next day you aren’t. In the same moment that you are happy, you can also be sad. This takes you away from finding the right path and focusing on what you want to do in life. Today it will be broken! You will be able to focus and do things in your life to become an extraordinary person. You have a star on you! About the attacks you receive through the dream, with lust and with women, they will also go away!”.

Surprised by the words he heard, Mr. Atis said: “I can’t explain how she knew about my problem since it wasn’t written on the placard, and I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone but my father.” He went on to explain that he had previously been diagnosed with clinical depression, and his father had also suffered from panic attacks and anxiety because of paranoia, which is a mental disorder.

Regarding the bad dreams with sexual content that he used to have, he stated that they did not come often, however, whenever they did, his depression would get worse.

Hopeful regarding his future now, Mr. Atis is confident that after God’s intervention, he will succeed in becoming a man who makes a difference in the world! Finally, he promised Jesus Christ to do his best from now on!

Remember, when you face uncommon challenges, they are to prepare you for the uncommon blessings that await you in the future!


The case of Ms. Julia from Germany highlights once again how important it is to follow what God puts in our hearts. As Prophet Stavros prayed for her, he asked her: “What are you doing for a living? Are you happy with this?” When she replied that her then-current job did not give her joy, he told her the following: “God has created you for something big, but you don’t really know where to go, what to do. God wants you to work for Him. This is the only thing that will give you satisfaction in life, contentment and peace. I am telling you this so that you know what you have to do. You can continue running here and there, looking for things, trying things, but at the end of the day, only one thing will satisfy you. Follow God, pray to Him so that He will direct you on what to do next.”

Later, Ms. Julia confessed that for many years she was not happy with her life and she did not feel joy. Although she worked regularly and she was able to meet her needs, she knew in her heart that, as a child of the Most-High God, she had been created for a higher purpose, and that purpose was to preach the Word of God. This was the burning desire in her heart! No matter what she did in her life, she would feel that she did not belong anywhere…

She also recounted the miraculous way in which she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. While browsing the internet, the church’s website appeared in front of her, and she spontaneously decided to come!

As it turned out, she made the right call, because she now feels blessed to have received clear instructions! Finally, the promise she made to the Lord was to keep spending time in His presence!

Until you follow what God puts in your heart, you will never feel true joy. However, the moment you follow your calling, you will begin to make a difference in the world around you!

The power of our Lord is miraculous, and it is demonstrated through the existence of available people who are an example of His love and care for man. The pictures below demonstrate the Lord’s overwhelming power in our generation!

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