With believers coming from near and far from around the world to attend the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, the place was filled with an intense sense of praise and gratitude to God. The worshippers contributed significantly to the creation of a spiritual atmosphere by singing hymns of worship and thanksgiving. In turn, those in attendance prepared themselves spiritually to receive a message that would radically reshape the way they perceived life and the world around them!

In this peaceful atmosphere, the people of God welcomed Prophetess Evgenia Zefteridou, who preached a very encouraging and instructive message entitled: “THE UNEXPECTED TWISTS AND TURNS”.

She began by saying that all people make dreams and plans for their future. Someone may say they want to learn a new language; another may decide to get a driver’s license. But when we humans make plans – as the well-known Greek saying goes, God is laughing! As humans, we can make plans, but our plans can be unexpectedly twisted!

In order to support her position, she read a part from the Book of Acts 9:13-15: “‘Lord,’ Ananias answered, ‘I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.’ But the Lord said to Ananias, ‘Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel’”.

Analysing these verses, he explained that Paul did not know God; initially, it was he who persecuted the Christians and it was he who allowed Stephen to be stoned. He was planning to persecute Christians in every possible way until the Lord blinded him and his plans were twisted! Then, to restore his sight, God sent Ananias to pray over Paul and once he was healed, he decided to follow Christ!

The Prophetess pointed out that the Lord allows certain situations to happen so that first, He can lead us to His plan, because it is one thing to make our own human plans and another to make God’s plan. Secondly, so that He may test our faith and thirdly, so that we may be able to handle certain situations. We must always remember that no matter how hard the situation we are going through is, it is for our spiritual progress and even when our plans are twisted, we must trust God’s plan for our lives.

Concluding her message, she explained that challenges determine where you are spiritually that is why in the midst of challenges the true condition of a man’s heart is revealed.


You think you came into this world by accident? Do you think the only factor that determined when and where you were born is luck? No! Because, you are precious in the eyes of God, and He has a beautiful plan for you! All that remains is simply your own willingness to come to Him. And then? Sky will be your limit! And sky is now the limit in the life of this wonderful couple!

Ms. Maria, a resident of Thessaloniki, accompanied by her husband, Mr. George, testified in detail how the Lord has turned around everything in their lives!

The beginning of the change from darkness to light for Ms. Maria began with a prophecy from the woman of God Evgenia. Although she had not attended that service, that did not stop God from telling her what she needed to hear, as the Prophetess asked a relative of hers to deliver the following message to her: “I see her very sad, sorrowful. I mean, her heart is black, and the little light she had is gone. Tell her that if she does not fulfill her calling, she will never be happy in her life! She has not fulfilled it yet. She has forgotten it and gone away into sin”.

Confirming the above words, Ms. Maria said that the prophecy came at a difficult time in her life, and was the answer to 5 years of prayer, which was the same number of years she had been away from the ministry. When the man of God Harry began to do God’s work in Thessaloniki, Maria finally found meaning in her life, “I found my home!” she said. After a private meeting with the servant of God, she decided to enter the church’s discipleship program, where she stayed for 2-3 years. However, being disappointed for some reasons, she left the discipleship and returned to her old life. There she encountered stress and anxiety. All the time she stayed away from the ministry, practically from God Himself, there were very few times when she was able to sleep at night. She used to cry and felt lonely and rejected, even by God himself.

A spark of hope was lit in her when she met her current partner. Although she did not enjoy a strong relationship with God – quite the opposite in fact – she recognised that God had blessed them with health, a home and jobs with good salaries. Still, joy was absent while everything was going smoothly in their lives. She, of course, knew in her heart that what was missing from both of their lives was the presence of Jesus Christ!

When she received the message of the prophecy that Prophetess Evgenia had given to her relative, she attended church the very next Sunday. There God had yet another word for her, again from the Prophetess: “Do not doubt about your calling, you should definitely fulfill it. You will never be happy if you do not do so – no matter what you do! Even if you marry, and choose a different way in life, there will be no joy in your heart. The little light you had is gone. So, that’s the priority for you today, to make the right decision and move on! Because through your life, so many souls will be saved! You know your calling! Your calling is to become a great woman of God! You should rejoice because the Lord is doing you a great favor. That is why you should not be sad, but joyful!” Also, Prophet Michael spoke to her on that same day, saying: “Today is your last day to make the decision of your life! Because you ‘kicked’ your calling as far as a goalkeeper kicks the ball to go to the other side! And all for what? Do you think God rejected you? God didn’t reject you, why would you kick your calling like that? Because you were born for your calling, to follow it! Now you are sad, why should you be sad? Jesus does not want you to be sad, He loves you! And if everyone rejects you, and if everyone hates you, Jesus will be there for you! So repent now, because it’s the last day! God has a work for you too! Though you do not believe it. You cannot see it, you need eyes of faith to see that, and I’m telling you now, the decision is yours!”.

Having heard these words, Maria had a conversation with her partner about her future, because on the one hand she was happy to receive the answer she needed, and on the other hand she was worried about the influence this might have on their relationship, because she decided to become a disciple of the man of God once again.

Her husband found it difficult to accept this news. He literally lost his sleep, afraid of losing her. Until one night, he said: “Lord, if you exist, I surrender my spirit to you. Do as you think best”. The same night he slept, he saw in a dream Ms. Maria sitting on a high chair, like a throne, and a star shinning above her! She also heard a voice saying: “Maria has a calling, she is born to preach. When she preaches, her heart smiles!”. When he wondered why this voice was speaking to him and not to her, the thunderous voice said to him, “I came to you who have weak faith!”. And because it is impossible to meet God and remain the same person, Mr. George woke up crying in emotion and began to realise that God Himself had spoken to him! From then on, his fear and concerns about his future with Ms. Maria disappeared and got replaced by the light within him. He decided to support Maria in her calling, and even wished to go to church with her the following Sunday! In addition, he began to read the Bible regularly and immediately gave up any bad habits of the past, such as smoking and alcohol.

It was not long before the day for the Sunday service  and he also received a prophetic word from Prophetess Evgenia: “This job you are doing will not be for long! An offer will be made to you which will be very good. Do not refuse it, because it will be with very good money, and there you will be a boss! In that job that you will go, do your best, and they will  make you a manager. You will be in charge over there! God wants to bless you in this area!. Mr. George did not hide the fact that he found it very strange to receive a prophecy and he was also very surprised to discover that the words he heard were exactly what he wanted to hear! Explaining further he said that he was not happy in his job, even though he was well paid. The reason was that he had to drive 50 kilometres every day to get there, and the working conditions in that factory were unhealthy, causing him migraines.

It was only a few days later, when a company to which he had sent his CV several months ago invited him for an interview. He finally accepted the job and his salary became almost two time bigger. The working conditions were excellent, and as if all this was not enough, it was only 10 minutes away from his home! In confirmation of the prophecy, after a few weeks, he got promoted and became a manager!

And if you think the wonderful news in this couple’s life ends here, there’s more! Specifically,  during a Sunday Servive, Prophet Michael said to him the following words: “It bothers you when people see you doing something they don’t like. It doesn’t matter what people think! You always try to see if people are happy with you. You should be an employer now! You are afraid to spread your wings, to open a business that you so desperately want! Why are you afraid? Money is just a means. If you take God along with you, the sky will be your limit! Look how wonderfully God has called you into His Kingdom! God wants to bless you, do not ask if He wants to bless you or if He hears your prayer! He hears your prayer and He wants to bless you! You are a man who will help many people, especially here in Greece! I see you sitting behind a counter as an employer and having many responsibilities! That’s how I see you, and that’s how God sees you! So do not get stuck! Whatever you are going to do, make it happen! God wants to use you for that, so don’t get stuck, you’re young, you have so many years ahead of you! You have been working all your life, and in fact, there are people who tell you that you don’t want to work! While you’re working, they say you’re lazy! Do you want to get a reward from people? This is your reward! Take God with you and do what is right and proper, not illegal, because a good Christian is also a good citizen, and God will help you and be with you! And if God is with you, no one can stand against you!”.

Although the first prophecy he received was fully fulfilled, Mr. George knew he was created for more, and now he had confirmation from Heaven! He now understands that God has given him a better job with much better pay so that he can be properly prepared financially to open his own business.

As a result? After 6 months, they opened a catering business with his wife, Ms. Maria. Indeed, as mentioned in the prophecy, Mr. George sits behind a counter as an employer! And not only that, but when other businesses in Greece are usually slow to become profitable, his business is making so much profit from the start that from the very second week of operation, he has hired an employee and plans to hire a delivery guy to start delivering the food he sells! Plus, he’s working fewer hours, making a lot more profit!

You would think that two prophecies for each would be enough, but Ms. Maria received a third prophecy, this time from Prophet Javier: “Congratulations, the baby you are carrying is a promise child! Make sure you teach him God’s Word and His ways, it’s very important!”.

Being married, opening their own business and of course having received the proper instructions for their callings, God blessed them with a child! In particular, Ms. Maria is 4 months pregnant! But going back a little bit, when Ms. Maria had some medical examinations, she found out that it would be very difficult for her to get pregnant. However, knowing various examples from God’s Word of how God gave children to barren or elderly women, she did not lose hope in God. After 3 months, Mr. George had a dream of his wife lying on a bed of white sheets and giving birth to a child! Thus, they were both filled with peace in their hearts.

At some point, as she waited for her period, it was delayed by a day. That same day she had some medical exams scheduled on that day and she found out that she was pregnant!

Without words to describe the feelings they both feel for all that Jesus Christ has done in their lives, Maria advised the congregation to always walk in faith because even if God seems silent, He is still saying something. On his part, Mr. George emphasised: “Live according to His Word, and whatever you ask will be given to you!”, while promising to bless others, just as God has blessed him!

Do you think you have moved too far away from God, so much so that it seems impossible for you to find your way back? Did you never have a good relationship with Him in the past? Learn today that regardless of your past, life doesn’t completely close the door on opportunities!


Today, many people face situations that seem impossible to solve. However, one of the most important lessons Jesus Christ taught us in His earthly ministry is that we will not be tested beyond our strength! How, then, are we to overcome these difficulties? How will we find solutions to problems that require divine intervention? Faith and trust in God are the keys to moving forward!

Mr. Samuel came from Romania to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to see the power of Jesus Christ working in his own life. At the time of the prayer line, Prophetess Evgenia approached him and gave him the following prophetic word: “They have done witchcraft of death on you. Many times satan wanted to get you killed through accidents, through dropping something on your head! In various ways. That will be broken today! That’s why you have a lot of anger in you and you can’t, sometimes, control yourself. It’s one of the spells they put on you. But today it will be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ!

After the miraculous word he received from Jesus Christ, Mr. Samuel wanted to confirm all that Prophetess Evgenia had spoken about. He began by sharing a dream from the past that had deeply disturbed him. In the dream, an elderly couple appeared to him and told him the following: “Just as we killed your father, we will kill you!” After this dream, his life began to fall apart. His mood changed, his career path took a downward turn, even his dreams were full of nightmares.

Then he shared a second, even sadder story. One day, as he returned home with his parents, they were surprised to see drops of blood on the floor. Shortly afterwards, his mother suddenly developed severe joint pains, which sadly led to her death…

As for the accidents in his own personal life, he described a day when, while riding a motorbike with his friend, they collided with a truck and were seriously injured as a result.

Regarding anger, he explained that out of his whole family he was the angriest. In fact, because of this anger, he ended up losing a close friend. His wife often pointed out this problem to him, but he couldn’t do, nothing about it.

After the prophetic word, he felt happy and free and promised God Almighty to surrender to Him and do His will!

No matter how dirty you are, Jesus Christ can clean you. No matter how sinful you are, Jesus Christ can forgive you! Never doubt the power God has to restore you to your original form. Come to Him by faith and you will see that better is not good enough, but the best is yet to coming!


Many Christians today are completely ignorant of the customs and traditions their ancestors once served. Oftentimes, we believe that because we have accepted Jesus Christ, what our ancestors did has been erased. However, as Christians, no matter how long we have been in faith, we need deliverance to break any chains that the devil may have on us. If you feel that nothing in your life is going right, then retrace the path that your ancestors followed – there may be the solution to your problem.

Ms. Victoria came to the Christian Church Οf All Nations – Thessalonica, so that she could finally put an end to all the demonic attacks she had faced in her life. During the prayer line, an unclean spirit manifested through her, saying the following: “I have done a lot, I destroyed her! I destroyed everything! Her father worshipped me, I killed him! I killed her mother last year! I want to finish her, because she is a saviour to her siblings. I entered her when her mother was three months pregnant with her. Nothing is working, I give her food in a dream!” Clearly amazed by what Jesus Christ did in her life, she wanted to confirm and shed more light on all that the demon said about her life.

She began by explaining that her father was an idol-worshipper. When he passed away, they asked her brother to take over the rituals, which involved blood sacrifices and animals. However, he refused and so the idol remained in a room, unused and with no one to serve it. One day, her sister decided to throw this worship item, which was shaped like a pot, into the rubbish. This decision was made because various strange voices could be heard from the inside, such as people swimming in the sea, laughing and singing! The same night that the idol was discarded, in her dream, she saw a huge python coming out of the pot she had thrown and swallowing her.

Ms. Victoria explained that her mother’s sister-in-law had accused her of being a witch because every time she was pregnant, she lost her child. This accusation caused great turmoil in the family, with her husband believing these words and punching her mother in the belly while she was pregnant. Bleeding profusely, her mother was taken to the hospital, where doctors warned her that the child she was carrying might be born blind or paralysed due to the injuries. So she was advised to abort the child. But she refused! Eventually, she delivered the baby and, by the grace of God, Ms. Victoria came into the world perfectly healthy, with no abnormalities.

She then explained that she suffered from many nightmares in which she would see herself eating food and swimming in the sea. The next day, after these dreams, she was overwhelmed by feelings of sadness and intense anger. She added that people hated her for no reason whatsoever, which caused her more distress because she often ended up losing jobs because of this hatred.

As for being the saviour of the family, to which the demon was referred, she explained that she is the only one who prays for her family because they are frustrated and confused by life. Ms. Victoria also confessed that she was experiencing abnormalities in her period, which she had not told anyone. So when Prophetess Evgenia touched her belly, she was surprised that she prayed for that part of her body as well!

Now, she feels joyful for what God has done in her life and has promised that she will follow Him all the days of her life, as well as follow in His footsteps!

Spiritual damage requires spiritual repair! Run to Jesus Christ, therefore, and you will see that the situation you are facing today is temporary – the permanent solution is coming, in the name of Jesus Christ! All you need is faith to help you stand in the hour of crisis!


Unforgiveness is an important topic in modern times, as it affects human relationships and mental health. For God’s children, forgiveness is not just an option, but an obligation. Bitterness and resentment not only harm us, but also hinder our spiritual growth. This was the problem that Mrs. Marina from Thessaloniki faced, whose pain remained with her for many years…

During the laying on of hands, Mrs. Marina prayed to God to take this invisible thorn from her heart. So, her prayer was answered! When Prophet George Athanasiadis approached her, he told her the following: “I see pain of the past from your family. You need to free your heart from the pain of the past. You know what it is, someone in your family has hurt you. You need to free your heart because as a Christian, forgiveness is not optional, it is mandatory. It is our responsibility! Without forgiveness, we can never see the face of the Lord, there is no Heaven. Free your heart from the pain of the past and God will bless you, He will make a way for you.”

Confirming the prophecy, Mrs. Marina explained that, many years ago, she had been hurt by her husband, who had displayed a different character before their marriage, and a different character afterwards. He stopped treating her tenderly, making her feel like a servant, and hurting her deeply. For many years she lived with this weight on her heart, yet despite her prayers, it would not subside.

After the prophecy, Mrs. Marina believes that God has already delivered her, and that the best is yet to come in her life! Finally, she promised God to stay close to Him until the end.

Unforgiveness due to offence is one of the traps satan, the enemy of our souls, uses to hold us in bondage. Don’t fall into the trap–release forgiveness!


Obesity is a complex issue that deeply affects the mental health and self-esteem of the people who face it. Many of these people experience intense feelings of frustration, loneliness and despair because they feel there is no hope for them. As children of God, we must never forget that nothing is impossible for Jesus Christ. With proper guidance, support and perseverance, health and well-being can be restored, and self-esteem and mental resilience are gradually strengthened.

So it was in the life of Mr. Herman, who visited the Church and felt deeply the presence of God, and he was not unnoticed by the Spirit of God. He gave him a prophetic word through Prophet Stavros who said to him: “I want to encourage you today, Jesus loves you. You look like you are fed up with this life. You look like you abandoned life and you say that there is no hope for you to do something. Because of your situation, because of your problems. Today will be a new dawn for you. Every day that is passing by, you will see yourself renewed. I want to encourage you to start making plans for your life again. Life is not finished for you. All these, Jesus Christ will remove them! You need to do a little exercise every day, and as you do, God will also help you. But God needs your role. If you are just sitting down and saying, “There is no life for me, I’m old, everything is finished, I’m sick”, then even if Jesus wants to help you, He cannot. You are 66 years old, you are not too old. One of the richest people in the world, his name is Warren Buffett, he is an old man. He started his career at 60. So, there is a chance for old men like you”.

Mr. Herman expressed his gratitude to Jesus Christ for this prophetic word and then he wanted to confirm the words of the man of God.

At a young age, he had experienced a health problem that worsened over time to the point of walking with difficulty. As a result, he remained constantly at home, avoiding all social activity. He did not visit places or socialise with friends. His only refuge was to study and learn the Word of God, since he had completely withdrawn from his social life.

Despite his faith, Mr. Herman used to lament to Jesus Christ because he wondered what he had done wrong to deserve such a fate. His attitude towards God was full of frustration and a sense of injustice overwhelmed him. He felt that his life had come to a standstill.

From the moment he heard the prophecy, Mr. Herman immediately felt a change in himself. He began to feel better, and his physical condition improved significantly. He began to walk with greater ease, something that had previously seemed impossible to him because he felt weak and he could not stand upright without the use of an aid.

After this miraculous improvement, he promised to serve Jesus Christ with all his heart and dedicate his life to Him.

Whatever situation you are in right now as a Christian, it might be to prepare you for a new level in life or to strengthen your desire for God! Every trial we face can be a means of spiritual growth if we face it with faith, patience and perseverance. The hope that Christ gives us is everlasting, and we must never forget that through Him all difficulties can be overcome!

The following pictures depict the mighty power of God who has the ability to heal, bless and save everyone who believes!

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In an atmosphere full of faith, those attending the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, felt the living presence of God. His Word touched their hearts, bringing hope, healing and deliverance. Then the sermon entitled “DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND!” was given by man of God Javier. The Prophet began by saying that…

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In an atmosphere full of faith and gratitude, the believers gathered in the sacred premises of the Church, eagerly expecting the presence of the Lord. Everyone’s hearts beat in a rhythm of prayer and anticipation as hope filled the atmosphere. Prophet George Christodoulou in his message entitled “OVERCOME YOUR LIMITATIONS!”…

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As believers from every corner of the earth gathered in the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to receive a blessing, an atmosphere of deep faith filled the place. A little later, the man of God George, preached an encouraging and optimistic message to the children of God…

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Faith in God and love for the Savior of the world prevailed once again in the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessaloniki. People from different nationalities and cultures came together and sang to the Son of God who saves like no other. In such an atmosphere, the believers welcomed Prophet Stavros, who preached a very…

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In an atmosphere of intense faith and spiritual devotion, believers from every corner of the world gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica. Prophetess Evgenia, in a powerful sermon entitled “WHAT KIND OF HEART DO YOU HAVE?” addressed a powerful message to the believers. She began by stating that although many of us may…

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In the presence of the King of glory there is fullness of joy, and peace. Every feeling of anxiety or fear simply disappears! A message that is undoubtedly the “key” to changing the life of every believer today, was preached by Prophet Stavros, entitled “BE WISE, NOT JUST A PHILOSOPHER”. The purpose of the man of God was to make the congregation…

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In a peaceful atmosphere of faith and awe towards God, the believers of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica were in the happy position to experience the mighty grace of God. Prophetess Evgenia, in her message entitled “HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE GOD?”, explained that people live their life in different ways. ..

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The believers in the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica had a special experience, as they witnessed with their own eyes a glimpse of the miracles they have read about in the Book of Acts! In such an atmosphere of faith and worship they welcomed the man of God Stavros, who had a soul-healing message…

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The atmosphere of faith in the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica was palpable, as God’s children gathered to hear His Word and give Him all the glory He deserves! Indeed, who is worthy of our love and obedience? Only Jesus Christ! Then the prophetess Eugenia preached a wonderful message entitled “HOW TO GET RID OF ANGER?”…

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