People from every corner of the world visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Thessalonica, in order to praise the Lord of Heaven and Earth. God’s presence overflowed each believer’s heart with joy, filling them with faith and hope for their divine appointment with Jesus Christ!
Later on, the man of God Stavros preached a wonderful message entitled “WHICH PRICE ARE YOU GOING TO PAY?”, which captured the interest of all present. He began by emphasising the issue that there is no one who can boldly declare that they are completely satisfied with their life, that they have taken full advantage of all the opportunities given to them, that they have done everything they could in life, and that they are ready to meet the Lord in Heaven. However, no matter your past, life does not completely close the door to opportunity.

He then took his biblical quote from Matthew 16:24-26: “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but lose his soul?’” According to this verse, Jesus Christ was looking for followers who were committed and had the same vision as He did. He didn’t just want followers who would only follow Him when it was easy and everything was going well. Life with Jesus Christ is not all about glory and good times, but it is a life of sacrifice, discipline, suffering, and hardship. Many disciples and followers of Jesus Christ back then, hearing His words of sacrifice and devotion, came up with various excuses and walked away, as Christians do nowadays. Indeed, many are seeking a deeper relationship with God and want to be used for His glory. Yet, we are not willing to pay the price for it, as the man of God noted. The proof of our unwillingness, in fact, is that whenever we receive correction or when our conscience tells us we are doing something wrong, we find excuses to avoid sacrifice and devotion to God.

Giving another example from the Word of God, specifically from Matthew 19:16, the well-known example of the rich young man, he explained that at first, the young man seemed willing to pay the price, but eventually, he left in sorrow when Jesus Christ asked him to follow Him because he did not want to lose his wealth. He knew, however, that he was making the wrong decision and that he would soon regret the mistake he had made.
In conclusion, he highlighted the importance of discipline and dedication in achieving our goals. The prophet noted that nothing good will happen without discipline because the life we live is not a speed race but a marathon, and the winner is not the one who starts running a race but the one who finishes! Discipline helps us to be diligent in what we do and to constantly strive for improvement and success. Therefore, it is vital in order to achieve our goals and live a life that is content!

Mrs. Ginka and her husband, Mr. Dimitar, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica to testify about what God Almighty did in their lives when they came and received a divine touch from the man of God Harry.
Mrs. Ginka began her testimony by recounting that at the age of 9, she saw a man in her dream wanting to marry her. After this dream, an unexplainable hatred was born in her as well as her behaviour resembled that of a boy. She took pleasure in being called by a man’s name and from the age of 12 to the age of 13, she was constantly getting into fights with boys. As time passed by, she realised that her behaviour was negative, and she started having panic attacks and swallowing her tongue. More specifically, from the age of 14 to the age of 19 she had epileptic seizures and fainting spells! She visited several doctors, but none of the medicines they gave her helped her.

The situation she was experiencing made her irritable. When she married at the age of 19, she and her husband quickly had their first child, but her mental problems were still there. Even when her husband spoke to her, she became angry with him. As she said, she could not stand him. Because of this unusual behaviour, her parents were forced to take her to a psychiatrist who believed that she should be hospitalised. This idea, however, did not appeal to her parents, so she just continued to take the medication she was on before. At the same time, unable to control herself any longer, she decided to leave her house with her child, abandon her husband and live with her parents.
Her husband, who experienced tragic situations, also wanted to confirm what his wife said! So when his wife left him, he started drinking and smoking. His loneliness even led him into another relationship with a woman for a year. Later, of course, God brought them together again. More particularly, Mrs. Ginka said that while they lived apart, they showed more love to each other than when they lived together, a thing she was not able to explain.
A while after they got back together, another child came into their lives. Like her husband, her children received only hatred from her, not love. The situation had gotten out of control until her husband started watching various videos of the man of God Harry on the internet. At first, Mrs. Ginka was only getting upset just hearing the voice of the man of God! But later, her heart softened, and she agreed to come and receive prayer from the prophet.

At the time she was receiving prayer, something in her did not want to be near the man of God, but at the same time, she really wanted to be set free! Mrs. Ginka and her husband’s life changed 180 degrees after the heavenly intervention through the anointed man of God! Now, she can face the problems of everyday life and does not react with hatred towards her husband and children but only with love! Finally, the epilepsy and fainting spells she used to face are now things of the past! Her advice to God’s children is to follow and trust God because He is the only Living God! At the end of the testimony, she promised to follow Jesus Christ all the days of her life!

No situation is permanent! You may be sick today and healthy tomorrow, you may be tormented by an unclean spirit today and tomorrow you can glorify and bless the name of Jesus Christ! Therefore, take care of the depth of your relationship with God, and God will take care of the breadth of your success!

Mrs. Yvonne, from French Guinea, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Thessalonica along with her husband to testify about the dramatic changes that have occurred in her life, in relation to her health and her family and, full of gratitude, to give all the glory to the Living God!
It all started when, she came down with a simple flu, and visited her doctor, who discovered a murmur in her heart. When she recovered from the flu, her doctor referred her to a cardiologist. The latter’s diagnosis stated aortic valve stenosis by 20%. As she was constantly checked for six months, during the next examination they discovered that the problem had worsened and the stenosis went to 25%. At the next examination, it went up to 30%…
Moreover, 2 years ago, Mrs. Yvonne got infected by the coronavirus and almost died! On her next visit to the cardiologist, she discovered that the stenosis had reached 39%! At that time, her doctor informed her that if the stenosis rate reached 40%, she would have to undergo open-heart surgery immediately! Even though she found it difficult to accept it, she began to prepare for the surgery in Paris. Along the way, the doctor even diagnosed that her heart was also suffering from arrhythmia. Within a period of 24 hours, her heart rate was up to 2000, but after a short period of time, it was up to 9000 beats!

All this affected her physical condition. Although she was a very active woman, because of this problem she could do almost nothing! Even preparing a simple meal, caused her to feel very tired, and she had to rest. In fact, she hired a housemaid to help her cope with her daily life, since she had reached the point of depending on others for everything, she needed help even to get dressed…

Her husband, Mr. Bill, after 45 years of marriage, also noticed that his wife’s health was getting worse and that she felt exhausted doing the slightest things, causing him to feel very worried.
Wanting to be touched by God’s anointing as Mrs. Yvonne already knew about the ministry of Prophet T. B. Joshua in Nigeria, but it was not possible for her to travel there to receive prayer, a friend of hers suggested that they come to Greece to visit the ministry of the man of God Harry. Her husband agreed and immediately booked a plane ticket to Thessaloniki! To her surprise, the moment she set foot in Greece, she was overwhelmed with incredible peace!
When it was time to visit the prayer mountain with her friend, the place where Prophet Harry has chosen to pray and spend time in the presence of the Lord, she was disappointed when she saw the uphill climb she had to take to get there. But with the help of her friend and above all motivated by her faith in God, she made it!

During the prayer line, she received the anointed touch of the man of God Harry. Also, at the end of the service, she had the opportunity to talk to the man of God personally, to whom she brought her son’s picture to pray. Her son had no contact with his parents since the day after his wedding. Despite their attempts to contact him and even apologise to him if they did something wrong, their son refused to talk to them or see them! The man of God assured her that God is in control of her family too!

Mrs. Yvonne, on the plane back home, noticed the first change! As she often travelled by plane, and was surprised how she did not reach the point of fainting on landing as she always did before! At that moment, she realised that her heart was starting to work normally again!
A week after her trip, she had an appointment with the cardiologist who did a cardiogram and was incredibly surprised because he was able to hear her heart normally! As he explained to her, there was no longer an arrhythmia! On further examination, the doctor discovered that the aortic valve stenosis in her heart had also dropped from 39% to 33%! In fact, at the doctor’s insistence to find out what had happened, Mrs. Yvonne made a testimony of faith and made her God famous!
After the blessed visit to Thessaloniki and the prayer she received, the changes in her body are immediate, as well as in her daily life. Where she used to ask for help with everything, now she does the shopping herself and her husband follows her… running! She no longer feels fatigue or weakness, she performs her household chores as before and cooks without feeling tired!

God’s kindness didn’t stop there, by simply healing Mrs. Yvonne’s heart, He reached into her son’s heart and softened it! While he had completely cut his parents out of his life, now he wants to communicate with them and has begun to visit them!
Clearly moved, she advised the crowd to ask the Lord for help, because He can make all things possible! Finally, she promised to do whatever God asks her to do from now on.
We need God in everything in life. You need God to get up, to wash, to dress… Don’t wait until trouble comes to remember that! Faith is there for our challenges and it sure… moves mountains!

Ms. Jacqueline from the Netherlands was told three years ago by her doctor that she only had 3 months to live due to the tumours that were found in her lungs. Her situation had progressed so badly that the doctors said no human intervention could not do anything for her. Yet since God always has the final word, she decided to come to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica to seek God’s intervention!
During the prayer line, she had the privilege of receiving a prophetic message from the man of God Stavros who stated: “This is an attack. All the problems you’re facing are a demonic attack, they want to kill you. Somebody put a spell on you, but don’t worry, the Lord is protecting you and He has started working on your health. Make sure to follow Christ from today, so that God’s protection will remain permanent.”
After the service, Ms. Jacqueline confirmed that all the things the man of God said are true. On a specific day in 2003, she started hearing some voices that were telling her that someone would harm her. When she opened the door of her house in order to go inside, she instantly felt something entering her, and that night, she went to sleep feeling very cold.

After this incident, she started facing issues. For instance, family members of hers cut all ties with her. Moreover, she faced hardship at work and she was always isolated. In 2019, she noticed that she was coughing a lot. She visited the doctor, went through many examinations, but nothing was found, so the doctor gave her antibiotics and various pills. When she realised that all of this was in vain and she was just wasting her money – since the pain would not subside – she stopped having it checked regularly. All of this was until 2 years ago, when she felt that her body was very weak. The doctors ran her a chest CT scan and they discovered that a lethal cancer had developed in her lungs.
They also said that radiotherapy would not help at all since she had terminal cancer, yet she refused to believe that the end had come for her! Although she rejected medical help, after using a breathing machine for quite a while, she based her faith completely upon the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross! Her doctor was even amazed to see her alive after months of being in the final stage of cancer!
There is no sickness that Jesus Christ cannot cure! Right after the prayer, the first thing she said that she felt was the pain leaving her body! She now believes that her healing is in progress and that her health is being totally restored! In closing, her promise to God is to continue serving Him for all the days of her life, so that His protection will remain upon her!
Even if people tell you that the end has come, the end has in no way come! Today, you may be sick, but you are still dear to God; therefore, remain steadfast in your faith and you will see what God is preparing for you!

No dream with bad content is innocent. The following case is proof of this. Ms. Inga was tormented by bad dreams which, in turn, brought other problems, but Jesus Christ had different, beautiful plans for her!
At the time of the prayer line, she received a message from the Spirit of God, through Prophetess Evgenia, which was this: “You see bad dreams, you do not sleep well. You are always stressed and you cannot find peace. This is not from you, it is from the devil. But today, God will deliver you and everything will be all right! You need to read your Bible more and pray more so that God can protect you.”
The words of the Prophetess were confirmed shortly afterwards by Ms. Inga. In particular, she confessed that for a long time she had been having bad dreams. In these dreams, either someone was trying to sleep with her or someone wanted to feed her food. Even when she was asleep, however, her sleep was not enough to give her sufficient rest. As a result, she would wake up in the morning with a bad temper and guilt.

It was natural for Ms. Inga to live her daily life full of stress and negative thoughts, influenced at the same time by some negative events occurring in the world lately.
As she wanted to get rid of all this, she tried to think positively, and took refuge in prayer to God, and only then did she feel peace within herself.
But praise the Lord who uses every difficult situation we go through to draw us to Him! After recognising the need to read God’s Word more, she joyfully promised to always be faithful to God!
No matter what you are experiencing today, God can use any difficult situation to bring you close to Him! He is able to turn your difficulty into a blessing, if only you will approach Him in spirit and in truth!
Below we see snapshots of people overflowing with the presence of God and receiving answers to years of requests as the Spirit of the Living God was working, revealing His glory!