The Word of God says that where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus Christ, He is present! Thus, as His children gathered to worship Him, the Lord filled their hearts with peace and joy!
During the service, an interesting sermon was preached by Prophet Stavros entitled “WAR IS NECESSARY.” His purpose was to awaken the people of God and equip them for the battle they have to fight against darkness.

“Today, we have the privilege of living in freedom, far from war, and we enjoy various goods such as food and security,” he stated. However, he stressed the point that a price has been paid for all this. No free country was gifted its freedom as simple as that, but it took some people who fought for it, he concluded!
Today, while we are seemingly free, many of us are in spiritual bondage because we are daily confronted by forces that cause pressure and tension in our lives. The man of God asked whether we are aware of the existence of these forces, and if so, do we end up victorious or defeated in this spiritual battle?
His first Biblical quote was from 1 Peter 5:8-9, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” The enemy of our soul prowls around to see whom he will devour. In other words, the daily battle in our hearts is the battle between right and wrong, the battle between righteousness and unrighteousness, faith and unbelief. Life, therefore, is not an encounter group, a bonding meeting, or a playground; life is a battlefield where only the serious minded are victorious!
Then, Prophet Stavros mentioned that although we all desire victory and blessing, most Christians have given in to defeat and failure… He gave the example that many pray for healing, but have come to terms with sickness. Unwilling to fight, they declare themselves weak or fight with physical or mental strength. The answer the servant of God gave was in the book of Revelation 21:7-8, “Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” , The man of God concluded that he who desires triumph or victory must be ready to embrace war because triumph or victory is a product of warfare.

“So how are we going to fight?” – he asked the congregation. In response, he read from Ephesians 6:12-17, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
If you say that you are a child of God, then you have to fight till the end, knowing that victory is guaranteed because your Father is a Conqueror! If you want to experience victory, the giant you have before you right now will never go away unless you kill him, or he kills you. The man of God emphasised that God’s children must understand this truth, or they will waste the rest of their lives hoping for a miracle.
In closing, Prophet Stavros stated: “Just because you lost a few battles doesn’t mean it’s all over! As long as you are alive, nothing is over, the best is yet to come!” Hence, make up your mind to never give up, because victory in Christ Jesus is not for those who quit, but for those who endure!

A series of unsuccessful relationships seemed to define Mrs. Magi’s entire life, leaving her feeling completely rejected. After years of searching for a blessing that would change her situation, she decided to travel from Scotland to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica being determined to see God’s hand at work in her case.
While the Prophets were ministering to those present, Mrs. Magi was confident that her years of prayer and fasting were not in vain! When the man of God Kastriot prayed for her, God had a message that would end the curse that was following her! “I see that there have been three men in your life and now you are alone. There was an unclean spirit that was coming into your life and was bringing up separation. As soon as you had a relationship and thought ‘I’m going to get married, he’s the right man for me!’, the relationship would be ruined, the marriage would be over! There was an unclean spirit! From today, you will be free from that spirit, and you will be a child of God!”
Surprised that God had actually heard her prayer, she confirmed that the prophecy was absolutely accurate. She admitted that she was just looking for love in the past. Not knowing the Lord, she committed herself to the first person who showed her interest and love. She had children, but she noticed that she felt empty, something was missing, and she did not feel content at all. Eventually, that marriage fell apart! In the second marriage, while away from God, and even though she knew in her heart that deep love was missing, she went ahead with this marriage for the sake of her children. Again, the results were the same… Finally, there was a third relationship which lasted only a few weeks…

Disappointed with her unfortunate attempts, she was no longer willing to get into a new relationship. She decided to live a life like all single-parent families do and felt that, because of her age, there was no hope for change. At the same time, the weight of her “failure” was pulling her down.
Once she decided to seek the Lord, God’s love located her with a Word that would end the misery of all those years. Rejoicing in the proof that God had not forsaken her, she promised to serve God with all her life, and all her heart!
Indeed, regardless of your past, life does not completely close the door to opportunity!

When your condition goes beyond normal, it becomes a curse! Mrs. Liz from Switzerland was praying to find out God’s point of view on her stagnation and the problems she was facing in her life, so she came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica.
“Curse in the family! The whole family is scattered. Nothing is going well in your life! While you try, you can’t, there is no way. This is a curse that today will be broken! You and your family will be free!” These were the words that the Spirit of God had prepared for her, and as soon as the man of God Kastriot delivered the message to her, it was certain that every curse was broken, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Mrs. Liz, wanting to confirm these prophetic words, which came directly from the throne of God’s grace and mercy, mentioned that there was indeed a family curse in her life. She pointed out that everyone in her family had issues either in their marriage, their finances, or their work and no one seemed to be prospering.

More specifically, her family was “broken” as she had been separated from her husband for 14 years. Also, some of Mrs. Liz’s siblings were divorced and remarried, while some of her brothers and sisters were having the same problems in their marriages.
In terms of her career, she is a public health worker in an organisation in Switzerland, she made several attempts to get a promotion, to find a better job, a better position in this organisation she was already working for, but in vain. She applied to several positions even in other international companies, however, nothing brought up the breakthrough, the blessing she so much desired. In her pursuit of a financial breakthrough, she expanded into the business field, but unfortunately, her entrepreneurial decisions resulted in her losing her money.
She added that she has 3 children. Her son is working, but her daughter is unable to find a job despite having applied for countless jobs.
Finally, the curse on her family has been broken and Mrs. Liz’s joy is indescribable! Confident that God will fully restore them from now on, she has promised God Almighty that she will serve Him for the rest of her life and that she will live for Him from now on!
Only Jesus Christ can break every curse in your life! Run to Him and you will see that you will receive your blessing, your healing, and your freedom!
Where does our salvation, freedom and healing come? Only Jesus Christ can offer us everything we need; the following photos show His eternal power to break every chain in the lives of His children.