The power of God prevailed once again as the children of God gathered in the arena of liberty to seek the face of their Heavenly Father. The worship team sang the worship songs’ lyrics with boldness, turning them into words of prayer, as those present allowed praise to take the place of their troubles, their sickness, their disease and their melancholy! Once their hearts were open to the Spirit of God, they were then ready to receive their spiritual food, the Word of God!

A profound message titled “WIN YOUR FEAR WITH THE EYES OF FAITH!” followed, through which Prophet Κastriot pointed out that most people, whether believers or unbelievers, are faced with fear! He pointed out that fear stops us from making important decisions in life and many are those who want to drive it out of their lives but are unable to do so.

He then took his biblical passage from 2 Kings 6:11, where the Word of God states: “This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”,“None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”, “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city. When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” Wanting to shed more light on this passage, he mentioned that Elisha’s servant did not know Who he had beside him, so he was overcome with fear! But when Elisha asked the Lord to open his servant’s eyes of faith, all fear was gone, because, the opening of our eyes of faith is the silencing of our fears!

The man of God wanted to expose the root cause of fear and pointed out that fear and insecurity dominate a life without faith. They are weapons that the devil uses to “kill” God’s children, keeping them stagnant.

In order to give the congregation the solution to this problem, Prophet Kastriot explained how we should not hesitate to do God’s will in our lives because of fear, but embrace the Word of God who has the power to drive away all fear!


The devil came to steal, kill, and destroy. This is how it happened with the life of Mrs. Katarina from Slovakia, whom the anointing of God locates: “They have cast a spell on you in the family. Illnesses, separations, fights at home… They have put a spell on you. Someone visited your home many years ago and left something in your house. This something was a demonic plan to destroy your family, your life. From today this thing has no power over your family. Secondly, who gave you this ring?” After Mrs. Katarina replied that the ring was a gift from her pastor, the man of God Kastriot continued: “Maybe your pastor didn’t know something, maybe he got it from somewhere and gave it to you as a gift, but this ring has a demon inside, it’s demonic. It is like you married an unclean spirit. It’s not your pastor’s fault, nor yours, but the devil’s… From today you will be free, and throw this away!”. Hearing the words of the man of God Kastriot, Mrs. Katarina threw the ring down, full of joy that God had honored her in this way.

After the Prophet declared her free, in the name of Jesus Christ, Mrs. Katarina wanted to confirm the demonic influence that – she until then – had in her life. First, she explained that her husband cheated on her with a young woman who was into witchcraft, which she discovered on social media. Later, although Mrs. Katarina tried to convince her husband to reconcile, he left her for the same woman. As Mrs. Katarina believes, this was as a result of the witchcraft practiced by this particular person.

Delving into her marriage, which ended suddelnly, Ms. Katarina experienced many fights, as well as emotional and physical abuse. “Something” used to overwhelm her husband, making him unable to control himself and his rage, causing him to not only misbehave, but also beat her. In fact, after she had an accident in which she broke her ribs, her husband punched her in that very spot. The family curse continued into her daughter’s marriage, who also faced quarrels and abuse from her husband.

The health of the whole family had been severely affected, with various illnesses, pains, and discomforts in various body parts of her daughter’s family. There were also serious diseases such as cancer in the wider relatives. In fact, she also lost her father to cancer and almost lost her mother as well.

Regarding the ring, Ms. Katarina explained that since it was given to her, her spiritual life was significantly affected. In particular, she found herself unable to read her Bible, and at a discomfort when it came to praying, not finding the words. This fact made her particularly sad.

Mrs. Katarina glorifies Jesus Christ, as the forces that were putting pressure on her life and her family are gone! Free now and full of gratitude that Jesus found her, she promised to serve Him with all her strength, and with everything she has!

We must fight the spiritual entities that cause crisis and tension at work, in our spiritual lives, in our homes, and in our marriages!


In today’s world, failure in people’s lives is common and even bordering on the normal. For example, failure in academics, failure in professional or interpersonal relationships. For Ms. Marthe from Belgium, failure was present in all of these. So, she saw her visit to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica as a unique opportunity for a restart in her life.

The moment the man of God Giannis began to pray over her, a demon manifested, saying: “I have been controlling her life since birth! Her family gave her to me, I am preventing her from achieving anything. She is very intelligent, she teaches other people, but she cannot teach herself! Everyone says she’s dumb, but she’s just good. Whatever she tries to do, I stop her at the last minute! The people she teaches pass the exams but she can’t do it! I took all her children away from her! I even took her firstborn son away, he is 52 years old and she has never seen him! Her sons hate her even though she has done everything for them. She belongs to me! One of her daughters got married, but she hates her too! Her other daughter is 30 years old and she hates her too, she goes crazy, she doesn’t want to see her! She has to die! I tried to kill her many times, but God saved her at the last minute. She had several car accidents, falling off bridges. Each time God saved her! She loves Him very much! She was on her way to Prophet T. B. Joshua’s church, but then I waited for her! I don’t like what she wears on her arm( the faith bracelet, one of the anointed items given by Prophet T. B. Joshua to believers to meditate on God’s Word day and night), but she keeps wearing it! That’s what saves her every time, she has to die. I’m tired, I want to go!”.

After the man of God rebuked the demon and declared Ms. Marthe free, her first words were: “I feel like a heavy burden has been lifted off my back!” Later, she gave more details about the life she had been living all these years.

Her parents gave her to her grandmother to raise her. As the years went by, the butler of the house, seeing her isolated, told her that when she was very young she was taken to a mountain to be “sacrificed” in order to free her aunt who was possessed. Her own grandmother even wanted to ‘sacrifice’ her granddaughter!

Then, from her teenage years, Ms. Marthe had no friends, no one to talk to, and when she became an adult she had no degree or work achievements to show for it. For example, she had taken some classes in the past, and while she could help others around her succeed in exams, she was failing!

As for her children, she may have never had a stable marriage, as she stated, but she always took care of them and gave them everything she could. Suddenly, however, all her children abandoned her, not wanting to have the slightest contact with her! In particular, her firstborn son, whom her father-in-law took away from Ms. Marthe a week after his birth, when she wanted to visit him, he was always missing!

Finally, regarding the accidents she had, she stressed that many times while driving, she either collided with other vehicles or fell off various bridges. In each case, her car would get wrecked, but she was never injured!

Now Mrs. Marthe believes that the prayer she received will bring positive changes in her life and she feels free and happy! Her promise to the Lord is to serve Him and help other people in need!

If the situation you are in now does not guarantee your future, do not despair; the end has not come, the best is always yet to come.


Mrs. Zuzana from Slovakia and her daughter visited the arena of salvation, the arena of God’s promises and blessings in a wonderful service, in the name of Jesus Christ, where the following prophetic words were spoken to her by the man of God Kastriot:
“-Where is your husband?
-We are divorced. He left when my daughter was born.

-Yes, your husband has divorced you, but God has not divorced you. Should I say it was God’s will for you to divorce? I’m not going to say that. Because man has weaknesses. Especially when he doesn’t know God. Because when man doesn’t know God, he doesn’t know what is right. From today, you will be free and God will provide the best for you. Draw near to God, and God will fill every gap that man has left because God fills us up. From today, you will be free, and you will come back to give your testimony- but not alone! God will provide, and you will see that you will come here, stand over there, and say: “I was a failure, but today I am victorious!” Secondly, this girl (referring to her daughter) will change many lives. She will become a woman of God and you will live to remember this day, and you will see her on the altar telling people the Good News of the Lord. God saw the future, that’s why He spoke today.”

Ms. Zuzana wanted to thank God for His promises, believing that whatever pieces were broken in her life until today, God will fully restore them, according to the prophetic word given to her. Thus, she confirmed the prophetic words spoken to her, saying that being divorced, she was facing problems even in other social relationships in her life, as well as in her work, and she was finding it difficult to move forward. All this was affecting her a lot, in a negative way, as she used to be a happy and social person, but she shut herself off, with a child, as a single parent, something she never expected to happen to her. As for her daughter, the fact she was growing up without a father made her fearful of males and not truly happy, like children of her age, which tore her down as a mother, however, she was unable to do anything to change the situation that both she and her only daughter were experiencing.

Knowing that God’s plan is the best for her, she was filled with optimism for the future after the prayer she received, and about the prophecy received for her daughter, she added that it made her very happy and that she would do everything in her power to support her in her calling. Furthermore, she stressed that she was not surprised by the confirmation of her daughter’s calling, as she has been very special since she was a little girl. Thus, full of gratitude, she promised God that she would faithfully anticipate the fulfillment of what was foretold and would remain close to Him!

In Proverbs 3:5-6, the Word of God exhorts us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Indeed, where God leads, He provides and He protects and in His time everything is beautiful!


It is God’s will that we are happy, content, and healthy in Jesus Christ. This is exactly what the Lord wanted to fulfill in Mr. Amponfi’s life, who came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to receive direction for his life. Although he had specific issues written on his placard the God’s anointed one, the man of God Kastriot surprised him by saying:

“What are you looking for? It’s not what you have on the placard. You’re looking for something else! Yes, you must get married! God has the best for you. Enough of loneliness, enough of supporting others. It’s time for God to become Your Supporter!  He will give you a wife, children, and family, so you can be content. God will make a way where you didn’t expect Him to make a way!”

After the service, Mr. Amponfi confirmed that as the eldest of his siblings, it was always in his heart to help them and the family before himself, believing that he should not progress alone. In fact, he liked to give, not only did he feel instructed to help his family, but also many others in his community. This responsibility defined his life, but it was also true that he didn’t spend any time for himself, so to settle.

In the course of his life, he might have married, but he always waited for God’s instruction as to exactly who he should marry. Even though he was 51 years old, and even though friends and parents pushed him, asking him why he hadn’t yet settled, Mr. Amponfi said he trusted God for the best. When he heard the word of prophecy, he knew in his heart that this promise was truly from God, and that this Word would truly be fulfilled in his life.

His promise to Almighty God, the Giver of this wonderful blessing, is to continue to serve Him even more, looking forward to the blessings God is preparing for him.

God is more interested in our future than in our present situation. As in the case of Mr. Amponfi, God has plans to prosper His people, to give them hope and a future!

Where God’s anointing is present, healing, freedom, and blessing are like breathing. The international visitors of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica were privileged to experience this anointing and the results are shown in the pictures below.

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  1. Khathutshelo Mbambala

    Good morning and win today win tomorrow and win for ever, I was reading testimony of the woman whom all her children hate her it really touched me but for the glory of God I’m glad she is delivered

  2. Osasuyi Odion Ogiefa

    What are you looking for? It’s not what you have on the placard. You’re looking for something else! Yes, you must get married! God has the best for you. Enough of loneliness, enough of supporting others. It’s time for God to become Your Supporter! He will give you a wife, children, and family, so you can be content. God will make a way where you didn’t expect Him to make a way!”. The prophecy is for me too… I Place a demand on the anointing that I will get married and have a job with a good salary. In Jesus Christ name amen Amen Amen. Thank you Jesus


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