For yet another Sunday, the children of the Most High God experienced His holy presence in their midst! Worshippers and the congregation joined their voices and lifted their hands to heaven, giving all glory and honour to the One who was born, died, rose again, and still reigns in power for us – our Lord Jesus Christ!

In this atmosphere of worship and adoration, Prophetess Evgenia then took the floor and preached a counselling message entitled: “DO NOT REJECT THE WORD OF GOD”.

Starting her message, she pointed out that many people go to church every Sunday under different motives; some for personal reasons, for example to find a partner, while others for professional reasons or to receive a healing, forgetting, however, the main reason for their coming, which is the salvation of their souls! Going deeper, the Prophetess emphasised on the importance of daily Bible studying, as when we do not do so, we make ourselves unequipped for the battle that has been raging since ancient times, which is at the heart of every human being. In addition, she stressed that wrong priorities and not being in daily contact with the Word of God constitute a rejection of the Word itself, which is very serious and dangerous for the salvation of the soul of every believer, as it deprives the believer’s heart of peace and meaningful change in his or her life.

With the first biblical passage from the book of John 14:1-4, she continued: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Therefore, the Servant of God emphasised that salvation requires building the character of Christ, as everything else in this life is temporary, prioritising heart wealth over earthly wealth as the ultimate goal for every believer, thus separating right from wrong priorities.

In the next biblical passage, taken from 2 Kings 5:9-12, she read: “So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and stopped at the door of Elisha’s house. Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.” But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Couldn’t I wash in them and be cleansed?” So he turned and went off in a rage. Explaining the above verses, the Prophetess pointed out that human rebelliousness causes us to do things that are against God’s instruction, and this can lead us to the greatest failure in, which is to succeed, but on the wrong mission.

She concluded by saying that in life we will either have excuses or results, and the way to get results is to set the right priorities, which simplify our lives so that we are not constantly busy, without being efficient, which is the biggest mistake we can make in life! Finally, she pointed out what an insidious enemy the sin that is in us by nature is, as well as pride too. Therefore, we need to pray and arm ourselves against the. As we do so, the Lord will give us His grace, for when we humble ourselves for Christ’s sake, He will exalt us in His hour and in His time!


Depression, lack of self-love, alcohol, drugs, and suicide attempts… Problems so widespread that no matter how hard people try to find a permanent solution, the victims of these problems amount to thousands, if not millions. So, is there anyone who can break these chains in people’s lives? The answer is yes! His name is Jesus Christ!

Mr. Arnaud from the Netherlands visited the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica again, wanting to thank God for His saving intervention in his life. Unwrapping the tangle of his life, Mr. Arnaud began by saying that from the tender age of 4-5 years old he suffered from depression. It was then that he first considered suicide. As he grew up as a child, he hated himself and saw himself as trash. Over the years he began to harm himself by causing cuts or burns on his body so that he could externalise the psychological pain he felt.

Also, his relationship with his parents was problematic, because they found it difficult to show affection and love. In fact, he often received negative criticism from his father even if he did something good. Also, his parents had become parents of foster children who were abused by their parents. The fact that Mr. Arnold was listening to all these unpleasant stories of children pushed him away from people.

Nightmares were another unpleasant experience for him. He saw himself both running and trying to escape or being imprisoned. He generally saw nothing positive in life and all his youthful years were sunk in darkness.

As he grew older, he began drinking alcohol and using drugs, such as cocaine, in a – desperate – attempt to suppress any negative thoughts or feelings that he had felt all those years without ceasing. Regarding alcohol, drinking at least one bottle of whiskey was a daily habit of his.

With depression still with him and having had few good experiences in his life, Mr. Arnaud decided at some point to seek psychological and psychiatric help. The doctors gave him antidepressants, as well as pills for the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with which he was diagnosed. Unfortunately for him, his psychology did not improve at all, which is why he combined the pills with alcohol and drugs, in order to forget the pain he felt inside.

In his adult life he worked occasionally for various construction companies, wanting to gain knowledge and experience. However, he could not find peace through work either, because anxiety and panic attacks were frequent. For example, he once had a panic attack which lasted 7 day! Incredible as it may sound, for a whole week his heart was about to explode, despite his attempts, either through meditation or alcohol, to calm himself down.

Relationships with the people around him were problematic. He also had a few affairs, one of them being pregnant with his son. Then something changed in Mr. Arnaud’s psychology, because he had someone to care for and be cared for. Even when he and his wife separated, his 1.5-year-old son continued to live with him. For his sake, he even went on holiday with his friends so that their children could play together. For him, however, it was simply brutal to spend time with other people, and he tended to isolate himself from everyone. At the age of 11.5, for school reasons, his child had to go to live with his mother. Mr. Arnaud’s psychology was then put under renewed strain…

At some point, he learned about the church in Thessaloniki through his brother, who recommended him to come and receive prayer from the man of God, Harry. Though with a touch of shyness and hesitation even at the time of prayer, the Prophet not only prayed over him but Mr. Arnaud also had the privilege of speaking privately with him. After their conversation, Mr. Arnaud decided to stay in Greece for a time so that, with the help of the man of God, to get to know the Lord better and strengthen his relationship with Him.

So, after his soul-saving stay in Greece, it was time to return to the Netherlands, where he founded his own construction company!

Today, he is happy that he is offering something good to his fellow human beings with whom he can now have friendly and pleasant relations! Panic attacks, depression, isolation, suicidal thoughts, and any use of drugs or alcohol are part of his old life! And not because the medication he was taking paid off – since he no longer needed it – but because Jesus Christ destroyed every evil work in Mr. Arnaud’s life and offered him a future full of joy and optimism! His advice to the crowd is to open our hearts and let the Lord work in us, and his promise is to always be close to Him!

Do you feel dirty? Do you feel incapable of receiving love? Regardless of your past, life doesn’t completely close the door on opportunities! So, there’s hope for you too, don’t give up!


Society’s current perception of the importance of dreams we have during sleep is that they cannot have an impact on our daily lives. Mrs. Lily’s case not only proves the spiritual background of dreams, but at the same time offers a solution to anyone who realizes they have the same problem.

Coming from England, therefore, Mrs. Lily joyfully attended the meeting and then took part in the prayer line. There the woman of God Evgenia prayed for her, giving her a prophetic word: “You are seeing dreams where they are giving you food. This is to make you sick. It is not that you had these problems. These problems were created by this. But today, God will heal you in all areas of your life. Because you have a heart for the Lord, you came in humility, saying, ‘Lord take all these things off me!’ and He will take them off.

Later, Mrs Lily confirmed the words of the Prophetess. Indeed, for the past 10 years she had been seeing in dreams that she was being fed food. The consequence of these dreams was that she developed asthma, which gradually became a threat to her life. She went so far as to be admitted to the hospital emergency room, went into a coma for 2 weeks, and almost had to have a lung transplant! Still, asthma caused bronchiectasis, another serious respiratory problem. To deal with these problems, she took 8-12 pills every morning, which in turn caused problems with her bones. Generally, the more she ate food in her dreams, the worse her condition became.

Mrs. Lily confessed that although she has been a Christian for many years, at first she did not pay attention to the fact that she was being fed in dreams. Until her condition worsened so much that she began to seek the Lord’s face on this matter. Then she began to realise that these dreams were responsible for her poor state of health. As she stated, watching Emmanuel TV (the channel created by the Prophet T.B. Joshua to help millions of people know the truth of Jesus Christ) helped her understand what was happening in her life.

Regarding the Prophetess’ words that she has a heart towards the Lord, she mentioned that she is an active member of a church in her country, prays, studies and tries to live her life based on the Word of God.

Before coming to church, Mrs. Lily was looking forward to seeing how God would miraculously answer her prayers, because she had the absolute conviction that her life would be changed, completely! “Today is my day of freedom!”, she said after the service was over. She believes that her problems belong to the past and she feels very happy inside. Her advice is to always trust God because His time is the best, and she promises to continue to live according to His will!

The situation you are experiencing may be long-term or painful and cause you to doubt your Creator, but there is nothing more ridiculous than to allow your present situation to cause you to doubt the fulfilment of God’s Word or promises for your life. Trust Him, and in His hour you will be rewarded!


Can a bad dream destroy you? Can a dream in which you eat or see dead people turn your whole life upside down? To the people of the world ignorance prevails, but the children of God know that such dreams are sent by the devil to steal, kill, and destroy.

Knowing the above, Mrs. Eleni from Veria with her husband, Mr. Alexandros, decided to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica. A few minutes before the service ended, Mrs. Eleni received the following prophetic message from the man of God Stavros: “You have been delivered from the spirit of death. If you think about your dreams, you will see that they came and fed you at some point. These signs are for you to understand what happened. That is why you feel strange, you did not clearly understand what was happening. ‘I should be happier, I should be feeling what I am living, I feel weird’. Because your spirit was already captured, and it was just a matter of time if that chain had not broken today, one day you would fall asleep, and you would not wake up, but the Lord has set you free! I am telling you this so you know and thank the Lord. Forget everything that happened. The same applies to your husband. From today, you are free to thank the Lord and give Him your whole life. Devote your whole life, because without Jesus Christ we are nothing, the devil can destroy us in a moment.”

Later, Mrs. Eleni confirmed the words spoken to her, saying that she indeed saw people feeding her in dreams, and she saw dead relatives several times. Then, she added, after she woke up, she had a strange feeling and she felt sick. She also explained that she wanted to be alone all the time. This situation began and got even worse a few months ago when her mother passed away. Besides that, there was no other reason for her to feel this psychological burden inside.

As for Mr. Alexandros, he stated that he had been in danger of either fatal or serious injury three times at his workplace. In addition, dead people appeared in his dreams as well. As a result, he was very irritable during the day and he had pain in his legs.

Retaking the floor, Mrs. Eleni spoke of a most encouraging dream that she saw a few days before she and her husband received the prophecy. As she was sleeping, she looked up into the sky and she knew that God was there. Suddenly, a light appeared, and out of that light Jesus Christ! Then, her faith was revived, and she knew that the Lord was with her!

However, after the prophecy they are both full of joy, knowing that that spirit that had plagued their lives for so long is gone for good! Their promise to God is that they will follow Him for the rest of their lives and they will be with Him forever, for without Him there is no life, He is life!

These dreams with their corresponding consequences caused spiritual damage to the life of this couple, and only the Lord could deliver them because spiritual damage requires spiritual repair!


Although the use of drugs may be necessary to treat certain conditions and to maintain our health, their overconsumption can be useless, if not harmful. Mr. Favour, a resident of Germany, came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, to receive healing from the Great Healer!

In the prayer line, as Prophetess Evgenia, was praying for him, she gave him the following prophetic word: “I see there are drugs in your family! Be careful, for you have a tendency towards them! This is what satan does to destroy you! You have a star! You are called! Other people have told you so, too, others know this about you!”

At the end of the service, Mr. Favour, wanting to confirm the prophetic word, which came from the throne of God’s grace and mercy, said that he was facing severe demonic attacks in his sleep, as he saw himself being fed in his dream and also women coming into his sleep to have an affair with him. After receiving these attacks, the very next day he had pain all over his body! The excruciating pain he was feeling led him to the hospital, where doctors in turn gave him various drugs after tests he underwent, to make the pain go away. All this was happening for 9 whole years, as Mr. Favour was taking ten pills on a daily basis, five in the morning and five in the afternoon!

Regarding his family, he added that there was a curse, as they were facing various illnesses and debts. Moreover, he pointed out that they were divided, they had arguments and there was no unity between them!

Regarding his calling, he said that when he had a dream, that dream would then come true. He also knew that he had a star, as he mentioned!

Now, he believes that his life will not remain the same! Full of joy, he promised God Almighty that he would serve Him for the rest of his life because He is the only way!

God’s will for us is that we are happy, healthy, and content in Christ Jesus! Run to the One who can give you true joy, perfect healing, perfect blessing, perfect freedom, and you will see that the best will come into your life!

As it was in the era of Jesus Christ and His apostles, so it is today! Faith was the link for the people in the pictures below to receive the miracle they were seeking. Likewise, believe in Jesus Christ today to receive the incredible, to receive the impossible!

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  1. Osasuyi Odion Ogiefa

    Thank you Jesus Christ… Indeed sin is a burden in the soul. Until people realize that the battle against sin is spiritual they will continue to fight the wrong battle. Only Jesus Christ can break sin’s power over my life.

    • Perry D.Johnson

      I’m pastor perry D Johnson from Liberia I want for your to please remember us in prayer for the growth of our ministry

      • CCOAN - Thessalonica

        Good morning! Please be advised that if you are in need of prayer you may send us your prayer request through our official website: Our prayer request form can be found by scrolling to the bottom of our homepage. May God continue to bless you in abundance!

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