Where the Spirit of God is present, changes occur! Full of awe, excitement and enthusiasm, visitors from different parts of the world came to experience radical change in their lives, meeting the Holy Spirit, at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica!

An essential message titled: “THE MEANING OF EASTER!” followed, through which Prophet Stavros posed the following question to the congregation: “What is Easter?”. Wanting to explain, he pointed out that Easter is a day set aside by believers, on which they celebrate the resurrection of Someone who paid the ultimate price for all of us! He added that while there is only one Easter and it has been set aside for a specific purpose and reason, everyone celebrates it differently!

He then took the biblical passage from Titus 3:3-6, which states that: “At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior”.

Wanting to delve deeper, he pointed out that we were all enemies of God once, until He chose to forgive us. If it wasn’t for the sacrifice God Almighty made because of His love for us, we would be dead today because the reward of sin is death. Therefore, none of us, deserve salvation! We are all unworthy of God’s presence, blessing and life itself! This is the reason why God Almighty came in human form and died unfairly for us, thus paying for our sins, so that whoever believes in Him and His work can receive God’s righteousness, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. Undoubtedly, Jesus Christ died and rose again for us! He reigns in power, and He is still praying for us! The man of God Stavros reminded the congregation that Jesus Christ was scourged, tortured, humiliated, and in the end brutally murdered!

Taking the second biblical passage from Colossians 3:1-3, he stated that: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God”. He emphasised that if we want to meet Jesus Christ and make His resurrection our own, our hearts and minds must seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, so that then everything else can be added to our lives!

Wanting to pose another question to the people of God, he asked, “What is resurrection?” He explained that resurrection means to bring someone who is dead back to life or to bring back to life something that is lying fallow. When we talk about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are talking about a unique opportunity that He gives believers to make a fresh start! He also emphasised that while a person may be alive, their spirit may actually be dead!

In closing, He pointed out that when the resurrection power falls upon you, then every dead area of your life must be resurrected! His resurrection on the one hand is the joy of His friends, and on the other hand is the confusion and terror of His adversaries! “Are you a friend of Jesus Christ or His adversary?” he concluded!


We all know how harmful smoking addiction can be to human health, but who could have imagined that even chewing tobacco itself can be as addictive and equally harmful to humans? Mr. Levi, however, had found himself trapped in this nasty habit for the past 10 years.

So, he came from the Faroe Islands and joined the prayer line in order to receive his deliverance from the Lord. When Prophet Kastriot approached him, Mr. Levi confessed this addiction before God and men, with the man of God replying, “From today you will be free! You will see tobacco and hate it, it will be a thing of the past, like a dream!” Then the Prophet declared him free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

After the service was over, Mr. Levi gave more details about the problem he was facing. It all started when he was about the age of 11 or 12, while attending primary school. He would observe his friends chewing tobacco, who would pressure him to do the same, with Mr. Levi finally giving in at some point…

With this habit turning into an addiction in the following years, he had not yet realised that this act was bad for his body, until he started noticing some symptoms 4 years ago. For example, the skin inside his mouth had become harder, and when he brushed his teeth he was bleeding and feeling pain. In addition, when he realised that he had wasted thousands of euros over the years – as he chewed tobacco several times a day – he felt shocked…

Then Mr. Levi said that when he was not chewing tobacco, he was upset. In an attempt to break free from it, he tried various nicotine products, without any improvement whatsoever.

While the man of God was praying over him, he felt a tremendous relief and he was thanking God in his heart. Now he believes he is free and that this prophecy will bring positive changes in his life! Finally, he promises to always honour the Lord!

Faith focuses on Jesus Christ and not on our problems! Don’t tell God how great your difficulty or addiction is, but tell your problem how great your God is!


Every human being on this earth desires to experience progress in their life. Unfortunately, most people underestimate the power of bitterness and pain of the past, which can only bring backwardness and stagnation to man. Through the grace and mercy of God, Mrs. Lili from England acknowledged that this was the reason she could not move forward.

During the laying of hands, she received the following prophecy from the man of God Kastriot: “Sister, you will be delivered. Today is your day! You must surrender and break free from the past. The past is chasing you. If you don’t let go of the past, you will not be able to see your future, the devil will destroy you. From today, you will be free! Secondly, something is moving in your body. Many times you say, “What is happening in my body, I don’t know what it is that is moving”. In the dream, an unclean spirit entered you, but today you will be free!”

Mrs. Lily later confirmed what she heard from the servant of God, saying that in the past she had gone through a difficult period regarding her health, during which she needed to be hospitalised every 2 weeks! Once, she was in a coma for several days and almost had to undergo a lung transplant. In addition, she suffered from an itchy ear, pain in her shoulders and back, and occasionally her eyes felt dry, confirming the second part of the prophecy regarding the moving object.

The attending physicians had made it clear to her at one point that they could not do anything else for her… One cause of all these problems was the fact that they were feeding her in her dreams, and the more she ate in her sleep, the worse her health got.

In this difficult period she was going through, Mrs. Lili needed the support of her family, which she not only never received, but she was rejected! Filled with questions about the attitude of her family, her heart was full of bitterness, to the extent that she found it difficult to forgive them, as she felt rejected by them, and this was a burden she had been carrying for the last 10 years.

Now, she feels relieved, glad that the Lord has delivered her from the bondage of the past! Her heart is filled with peace and hope for the future. The promise she made to God Almighty is to serve Him according to His will and to come back to give her testimony!

There is something far more important than your situation, beyond your situation lies God’s purpose for your life!


Many times we Christians find it difficult to talk about an unusual problem that concerns us, feeling ashamed of it, when all the shame belongs to the devil, the enemy of our soul!

This was the case with Mrs. Esther from Germany, who received a miraculous word from Prophet Kastriot, coming directly from the throne of God: “A spirit comes in a dream. You don’t feel good about it, and you haven’t spoken to anyone about it, because you are ashamed. God revealed it today, you will be free from this unclean spirit that torments you, and you will have a good relationship with your family! As of today, everything that happened in the family belongs to the past. You will be a child of God, God will take care of you and your family. Also, all those sicknesses and sufferings that you went through in your family belong to the past!”

Mrs. Esther later confirmed that the prophecy is true, recounting that in 2011 she had a very strange dream in which she heard the voice of a cat while she was sleeping and then felt a presence oppressing her and pushing her towards her bed. Since then, this incident kept repeating. She was trying to pray so that she could go back to sleep, but the spirit did not stop oppressing her, even during the day. She also felt a wind blowing over her and someone pressing her belly area or sitting on her back while she was sleeping on her stomach. In addition, in her dreams she saw herself walking through the night, still feeling the same oppression by this demonic presence.

She never confided to anyone what she was experiencing all this time, because she was ashamed to speak about it, not knowing how to describe what was happening to her as a child of God and a born-again Christian.

Mrs. Esther also mentioned the health problems that existed in her family. For example, her mother suffers from glaucoma, with her having to financially assist her with her treatment, while a nephew suffers from meningitis that affects his hearing, and uses a hearing aid to help him which doesn’t always help. Speaking more about her family, she stressed that they do not have good relations with each other, having constant complaints about each other and arguments, while her brothers and sisters have stopped visiting or calling their parents.

Now, she says that she and her family are free, and her promise to God is that she will never leave His presence and will continue to live according to His Word, and she believes in the restoration of family relations announced to her by the man of God Kastriot!

Suffering and sorrow help to bring us closer to God, so what you’re going through now serves a purpose – your spiritual progress!

In the pictures below, visitors from all over the world came to experience the anointing that delivers, heals, blesses, and saves! Praise God Who changes lives, nations, and the whole world!

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  1. Margaret

    Thank you Jesus you are the God of all I believe in you and make me believe more. I need freedom too.

    • CCOAN - Thessalonica

      Good morning! Please be advised that if you are in need of prayer you may send us your prayer request through our official website: Our prayer request form can be found by scrolling to the bottom of our homepage. May God continue to bless you in abundance!


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