There is no more wonderful place for a believer to be than in the presence of Jesus Christ! That is precisely the presence that the visitors of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica yearn for and find!
“CONNECT WITH GOD!” was the title of the sermon preached by the woman of God Evgenia during the service. She began by saying that most of us are too busy with our activities and responsibilities in our daily lives, and we do not take the necessary time for prayer and reading the Bible. Thus, many Christians are unable to hear or discern the voice of God within them, because they lack a real connection with God, whereas the spirit of man clearly needs prayer and reading of His Word.

Inevitably, for a believer who is not connected with God, grumbling, complaining, and not finding direction in life begins. Afflictions actually prevail. Concerning this, however, the Word of God states that afflictions are meant for our spiritual benefit so that we may learn to pray the more!
A powerful example of a Christian who was truly connected with God was Prophet Elijah. The Prophetess read from 1 Kings 18:25-26, 29, 36-39 to biblically support her point and to further emphasise it at the same time. It was the close relationship the Prophet had with the Lord that actually caused fire to fall from Heaven and consume the burnt offering that God’s servant had prepared. Thanks to Elijah’s connection with God, the entire people of Israel turned their hearts back to their Creator. “If Elijah was not truly connected to God, would this miracle have happened?” the Prophetess concluded.

She then talked about Christians who claim that they do not pray because the Lord already knows their needs. Her response was that the heroes of faith in the Bible also prayed to the Lord, thus making it evident that prayer is a necessary ingredient for an intimate communication with Him.
Another category of the children of God are those who pray, God does not answer in their own time, and they become disheartened and give up. Nevertheless, Apostle Paul’s perseverance in praying until he received an answer from the Lord, as it is written in Corinthians 2:12:7-9, shows us that if an answer is not given for the first prayer nor to the second, we must hold on and hold out till we receive an answer! Because God’s response is not for those who hurry, but for those who endure!
Later, to erase any trace of doubt, the woman of God read from Psalms 145:18-19: “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfils the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.” In other words, God is willing to fulfil the desires of our hearts, but our role is to abstain from sin. Sin creates a wall between us and God, which means that we turn away from Him, and then we allow satan to enter us and drive us to do things that are contrary to the Word of God.
In closing, the woman of God clarified that life is a battlefield and the sooner we understand this, the wiser we will be, and this wisdom can be drawn from the Word of God. If you have His Word in your heart, then you will hear God’s voice clearer! It is therefore time to connect with God and fight the good fight of faith with Him!

“You’re healed! Through your faith, the Lord spoke to me and told me: “This woman has a lot of faith!” You are healed! Get up and walk in the name of Jesus Christ! You will see that every day you will get better and better!” These were the prophetic words that Mrs. Ernestina from England received, as she came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, and was prayed over by Prophetess Evgenia in the prayer line, having faith that moves mountains!
Mrs. Ernestina mentioned that she suffered from diabetes mellitus. In fact, because of diabetes mellitus, she had a kidney transplant in 2020. In 2021, she was tested positive for Covid-19. The virus seized her life as she was in a coma for 3 whole months, and at the same time, she was facing serious problems with her lungs. On top of that, she had clots in her lungs, stones and arthritis.
Being in a critical condition she almost died twice, because of the infections. The doctors gave her antibiotics, however, it was only through prayer that God was able to keep her alive. Death was certain, however, Jesus Christ had not said His final word.
Because of all the above, for 2 years she had mobility problems, as she had dislocation in her leg and shoulder. The nerves that ended up to her toes were not functioning. She could not walk or talk. It was through the prayers to God Almighty that she was able to speak again, but the mobility problem she had could not be healed according to the doctors.
The hopes of the doctors were extinguished when it came to Mrs. Ernestina’s life. They were so sure that her health condition is irreversable that they called her relatives to bid her farewell because they saw absolutely no hope in her case. Yet, for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the midst of sickness there is hope! Jesus Christ is the hope! He is the Saviour of all the world!
She pointed out that just after the prayer she received from Prophetess Evgenia, she started feeling her foot, a thing that the doctors assured her she would never feel again! The changes in her body started right after the prayer and she is certain that God will complete His work by giving her total healing! Now, full of joy, hope, relief and gratitude, she promised God Almighty that she would continue to walk in faith and come to give her testimony for the glory of God!

When others say, “The end has come”, Christians say, “The best is yet to come”. When others say, “There’s no way”, Christians say, “God will make a way where there seems to be no way”. When others say, “I’m finished”, Christians say, “My problem is finished” because of what Jesus declared on the Cross!

After being diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, Mrs. Marcelina has been constantly ill since birth. The nature of her illness made her a frequent visitor to various hospitals, depriving her of the joy of normal life. As if the fact that she was suffering from this disease was not enough, members of her family also seemed to pass on the same illnesses from generation to generation. Desperate for help and believing that Jesus Christ was, is and will be the Master Healer, she came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica from the UK, seeking a touch from God that would break the curse of illness in the family.
Holding pictures of sick family members, she was privileged to join the prayer line. By God’s grace, she not only received prayer, but was given a prophetic Word through the man of God Kastriot: “God loves you very much, you have a blessed family. From today, whatever satan stole from your life, God will give it back and you will all come here to give your testimony!”

After the service, Mrs. Marcelina confirmed that the prophecy she received was indeed true. She stated that the family’s health was fraught with chronic illnesses such as diabetes or sickle cell anemia, and it had become normal to hear that a loved one had died from the disease. Wanting to expose the destruction satan had caused in her family’s life, she mentioned that her father, brother, and nephews had died of various diseases.
In addition, regular doctor’s appointments and the burden of continual payment for treatments and medication caused financial problems. The family business was also not doing well and family members’ relationships were ruptured. She stated that there were some family members with whom she had not spoken for more than 7 years, which saddened her. She had been praying for reconciliation to come to the family and upon hearing the prophecy she felt that her prayer had now been answered!
Firmly believing that God had delivered her and her family, she promised to serve God all her life!
As genuine believers, when our problems seem to be unyielding in our prayers, fasts and efforts, it is up to us to overcome our fears, anxiety and worry, leaving all our problems in God’s hands; for, If an answer is not given for the first prayer nor to the second, we must hold on and hold out till we receive an answer!
It is impossible for people to break the bondages in their lives, but everything is possible to God! Bring your burdens, your problems, your sickness to Jesus, as the people in the pictures below did, and He will heal you and give you rest, because He was, is and will be our Healer and our Deliverer!
What a son we have to worship, what a son we have praise, thank you Lord the discerning power, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me and family in this difficult times and have mercy upon my nation Zambia in challenging season case he said in words time and season for everything. Good morning and win today ccoan team thank you continue grace and I pray God to continue guarding you through the Holy Spirit in name. Emmanuel God with us 🙏♥️🇿🇲