According to God’s divine will, Jesus’ children gathered once more in His name, in order to express their gratitude for all the good things He has brought into their lives. Along with the choir of the church, they united their voices, and with one heart they praised the Lord of hosts!

This beautiful atmosphere was complemented by Prophet Giannis’ message, titled “WALK IN THE SPIRIT”. He spoke of two categories of people; those who walk in the spirit and those who walk in the physical, that is in the flesh.

Regarding the first category, he stated that Christians who walk in the spirit are those who have put their relationship with God in order and are able to bear the burdens of those who are weak in faith, in order to help them. They know that the believer has no power as long as he walks in the physical.

The man of God referred more extensively to Christians who do not walk in the spirit. In other words, such people, instead of offering a helping hand to their neighbor, only want to receive help and desire to be honored and respected. This kind of Christians prove how carnal they are, and because of this, they cannot part from the sin and weaknesses of today!

Then, the Prophet read from Galatians 5:16: “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”.  How, then, can God’s children walk in the spirit? Prophet Giannis stated that there are four conditions for us to succeed to do so!

The first is to have communication with God. We speak to God through prayer and He speaks to us through His Word. Of course, the key is to apply the commandments of Jesus Christ, because only then will we enjoy real communication with Him.

A second condition is to confess our sins and not resort to making excuses or blaming others. An excuse is a reason, whether genuine or fake, which we give to explain or to defend our wrongdoing. So, as long as we realise and admit our sins, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us with His blood, because confession brings freedom!

The third condition has to do with the love of Jesus Christ, that is, with loving your brother. The Word of God makes it clear that you cannot claim to love God, who you do not see, and not love your brother, who lives with you… The servant of God emphasised that every man who hates his brother is a murderer, and this kind of people will not inherit the Kingdom of God!

Last but not least, is to not love the world and everything it has to offer. “Whoever loves the world, then the love of the Father is not in him”, he emphasised. Because God’s Word states that everything in the world, such as fleshly desires, the desires of the eyes, and the arrogance of life does not come from Him, and of course they have an expiration date.

In summary, Prophet Giannis emphasised that life is about investments. Therefore, so as children of God, we must be very serious about where we invest because it has to do with our life, our vision and our end in this world. He concluded by saying that the more we would get into the natural, the more satan rises up and becomes bigger. On the contrary, the more we would get into faith, the more satan becomes smaller. Thus, you nullify his ability to tempt you, attack you and destroy you!


Ms Grace, originally from Zimbabwe and living in Sweden, had been in an incalculable battle with her health. She experienced constant bleeding every day, and her pain made it impossible for her to do basic chores. Despite this, she was forced to work to support her family! Fortunately, in her search for solutions, she found her hope in Jesus Christ, coming to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, where her prayers were answered, and she was given the strength to find her way to success again!

After a demonic attack in the dream, where a snake entered her womb, Ms. Grace’s life took a turn for the worse. Initially, she developed excruciating pain in her abdomen, which became unbearably intense especially during menstruation. The pain was so sharp, it made it difficult to even sit, let alone sleep! In addition, she had excessive bleeding and clots during her periods, forcing her to change pads every two hours, while between periods, black blood was coming out of her, which made her wear sanitary pads every day! In an effort to make her condition less painful, she was taking up to 12 painkillers a day!

Medical tests then revealed she had cysts and endometriosis, and she needed surgery to remove her right fallopian tube and ovary. Unfortunately, the cysts reappeared within three months after the surgery, having already grown to the size of an orange! As the doctors explained, a second surgery could damage her bowel, leaving her unable to go to the toilet naturally and having to have an ostomy.

As the pain continued, the effects were reflected in every area of her life. The impact on her mental and emotional state was evident, straining her relationships and driving her into despair. She felt unable to fulfill her role as a mother as it was difficult to meet the needs of her children due to the pain. Her children, seeing their mother so sad and unable to help her, were also negatively affected. In addition, her eldest daughter was forced to grow up quickly, to help with the house and her siblings.

In the meantime, Ms. Grace was working part-time and trying to finish her nursing degree. Burdened by the pain, however, it was difficult for her to work and study in a foreign language. Therefore, her grades were not good. Also, her family was facing financial difficulties because at that time she was the only one working.

However, in her despair, Mrs. Grace realised that Jesus Christ is the hope! Thus, he decided to visit the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, where she received prayer from the man of God Harry. After the divine prayer she received, she realised that the pain that had been tormenting her for so long disappeared!

Along with her miraculous healing, Ms. Grace’s life underwent a major transformation! Unlike before, she is no longer in pain, has normal periods without bleeding in between, and she is now able to participate in household chores as well as activities with her children. A visit to the gynecologist confirmed that the cysts that had been tormenting her are gone, leaving absolutely no trace behind! Not even the doctor knew how to explain this perfect healing!

The atmosphere in the house changed completely, and the stress and anxiety turned into joy! With her health restored, Ms. Grace completed her nursing studies much more easily and was eventually able to obtain her degree with good grades. So, she got a better job with twice the salary! God’s blessings were not limited to her own life! Her husband also found a great job and they recently moved to another city. Their finances improved so much that for the first time they were able to go on a family vacation!

Ms. Grace advised those facing similar challenges to believe and trust in God’s plan, even when the results are not immediately visible. Her promise to Jesus Christ is to make His Word a standard for her life and follow His steps!

A supernatural problem requires a supernatural solution! Put your trust in Jesus Christ, the Master Healer, because, unlike people, He will never let you down!


Itching is an annoying feeling that occurs on the skin and it causes the person to scratch to get temporary relief. A permanent relief had long been pursued by Mr. David, who had travelled several hours from the United States of America to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to receive healing in the issues that were affecting him on a daily basis!

Mr. David began by saying that the itching was bothering him for a while. In his quest to find a permanent solution, he visited several hospitals, he consulted several doctors, thinking he would find a permanent solution to his problem, but the problem persisted. No doctor could diagnose exactly what it was and to treat it all he could do was take medication on a daily basis. He had several tests, but the doctors could not find anything on where the itching was coming from. As Mr. David pointed out, he had to take medication for the itching on a daily basis. The feeling of itching became more intense at night and at times when there was a lot of heat. He was experiencing itching on his tongue, his head, his eyes and his feet…

Apart from this health problem, he was also experiencing back pain. He pointed out that every time he had to travel, for example from America to Africa, his concern was how he would sit on his seat for so many hours because of the pain. In addition, his movements were limited, he could not bend down and kneel, and he could not sleep freely.

But, when God says, “Yes,” no one can say, “No.” After he participated in the prayer line, and the man of God Giannis prayed for him, he received instant healing in terms of the itching and the pain he had in his back! His health problems are now a thing of the past and he can now comfortably do everything he could not do before, to the glory of God!

Clearly excited about the divine intervention of the Heavenly Father, he promised God Almighty that he would be faithful to Him, just as God is faithful to him!

Indeed, as Christians the battle for survival is not a personal challenge but one against God. It is an opportunity to honor God before men.


Mr. Kossi’s life was ruined by a demon that caused him to lose his job every five years and filled him with anger that made him leave from the house for days, trying to avoid everyone because he had the desire to break things. It is not surprising that his marriage was also affected by his behavior. So he decided to come to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica from Belgium, to uncover the root of his problems!

At the laying on of hands, Prophetess Eugenia prayed for Mr. Kossi and the Spirit of God had a message for him, “I see idols in the family and this is preventing you from succeeding in life.  You want to succeed and have a bigger breakthrough, but there is always something stopping you. This will stop from today, and God will bless you so much financially that you will bless others. Also, you have anger and you take it out on people. You will also be delivered from this and peace will come in your heart!”.

After the service, Mr. Kossi confirmed everything the Prophetess had told him. He explained that the whole village used to come to his father’s house to do various ceremonies for seasonal harvests every year. This was a family tradition that had been in his family for as long as he could remember. He also confirmed that he did indeed seek success, but while he was trying to move forward something was stopping him, just like the Prophetess revealed. He confessed that every five years, he would lose his job and even though the next job paid more, he would end up stopping in the same amount of time, since he could not control his anger.

This affected his marriage, as it made him have no affection to his partner, as it took many days before his anger would subside completely.

Now he is relieved that the root of his problem has been revealed and he also believes that the prophecy came with deliverance and blessing. In conclusion, he promised that when he is blessed financially he will be a blessing also to other people who need it.

When the Holy Spirit speaks, changes begin and that is why there is nothing more ridiculous than to allow your present situation to make you doubt the fulfillment of God’s Word or promises for your life.

As it is written in the book of Matthew 19:26, with God all things are possible! This is the truth that the people in the photos below experienced as they received the miracle they were looking for, in the name of Jesus Christ!

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As believers from every corner of the earth gathered in the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to receive a blessing, an atmosphere of deep faith filled the place. A little later, the man of God George, preached an encouraging and optimistic message to the children of God…

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