Filled with awe and emotion, the visitors sang and praised God Almighty in the Arena of Liberty, at the Christian Church Of All Nations, Thessalonica! Their expectations as they stood in faith in God’s presence were great and they were also fulfilled as God’s anointing began to move in the midst with power once again!

Later on, a revealing message entitled “FOLLOW THE RULES!”, was preached by Prophet Stavros, through which he pointed out that if we observe creation, we will realise that everything that has been created works according to certain rules that God has set. However, many people today, in their attempt to live a good, successful life, try to bypass these natural rules of God.

Led by God’s Word in Genesis 8:22: As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease, the man of God pointed out that we are who we are today as a result of the seeds we sowed yesterday. Therefore, we should not be disappointed when we pray for blessing, healing and prosperity when we actually never sowed things that will lead to such an outcome! Many hoping that God will go against the rule of sowing and harvesting, pray that the Lord will make them rich and successful, but without ever having sown to wealth and success!

In order to awaken the congregation and teach them how to pray prayers that God answers, he emphasised that God Almighty cannot answer a prayer that is against His Word and His rules. If you want a solution to your problem, you must be prepared to accept a biblical solution because God will never come down from Heaven to do what you should do for yourself, which is sowing! God’s role is to determine your reward and the time of harvest after your hard work!

He concluded by saying that life is a marathon, and in this marathon there is no shortcut! For everything you want to acquire, achieve and accomplish in this life, it takes time and preparation!


For Ms. Nadia from Thessalonica, the taste of failure was certainly not pleasant at all… However, her case proves that, as a child of the Most High God, success is on your way if you don’t give up!

For 25 consecutive years she was forced to use public transport to get to work, or even walk in the heat, cold and bad weather. Therefore, she decided to obtain a driving licence. She went to her country, Bulgaria, where she took driving lessons. She successfully passed the theoretical exam, and it was time for her to be tested in practice. On the last night before the practical test, Ms. Nadia had a nightmare. In the morning, she woke up in a very bad mood and failed the test…

Considering that the whole incident happened by chance, she returned to Bulgaria a few months later to be re-examined. Again, on the last night before the examination, she had a nightmare, during which three men with very ugly faces tried to drown her! Disheartened, as she was, she did well at first, yet, in the end, she failed again…

Ms. Nadia was full of frustration and wondered why this was happening to her. However, every Sunday she was in the presence of God in church and prayed that she would receive the breakthrough she desired. In one particular service, she received a touch from the man of God Stavros. At that moment, she felt a power driving the darkness out of her and bringing in light!

With her faith renewed, a few weeks later, she was examined for the third time, without having had a nightmare the night before. The result? Absolute success!

Being certain that God is faithful, she had another request to God, which was to sell her house in Bulgaria. This house was on the 4th floor of an apartment building without an elevator, which made it very difficult to sell. The real estate agent who had taken on this job was finding it difficult to sell the apartment, as all the buyers who showed interest in the property were discouraged when they saw the lack of a lift in the building. However, after receiving another anointed touch through Prophet Kastriot, she was finally able to sell the house for the price she wanted!

The sale of the property resulted in her being able to afford to buy a car! With money in her wallet and a driving licence in hand, she bought a nice car, and today she is independent and can go wherever she wants whenever she wants, without being inconvenienced by the weather!

After all the blessings she received, she feels like she has wings, as she pointed out! She feels free and above all grateful to the Lord for His grace upon her! She advised the congregation to never give up and promised the Lord to serve Him for the rest of her life!

It is worth believing in God even when every sense contradicts Him, because He has promised to honour those who honour Him!


Mr. Jinu and Ms. Dora wanted to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations -Thessalonica, seeking God’s hand in their family problems.

Mr. Jinu, during the laying of hands, felt the presence of God strongly and began to tremble uncontrollably. Then, the man of God Stavros gave him the following prophecy: “You are being attacked by idols. Witchcraft from your family background. You have attacks like bad dreams, confusion in your mind, fear… This is because of these idols, and I want to pray for you and your parents because they are good people but they have a problem. They are affected by these demons, they are possessed. You love them, you want to help them, but anytime you are with them, you are influenced. Today you and your family will be free, in the mighty name of Jesus!”.

The blessings continued as, shortly afterwards, Ms. Dora also received a prophecy, this time from prophet Kastriot: “You have been praying, all these days and hours, for God to speak to you. The time has come for God to speak to you! Thank God that you are here today because this curse in the family will be broken! Indeed, not all your family is Christian. Some believe in God, in Jesus Christ, and some don’t, but you are the way that will bring them all to Jesus Christ! As we pray today, God will make a way, every obstacle and curse in the family will be broken, and God will bless you!”. She confirmed that she had been praying for a word from God for a long time, as she was going through many difficulties regarding her family, and expressed her excitement that her prayers were answered!

Later on, the couple wanted to further analyse the words given to them by the Spirit of God. First, Mr. Jinu confirmed that his family, on his father’s side, had been involved in witchcraft and idolatry. He and all the men on his father’s side of the family have a white mark on their hands, which he believes is because of a family curse. His parents also had various problems. His father had anger issues, his mother suddenly had a stroke, and one side of her body was paralysed!

Ms. Dora, on the other hand, revealed that many in her family believed in other religions, or, although they were Christians, were married to non-Christians. As for her personal life, she and her husband constantly faced marital problems. Her health was equally shaken; she was dealing with one illness after the other, swelling in all her joints and a serious knee ligament injury. As she mentioned, as soon as one thing would get better, another health issue would arise! In her career she was facing stagnation, as – being an occupational therapist – she had no creative ideas to help the children she worked with. Thus, she felt that she was not progressing!

After the prayer, Mr. Jinu said he felt “light”, and that he believed everything would be fine from now on. He also shared his decision to continue to trust God, surrender to Him, and live according to His Word! His wife, equally thankful to God, expressed that she believes, after the prayer, her family has been set free, and that there has been a breakthrough in her life! Finally, they both declared that God now has the upper hand in their situation!

The quality of faith is not measured by our attitude to God when things are good, but when times are hard – when our fate seems to hang in the balance. So, in the midst of difficulty, draw near to God without doubt, and speak faith upon your situation!


Ms. Dinang came from Germany to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, knowing that God’s grace was the only One that could deliver her from her difficulties!

Taking part in the prayer line, she received the following prophecy from Prophet Stavros: “There is a problem in your stomach. You need to go to the doctor to be examined!”.

Right after the end of the service, Ms. Dinang said, “What the man of God said is 100% true, because a few months ago I had an abortion, and I have been experiencing unusual cramps ever since”.

On the subject of abortion, she said that the last night before she took this action, she saw a sign in her dream. Specifically, she saw two twin babies and a warning sign not to proceed with the abortion. Nevertheless, she went ahead with the procedure. Feeling guilty about the act she committed, she was ashamed to go to the doctor for tests. As a result of what she had done, she found it hard to pray.

Then, Ms. Dinning realised that she needed to ask and receive forgiveness from the Lord. The moment she was receiving prayer, she felt something happening in her belly, and she knew that God was healing her at that very moment.

As she received an instruction in righteousness to go to a doctor and be examined, she promised to obey it.

Indeed, repentance is our only hope in receiving God’s mercy!

The pictures below depict visitors from all over the world, who came to experience God’s anointing through His anointed ones!

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