A snowy Sunday dawned and, despite the weather, the faithful gathered in the Synagogue, Church of All Nations of Thessaloniki, to honor the Creator of the universe, who made everything with wisdom!

A message titled, “WHERE YOU DRAW FAITH FROM”, was preached by man of God Giannis. He began by saying that there is a time to pray in faith, and there is a time to act in faith. Thus, there is God’s role, which is to keep His promises, and yours, which is to trust Him! Diving deeper into his message, he asked the congregation the following question: “Are you the man God wants you to be?”. The Prophet explained that the reason many of us are not who God wants us to be is because there is no peace in our hearts. When we are upset, angry, etc., instead of reading the Bible, we ask people’s opinions! But if we want to please God, we must be rooted and grounded in His Word, or we will have nowhere to draw faith from.

Then, he read from 2 Corinthians 5:7, For we live by faith, not by sight”, and continued with Romans 10:16-17, “But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our message?” Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ”, before analysing further. If we don’t have faith, he pointed out, it means that we don’t obey God’s Word! Many people see faith as a risk; instead of faith based on the Word of God! We have become believers of the senses – believers of: “I have to feel it to believe it”! Our faith, however, must be controlled by God’s Word, not by what we feel, what circumstances look like, or what others tell us!

Then, he read the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, (Daniel 3:15-25), who, despite the fact that their lives where threatened, did not worship the idol of King Nebuchadnezzar, and were thrown into the fiery furnace. They put their trust in God and He miraculously saved them! With this act, they proved that faith is not a risk but a sure and practical act! Faith means trust! In times of trouble, we should confess and act faith, as the heroes of faith did. They were also people like us, but their difference with us is that they trusted God completely! Prophet Giannis emphasised that we cannot trust mere human beings, who have a beginning and an end. We can only trust the One who has no beginning nor end – Jesus Christ! In fact, for the heroes of faith the acts of faith were spontaneous, that is, they came naturally to them; the same should be the case with us. There is faith and there is the proof of faith. The proof of faith is peace in our hearts! Thus, he emphasised, only those who have peace in their hearts truly believe.

Finally, the man of God concluded that trusting God 100% is to leaving behind your own way of thinking and life, and surrendering yourself to God Almighty. “If you have no faith, how will you be saved, since salvation is by faith” he added. Therefore, you should study and base your life on the Word of God, to draw faith from Him.


Mrs. Carmelita from South Africa, came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, Thessaloniki, to share the incredible changes she experienced in her life!

It all started 30 years ago, when her mother was facing some difficulties in life, as a result of which she visited a man who “helped” others, but as she said, Ms. Carmelita did not know that this man was a witch-doctor. So her mother got to the point of going to that witch-doctor every week. One day, he advised her mother to bring Mrs. Carmelita, because he told her that someone had cast a spell on her, and that they wanted to make her divorce her fiancé. Mrs. Carmelita visited the witch-doctor, and the witch -doctor cut a small piece of her chest, gave her something to put on her eyebrows and various things to rub on her body. In fact, he assured her that now she will be protected, that her relationship with her fiancé will be good and that everything will be fine!

Later on, Ms. Carmelita married her fiancé, and over time, she had chest pain and felt sick all over her body. She started going to places that coffee cup and hand reading was performed and she also visited places that Reiki, reflexology, and various energy classes were taking place.

A fortuneteller told Ms. Carmelita to leave her husband because he was not treating her well, and so, Ms. Carmelita divorced after 10 years of marriage! The tenth year she divorced her husband was quite painful for her because she was vulnerable. She, therefore, decided to go fortune-telling, and spent a total of 100,000 dollars in less than a year!

She got sick to the point of reaching 43 kilos, and not being able to eat… She was going to night clubs, smoking two packs of cigarettes, and people who knew her started to distance themselves from her. She pointed out that everyone at her job was getting promoted, but she was stagnant. She tried to study, she paid enough money for the lessons, but he could not start.

She added that all this was stressful and tiring, she was afraid, suspected everyone, and did not have good relations with her fellow human beings as a result. She felt sad, she was depressed and started drinking alcohol on a daily basis, so that she could sleep at night. She was living an awful life, as she pointed out.

She had bad dreams and in fact, she had bought a DVD about “kundalini”, and when she watched it with her children, her daughter started having nightmares of snakes in her bed.

Mrs. Carmelita mentioned that all this affected her to the extent that she heard voices all the time. For example, one day she was driving towards the mountain, and a voice told her to give up. In fact, many times these voices told her to cause an accident to her children. Five years later, she got back together with her husband, but the fights continued.

Now, after the prayer, she has peace, she doesn’t hear those voices she used to hear, her relationship with her husband is very good, she is attracted to him, she now loves herself and has a daily relationship with God.

Finally, she pointed out that she had been looking for a house for 26 years, but couldn’t find one. After prayer they were able to buy their own house!

Full of gratitude, she advised the congregation to run to Jesus Christ to have a fulfilled life! Her promise to God Almighty is to make God’s Word the standard for her life, to pray, study every day and tell the world about God’s goodness in her life.

Jesus Christ will not leave you nor forsake you! Run to Him, and you will see how He will restore you in every area of your life!


Illuminati: a known word to all of us. However, how many of us truly know the devastating effects they can bring? The story of Ms. Pauline and her son, Mr. Alvin, exposes the kingdom of darkness!

As they both joined the prayer line, as soon as Prophet Giannis laid his hands on Ms Pauline, an unclean spirit was exposed and confessed many things: “Do you know where I’m coming from? I’m from the Illuminati! She left me and I’m so angry! We followed her from Germany to Thessaloniki! We follow her, we know where she is, but she is so guarded. I’m tormenting her because we want to kill her, to kill her son. But she is strong, she prays and we don’t like that. I’m Jack, the ex-husband. She left me; I was in so much pain. My whole family is Illuminati, so we wanted to sacrifice her and her son. She is lucky because she prays to that Man, we are not allowed to call His name. I want to kill her son because he is my firstborn and we only sacrifice male children there, but the mother refused and that’s why I’m tormenting her! We come in the form of a bat and that bat follows her everywhere. She does not allow me to do what I want to do. I follow her every day; she works in a hospital. We have three eyes in my kingdom. The one I’m using to follow her is like CCTV, I follow her everywhere! She works in a big hospital, but I know exactly where she is all the time. I’m coming from the USA, that is where my brother initiated me. My mother is in Illuminati, my brother and my two sisters. My brother killed his wife and his son and I also wanted to kill this woman here. I follow her everywhere she goes. In her workplace, I try to cut all her ways. She cannot prosper! She wants to drive, but every time she takes the exam, I fail her! Now it is the fourth time! It is me! I have tied her womb because I’m angry! Why did she leave me? She is prospering, she went to Kenya and built a house, yet I’m in America and I can’t make any progress. Do you think I’m happy for her? My son doesn’t even know me because I left him when he was 5 months old. I don’t care because my family belongs to witchcraft! This is my son, but his mother refuses. I cannot kill him! I wanted to follow her everywhere, but now I don’t know what to do. You can’t threaten my kingdom! My kingdom is full! Do you know what we did one day? She went to a priest in Kenya, to pray for her. Then we got angry! I went and took my boss and we killed the priest’s wife and his two children!”.  After the man of God declared her free, he said to her, From now on, you must be very careful, and by the grace of God, tell your family that there is a God who saves, delivers and heals!”.

Visibly relieved, after the service ended, Ms. Pauline initially said that “Jack” was her ex-husband and the father of her child. The battle of the demon to not be cast out from her started from the moment she entered the church. Then, the unclean spirit said to her, “You think you can beat us? Get out of here!”. However, she remained strong and attended the service until the end, and finally got her much-desired deliverance!

Regarding the evil attacks she had been experiencing in the last few months, she would sometimes feel something walking on her. She would feel her left side paralyzing, or feel cold and pain in her body. Her son was also facing the same problems!

This demon – in the form of a bat – followed them everywhere. They were surprised because they could not escape it at all. One day, while working at the hospital, Ms. Pauline saw the demon, in the form of a bird, outside the window looking at her!, When Mr. Alvin was driving he would see it outside his car trying to distract him from driving!

Regarding the demon’s words about her womb, Ms. Pauline tried to have more children with her ex-husband, spending time and money. She did various tests that showed no medical problem, but never had a second child.

Now, with a huge spiritual burden lifted off of them, Ms. Pauline is refreshed, happy, and believes she will return to give her testimony! She promises to always be close to God. Furthermore, Mr. Alvin is now calm and promised to keep studying the Holy Bible daily!

One thing is certain, spiritual damage requires spiritual repair!


Ms. Ruby came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, from the United Kingdom, to be in the presence of the Lord, and to be delivered from what was tormenting her.

During the laying of hands, Prophet Stavros had a message from the Lord for her: “If the worry you are experiencing continues, it can lead you to mental problems, to panic and crises. Don’t worry that much. Trust God; He is in control! Just pray and leave the rest to God.”

“I experienced freedom today after the Prophets laid hands on me! Some of the traumatic things that have happened in my life have led me to worry,” she said at the end of the service. At some point in 2022, she learned that her former partner had passed away and she suspected that he had taken his own life. This added a huge psychological burden on her, as she blamed herself for his death because she felt that she had nοt stood by him as she should have.

Consequently, her future relationships were negatively affected because she was filled with worry that she would cause harm to other men as well. Hence, she isolated herself, feeling inadequate, and even self-loathing. She ended up having suicidal thoughts, and nothing could distract her from the grief…

After the prayer and the prophecy, she declared, “I know that God has my life in His hands. I’ve learned that the way to battle these negative thoughts is to put all my trust in God, read the Bible and meditate on the Word!”. Finally, she promised God to maintain a relationship with Him.

Outward affliction, wants and burdens, are the great arguments satan uses to make people of God question their sonship as children of God.

The pictures below depict people, who were not afraid to bring their problems before God, receiving healing, deliverance and breakthrough in their lives, thanks to His unfailing anointing!

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