The Sunday service of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica began in a beautiful worship atmosphere. The faith of the attendants increased as they glorified God and listened to the wondrous testimonies!

Later, the man of God Giannis preached a revealing message entitled “NOT ZEAL BUT STABILITY”. He began by saying that many of us, when we began our walk with God, we had a lot of zeal, ready to run for Him anywhere He needed us. As time passed, that zeal faded because something was missing: what God asks of us is not zeal, but stability! Stability is about making the big decision to maintain a steady focus on Jesus Christ.

Then, he read from Luke 22:33, as well as John 18:10, where Peter first told Jesus that he would die for Him, and later, when they came to arrest Jesus, Peter cut off the ear of a soldier, expressing his overzealousness. In Luke 22:54, however, Peter denied Jesus three times. This shows us that zeal is not enough, we need stability.

The man of God explained that to have stability in your life, you must meet three conditions: Know the God you believe in, where you are going, and have the right priorities. He then explained these conditions one by one.

Firstly, the reason we don’t know the God whom we believe in is because we’re not looking for Him. If we don’t know the God we believe in, we are in a dangerous position, because the devil will come to test us! Knowing God is not only seeing His works but learning His ways, and this is done through His Word.

Secondly, knowing where you are going is to have a vision, a plan for your life. God honours people who have a plan for their lives. You are not called just to live a dull daily routine, but God has predestined each one of us to either save someone, or even more than one! If you have no purpose, you have no direction, so you have nothing to stand for or fight for. If you are a man of vision, no matter what constitutes the obstacles on your way, you can never be stopped. Instead of pressure and tension to reduce your vision, it will even enlarge your strategies!

As far as our priorities are concerned, God’s Word teaches us that the first place to be victorious is in our spiritual life and our mind because victory does not start around us; it begins within us. We overcome by keeping our purpose, our vision, and our mission at the forefront of our minds!

He then gave an example of stability from the Word of God, reading from Daniel:7-10, “The royal administrators, prefects, satraps, advisers, and governors have all agreed that the king should issue an edict and enforce the decree that anyone who prays to any god or human being during the next thirty days, except to you, Your Majesty, shall be thrown into the lions’ den. […] Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” Daniel had a priority, to pray three times a day, and he never put it off! If he had postponed it in the past, it would have been easy for him to do it when his life was threatened. Because Daniel knew the God he believed in, where he was going, and had spiritual priorities – which he didn’t cancel for any reason – he was able to stay stable even when his life was threatened!

In closing, he emphasised that when we make the Word of God an integral part of our lives, we will learn to observe the conditions of stability, because God’s Word is the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit to nurture us and to furnish us with everything we need to succeed on earth. Finally, the prophet urged the congregation to begin asking in their prayers from God Almighty to strengthen them in stability and determination!


Mr. Lazaros and Mrs. Ariadni came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, to thank God that through His ways and works, they were able to come together in holy matrimony! It all started some time ago, when Mr. Lazaros, received a prophetic word from the man of God Michael during the laying of hands, saying: “For the past two weeks you have been asking God to speak to you. It is something you want to do in your life, but you’re even ashamed to tell God because you think the time hasn’t come yet.  The time is here, but don’t rush into it! It’s time to get married because you need a woman, and that’s in your heart but is preventing you from accepting it. God knows by the Holy Spirit everything that we need in our lives. Listen to me, there are stages before marriage, follow those stages before you get married: spiritual life, financial independence, and the woman will come. God will bless you with every spiritual blessing that comes from Heaven.”

He began by saying that indeed everything the man of God said that blessed day was true! He stated that he was very sceptical about the subject of marriage, as the examples he had from his immediate surroundings were not positive. Nevertheless, just before receiving the word from God, he was thinking in his heart that perhaps, it was time to settle. But again this thought came with fear, as his professional life was not good at that particular time. However, the desire for a companion continued to exist and so, little by little, he began to compromise with the idea. Therefore, he started looking for a partner who had all the qualities he was looking for.

After a while, he realised that the person who fulfilled all those conditions was Ariadni, a close friend of his family. In turn, Mrs. Ariadni explained that she was hesitant about the possibility of marriage, as she had always put her career first.

As their relationship evolved, he wanted to ask her about the prospect of marriage, because he saw no reason why their relationship should not be completed since they both had the same feelings. Nevertheless, God wanted to set a better foundation in this relationship, so He sent Prophetess Evgenia to give him the following message: “There is a restlessness in your heart, do not worry, you will get married and it will be soon! Move on with it a little, you have let it hang in the air. Go ahead, and a great blessing is coming to your life and your finances, in all areas of your life. Increase your relationship with God, because if you don’t, you may take the downfall, we don’t want that, you are a child of God, you love God, and God wants the best for you.”

Mr. Lazaros, wanting to confirm the word of Prophetess Evgenia, explained that at that particular time, both of them did not know exactly how to proceed with their relationship. They decided to stay apart for a while so that they could figure out exactly what they wanted from each other, as both had personal dreams and ambitions for their future. But after the prophetic word, they realised that there was real love between them. So, they quickly proceeded to an engagement.

After obeying the word given by God, they both saw their relationship gaining a foundation, they started to get to know each other better without any tension and misunderstandings! After some time, the longed-for marriage took place. Now, Lazaros and Ariadni feel happy and grateful for everything God has done in their lives! They advised God’s children to take care of their relationship with God above all, and promised that they would make Him the foundation and the centre of their relationship!

In God’s time, everything is beautiful, yet this time is limited for all of us. Keep following Jesus Christ, and your reward will come!


Mr. François had an unforgettable experience as he came from the United States of America to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to receive a Divine touch from God Almighty!

During the prayer line, as the man of God Kastriot prayed for him, the Spirit of God spotted him, giving him the following prophetic word: “God has saved you! I see you involved with some friends… Sometimes our friends are not good for us. There are friends who help our lives, but there are friends who destroy our lives. You may have known them for years, but that doesn’t mean anything. You either start doing the things they’re doing, or you change course. Do you want to end up in prison or to be free and successful? You have to choose who you follow, who you walk with and where your life is going! God has given you a second chance in life to follow Him, take the correct steps, and choose wisely who you walk to.”

Then Mr. François started saying that he had some friends who were trying to persuade him to go into business. The only reason they wanted to help him was because he had asked them for financial support, and they wanted him to run scams. He tried to get away from them. However, when he partook in these scams, his friends received money in their accounts. He added that the life his friends had was comfortable as they had everything they wanted. If they wanted a car, they had it. If they wanted to travel, they travelled.

He later realised that all this was wrong, and the reason why he was with these friends was because he needed financial support.

Plus, after the prophetic word, he is going to stop keeping bad company, so he doesn’t get negatively influenced! In fact, he said he will pursue his career field and read God’s Word!

Full of joy and gratitude, he promised to follow God Almighty for the rest of his life, to not let people influence him, and to follow the right path!

Choose your friends carefully, because you might become like them! Don’t be around people who subtract and divide from your life, but be around people who add and multiply in your life, and you will see that the best will come into your life!


What can separate you from the love of God? There is nothing that can stop God from loving you! This is, of course, true in the case of Mr. Jeffrey, who travelled from France to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, knowing that the Lord is able to meet his every need!

His faith attracted God and, the Holy Spirit, through His Prophet Giannis, gave the following prophetic word: “I see that there is witchcraft in the family. All these problems (on the placard) come from there. God Almighty will deliver you today, and you will be free once and for all!”

After the service, Mr. Jeffrey said: “My eyes have been opened today! Everything the man of God said is true. I never thought that this was the root of my problems, but it is true.” When he was young, before he and his siblings were even born, their father consulted a witch-doctor to finally build the house he wanted.

As he grew older, he noticed that no one in that house was making any progress in their lives. In addition, he explained that his family was broken because his father was unfaithful to his wife and had several children out of wedlock. The family members who managed to get married, however, had a very difficult time…

Going back in time, at the tender age of 6 years old, he entered a life of sexual immorality against his will. Specifically, while playing a game with an older girl, the girl performed various immoral acts on him, without an adult to supervise them. Since then, as he grew older, his past affected him strongly; whenever he saw women, he only looked at them as sexual objects. He could not control these thoughts that had flooded his mind, especially when he went to university. Although he was helping others to succeed in exams, when it was his turn he would fail. He thus had no choice but to give up on his studies.

Thank God, though! When Jesus Christ comes into our lives, He puts an end to our past and births a new future within us! His promise is to follow God from now on!

God is not looking at your weakness but at your willingness to be free from it!


Ms. Julia from the Netherlands attended a Sunday service in the church, and was privileged enough to receive a prophetic word from Prophetess Evgenia that shed light on the issues she was facing. The prophetic word was as follows: “I see there are no good relationships and you cannot communicate well with people. The problem is your pride. No matter what anyone says to you, you are always in the right. It’s not like that! It’s not you and no one else! There are other people who came to help you, to advise you correctly, but you didn’t listen to them, and now you are lacking success in your life. If you had listened to them, you would now be successful, but the Lord reveals this so that you can understand what the problem is. As this pride that you have goes away today, walk according to the Lord’s will, and ask Him to reveal your calling because you are like a lost person, you don’t know where you are going. As long as He reveals it to you, you will see that your life will change.”

She wanted to confirm these words sent to her directly from the throne of God! She mentioned that she was married by concubinage, and the people who arranged this marriage wanted to control the relationship, but she was not in agreement with this, so she decided to leave and be alone. Then they influenced the father of her children against her and that’s how the problems began…

Her children were taken away from her, she lost her house, and her finances were not doing well at all, so the prophecy exposed the root of what she was facing. Her success was indeed blocked and nothing seemed to be going right!

Speaking about her children, she said that while she was raising them with love, the authorities took them away from her. She tried to claim them in court, but since her house was taken away and she had moved to a residential centre, this was not possible, as her financial situation did not seem to improve. Regarding her finances, she said that when her house was taken away from her, they also confiscated everything she had in her bank accounts, in accordance with the legislation of the country where she was staying.

In the prophecy part regarding her calling, she confirmed that through some dreams she had when she moved to Europe, it was revealed to her that she was standing in front of a huge congregation, praising and serving God, and she believes that this will be fulfilled!

During the prayer, she felt the divine touch of Heaven, and she believes that she will get back everything that she lost, that the prophecy will be fulfilled, and she promised to return to give her testimony!

God’s Word teaches us in James 4:6 that God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble!

In the following images we see the power of the name of Jesus Christ working miracles: bringing breakthrough where there are barriers, healing where there are sicknesses, freedom where there are bondages!

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