Another very blessed service took place on Sunday at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica! The believers had the opportunity to glorify God in harmony with the worship team, to hear the Word of God and to see it in action, with signs and wonders!

“MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD” was the title of the God-inspired message preached by the man of God Stavros, to direct God’s children as to what they should really seek if they want His blessings to remain permanent in their lives.

The man of God began by saying that man’s main concern, from ancient times to the present day, has been how to make a living, how to create a comfortable life. Most people tend to think that money can solve all their problems. In fact, for many, money is what determines whether or not they will be in the presence of God, as their job is their priority. Because of money – or lack thereof – many people have given up on their families, their dreams, their studies, or even found themselves in prison! So, he analysed, the cause of killing, stealing and destruction is the urge to store up treasures here on earth!

To clarify what he meant, the prophet gave the example of the richest man in American history, Andrew Carnegie. Mr. Carnegie became more famous for his charitable work than for his fortune, as he donated almost 90% of it to charity! He also made efforts to positively influence the world even more, advising and urging other wealthy people of his time to embrace God’s work and charity. Being a believer himself, in an effort to explain to God’s children how money works, he said that even if we gathered all the wealth in the world and distributed it equally to all the people of the earth, soon the money would return to the same pockets! Therefore, the man of God concluded, there is something far superior, far more valuable than money, and it is that which can attract, retain, and even multiply it. Indeed, unless the children of God understand this principle, they will not be able to break the cycle of failure, he warned!

To indicate to God’s people what this good is that is more precious than anything on earth, he took his first reading from Proverbs 3:1, “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.” To expand using a concrete example, he then also read from 2 Chronicles 1:7-12, the well-known story where King Solomon, who had just succeeded his father, had the opportunity to ask God for anything, and He would grant it. The young king, faced with many challenges, since he was called upon to govern an entire nation, instead of asking for fame, glory, riches, safety, conquests, he asked God for one thing: wisdom. The reason was that instead of a specific good, he wanted to be able to manage and maintain the goods and, of course, the kingdom he was called to rule. The Lord then rewarded Solomon for this good decision, not only with great wisdom, but also with every kind of blessing a king could desire, in other words, all the things that wisdom magnetises! This means that it is more important to seek the wisdom given by God, as it is the only way to preserve the blessings that easily dry up! This story teaches us that the blessings of the world enrich the body temporarily; the blessings of Christ enrich the soul for eternity! “What do we ask of the Lord to solve our problem?” the man of God then asked, challenging listeners to realise what they prioritise when making requests to God.

Then, the man of God used the verses from Proverbs 3:16-18, 22-26 to emphasise the abundance of blessings that come with wisdom, while stressing that we, today, are running to solve all the remaining problems instead of the root cause. “When you bother about a problem while neglecting its cause, you cannot have a lasting solution and that is why the problem keeps recurring,” he pointed out. In other words, there is no point in praying for all our problems if we do not pray against the cause of our problems, which is lack of wisdom.

In closing his message, the prophet advised the crowd that if one wants to change his life for good, he should start seeking wisdom from God, and then everything else will be added to him, as the first area in which we should prosper is within ourselves!


A wonderful experience of a touch from Heaven was testified before the people by Mr. Jeremy, wanting to show the positive changes that occurred in his life one week after the prophecy he received from the woman of God Evgenia.

It all started 6 years ago, when he had a nightmare during which a man told him that he would suffer just like his mother. Indeed, upon waking up the next morning, a pain in his stomach suddenly appeared! Over time, in fact, it got worse, until it reached the point where it was unbearable.

To find a cure he sought medical treatment. However, every visit to the doctors and every medication he took failed to solve the problem.

He felt lost, because he thought he would live like this forever. He was a slave to fear, he said.

Moreover, one particular night, he had a dream in which o person told him that someone wanted to kill him. A short time later, he had an accident that caused a major problem with his leg!

Mr. Jeremy also said that, in addition to his mother, his aunt and grandmother had the same stomach pain. The demonic activity in his family had not stopped there, of course. In particular, his father was a hard-working man but never made any professional progress in his life…

Although he was full of fear for his future, he was not discouraged and came from Luxembourg to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, taking part in the prayer line. During this, Prophetess Evgenia spoke the following words to him, which precisely exposed the problems he had: “The problems you have are spiritual. The stomach pain is also a spiritual matter. The devil feeds you in the dream because he wants to kill you, to make sure that nothing goes well in your life. Sometimes he tells you in your heart, ‘What are you alive for?’ It’s not just you, it’s your whole family. Today you will be set free in the name of Jesus Christ, and from now on everything will go well for you!”

A few days passed after the prophecy and the prayer he received, and Mr. Jeremy is very happy to say that the stomach-ache has disappeared! He no longer has to take pills to deal with the pain and has ceased to feel fear for his future! He promised God to share his testimony with other people, and finally, he advised the crowd not to doubt the fact that the Lord can heal from every sickness and every disease!

Jesus Christ cares about you, He loves you more than you love yourself! Therefore, have faith, and you will see the miraculous power of God in your own life!


Mr. Angelos from Thessaloniki testified for the hand of God in his effort to succeed in the Panhellenic exams (Greek Public university entrance exams), stressing that without His help he would not have achieved his goal!

Starting from the beginning, he said that a few months ago he completed his high school studies and took his Panhellenic exams. Of course, he had already chosen a professional orientation, which was the field of agronomy.

Mr. Angelos then referred to his daily schedule. In order to go to school every morning he had to take 2 buses. He would take another 2 buses to return home to study for a few hours, with the intention of leaving again in the afternoon to go to additional tutoring classes. Thus, the only time of rest for him was only in the evening.

It was only natural – in combination with the demanding school material to be covered – that he would show signs of fatigue. In particular, on two occasions he reached the point of pausing his studying because he could no longer continue in this pace. Then, a word from the man of God Harry came to his mind about how children of God should always encourage ourselves. Drawing strength from this divine wisdom, he decided to sacrifice temporary pleasure, temporary rest, for the sake of permanent gain, for the sake of success.

Having chosen to become an agronomist, he was about to decide between 2 universities in Thessaloniki. Although he received advice from his professors, he preferred to listen to the advice of Prophet Harry as he conversed with him. Taking special note of the advice of God’s servant, he chose to set the International University of Greece as his goal.

Just before the time of the exams arrived, Mr. Angelos wanted to receive an anointed prayer. On the day he stepped into the prayer line, the man of God Stavros prayed over him and also over his pen, which he eventually used to write the exams.

When that day arrived, the teachers who were at his school were amazed at how happy and optimistic Mr. Angelos was. It was the first time they had seen a student so confident of success!

In the end, not only did he manage to get into the school he wanted, namely the International University of Greece, but he was also one of the first to get in! As it turned out, Mr. Angelos’ optimism stemmed from his faith in God, that if he gave his best, God would give His best for him! In closing, he advised believers not to allow fear to creep in, and promised to glorify God for the rest of his life!

Just as for this young man, we, God’s children, need well-informed and inspired people to achieve our calling in this life!

The following photos depict the eternal power of the Most-High God, bringing all kinds of breakthrough to the lives of those in need, for the salvation of their souls!

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