On Sunday, 5 June 2022, the visitors of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, had one more chance to visit the holy mountain of the man of God, Harry! Just as the previous Sunday, the woman of God Evgenia led the people into prayer. At the same time, the worshippers sang hymns to the Lord and praised His Holy Name!
Afterward, Prophetess Evgenia began her message entitled “HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE” and provided the guidelines that a child of God must follow in order to become someone with a difference, and not like the majority of people today which are failures.

First, she gave the definition of someone who is a failure, which, she revealed, is a person who has no purpose or meaning in life and is characterised by negativity. Inevitably, the Word of God tells us that a man without a vision is a man without direction, prone to becoming easily discouraged in the face of life’s difficulties.
To reach the target of success, the woman of God presented the 4 steps we must follow, which she later analysed.
The primary step is to discover our calling, and then the second step is to follow it! The Prophetess gave the example of King Saul from 1 Samuel 13 and explained that prophet Samuel had revealed to the king that the Lord was going to establish his kingdom, and gave him a specific instruction. However, because of his impatience, which stemmed from fear, he disobeyed the instruction given to him by the prophet. As a result, his ruling had an expiring date. Similarly, when we face a challenge, we must not give up, but allow God to transform us by the power of the Holy Spirit, and then He will literally show us the way to go. Thus, the woman of God came to the conclusion that if you follow your calling, you will surprise yourself and make a difference in your world!

The third step to achieving success is to never give up. The Prophetess affirmed that challenges will surely come our way, and emphasised the reluctance of Christians to go through them, as they are necessary to move to a new level in life. In fact, she pointed out that the more the correction, the more the greatness!
Elaborating on the fourth step, the Prophetess pointed out that the basic prerequisite for a Christian to go through the trials that God puts him through is having a close relationship with Him, because it is this that gives us the momentum and strength to be able to continue and move towards our calling. Thus, our relationship with God must remain unaffected by our circumstances, and indeed, it must be continually strengthened.
Concluding her message, she encouraged those in attendance to invest in their relationship with God, to stop listening to other opinions, and urged them to do the best they can in their lives because, as children of God, we were created to be the head, leaders, and not the tail!

Mrs. Eleftheria Naidou came from Naoussa, to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to testify and confirm that God is Almighty and continues to work in the lives of people through His anointed servants!
Ms. Naidou began her testimony by saying that, as she entered the church building, she asked God not to pass her by, as she was facing severe difficulties. She wanted to hear a word from Him because she knew that her situation would not lead her to good. So, as Prophetess Evgenia prayed for her, the Spirit of God located her by saying the following: “God will speak to you right now. Stop grieving, for I see a heart attack! You are going to have a serious problem if you continue being so sad. Surrender your children to God. Pray and you’ll see! They’ll come here on their own. All of them will come here. All you have to do is pray. By being sad you destroy yourself. I don’t want to go any further, I don’t want to make you sad. Stop it! I told you, your children will come back. You’re blessed! You are free, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

As Mrs. Naidou explained, it all started three months before the anointed prayer she received when she began to experience intense distress due to some personal matters she was going through with her children. Every day she had anxiety, agitation, and a weight on her chest that was not allowing her to breathe properly. More specifically, she was especially anxious about her children. At an age where they should already have their own home and family, her three sons returned back to their parents’ home, making her responsible for them once again! She ended up cooking for them and taking care of them, just like when they were children. She even tried to talk to them about God and counsel them, but the results were not very positive! Being psychologically overwhelmed, she lost her joy and her behavior changed, unable to do anything to improve the problem on her own.
Initially she experienced anxiety but then she then began to feel it in the physical as well. She began to have palpitations, difficulty breathing, fatigue in her legs and chest pain. At night she would get up from a pain she felt in her heart, so she began to suspect that it was not working properly. These events began to cause her concern about her health as well. She was seriously considering going to a doctor to find out exactly what was going on, as she had never experienced anything like this before, nor did she have a history of heart problems.
Praise God Almighty as, within just a few days of prayer, immediate changes in her mental and physical health occurred! From the very next day, she slept well and felt no tightness in her heart or chest pain! She is also receiving a changed attitude from her sons, and they have begun to heed and pay attention to her advice designed to bring them on God’s path!
Her advice to the congregation is to leave every situation, every problem, at the Lord’s feet, because no one can do it alone. She added that if we have Jesus Christ with us, He will fight for us first, and then we will fight for ourselves! So, she urged the crowd to leave their burdens to Him! Finally, full of joy, she promised God Almighty that she would have His Word as a guide for her life, listening to Him and obeying Him, confident that as she does so, great blessings would come into her life! The Word of God, in Psalm 55:22, emphasises: “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Indeed, if you put your troubles in His hands, God will put His peace in you! Blessed be His almighty name!

Mr. Konstantinos Ligas stood before God and people to share what God has done, is doing, and will keep on doing in his life and his family, after the prophetic word he received from Prophetess Evgenia.
He began his testimony by saying that he received the following prophecy, “You worry a lot about one of your children. You should know that this child is in sin. He has been immersed (in sin), but he will acknowledge the power of Jesus Christ, and he will come back – just like that! So don’t worry about it! He will see a dream. The Lord will appear to him, reveal his calling, and that’s when he will ask you to come here. You, as a father, all you have to do is pray for him, nothing else, God is with you.”

Indeed, Mr. Liga’s distress was about the youngest of his sons. He testified that he was constantly worried about him, as even though he was raised with Christian principles, he did not care about the will of God, refused to obey, rejected his father’s advice, and was attracted to the world and sin. Consequently, his reactions at home, were abrupt and full of anger. Mr. Liga’s also heard from relatives, friends, and acquaintances that the young boy was doing reckless things with cars and motorcycles, endangering not only his own life but also the lives of those around him. Some of the examples he cited were that his son was constantly changing motorcycles and racing in residential areas which was prohibited.
The above events caused turmoil in Mr. Liga’s heart since he was concerned about the child’s physical integrity, his life and the course of it, and more importantly, his soul. Moreover, he was sad that his son rejected him and did not communicate with him at all.
The prophecy filled Mr. Liga’s heart with peace, relief and joy. He now knows that his case was and still is in the best of hands. In the hands of Jesus Christ! The blessings, however, did not stop there! To his great surprise, after the Prophetess prayed and prophesied to him, his son’s behaviour changed drastically! Already, the young man has started talking to his father and consulting him about various decisions he wants to make, and finally, he has stopped expressing himself with bouts of anger as he did before!
Finally, full of gratitude to God, he advised anyone facing a similar problem to trust in God, because He is good and will restore any family in need of restoration, as long as we are close to Him. Thanking and praising Jesus Christ for the family breakthrough He has given him, he promised to stay close to Him, knowing that the best is yet to come!
Whatever situation you are in right now, God is aware! God is calling you to trust Him! So, listen to His voice in 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you,” and surrender yourself in His capable hands!

Mr. Frederique Johanes Paye from France was seeking the presence of God and a word from our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given to him! As the Prophetess Evgenia was praying in the prayer line, she approached him and gave him a prophetic word: “You opened doors for the devil to come in by yourself! Do you know how you opened them? Through lust! You have lust, you think of women all the time, and it opened doors for him to enter. As you exposed it, from today you will be free and everything will go very well for you in life! All doors will open for you, and then you won’t believe it! You’ll be so happy you won’t believe it!” Later on, Mr. Paye wanted to confirm the prophetic word he received from Prophetess Evgenia.
He testified that, indeed, the spirit of lust plagued both him and his family, as he and some of his brothers used to be in relationships with several girls at the same time, visiting clubs and generally being involved with the opposite sex more than normal. Although many times, Mr. Paye wanted to remain stable in a relationship with one girl, problems always arose. When he was in a relationship and wanted to go somewhere alone, his girlfriend was afraid to let him go because she knew he might find another girl. This was true, as his way of thinking was that this was the pleasure in life. That is, he found joy in having relationships with several women at the same time. He was also addicted to pornography and masturbation.

In his life, he had three relationships in which he tried to be serious, but the spirit of lust prevented him from having healthy relationships, and his girlfriends kept telling him that something was driving them away from him. His current relationship started with the prospect of marriage, but then his girlfriend said that she no longer wanted them to get married because of the many problems that arose. This was also the case in the rest of his family, as none of his brothers and sisters are married.
This spirit affected other areas of his life as well. Apart from the fact that he could not marry, his health and finances were also affected. Regarding his professional life, he mentioned that he had difficulty finding a job, and even if he did, he would often get layed off the job quickly. Besides, the contracts he signed were for a few days, with the longest being three weeks! So, he ended up in debt and was unable to pay his rent.
As for his health, he noted that he felt a moving object inside his body, had pains in his legs and head and went so far as to lose his hair.
After the prophetic word that brought freedom into his life, Mr. Paye is a new man and now the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit have replaced the sorrow he once had in his heart. Free, transformed, and blessed now, he has promised Jesus Christ that he will remain faithful to Him for the rest of his life!
Faith is the transforming power of the universe; the change from what you are to what you want to become! Indeed, when we come in faith to Jesus Christ, He is ready to take every burden, every load, and replace it with His peace! Take a step of faith toward Jesus Christ today, and He will take a thousand steps toward you!

That day was shocking and startling for Mrs. Anastasia Mavridou, a resident of Giannitsa, as she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica in order to receive divine intervention in what she was facing!
As she took part in the prayer line, her request was that God Almighty would not pass her by and speak to her through the Prophetess Evgenia. God heard her prayer, and through the Prophetess Evgenia, He told her the following words: “You are causing trouble to yourself. Trust in the Lord, please. You are easily distressed. ‘This will not go well, the other will not go well…’. Everything will work out for you! Do not have these thoughts because it will cause you health problems. Do you want to die? This is what is coming. I mean, if you did not come here now, this would happen in a few days! What do I mean? Your heart! Heart attack! That is it! Instantaneously! Do not do this to yourself! Your children will come in the way of the Lord, at God’s time though. Not yet! I am telling you so that you know. It is not yet their time to come. But God will touch them through some things. And do not push them. Do not talk to them about the Word of God. If they do not want to hear it, do not talk to them about it. Surrender your children to the Lord. Pray to the Lord, say, ‘Lord, I dedicate my children to you, take care of them.’ And that is it! You will lose your good health, I am telling you. From today, you are free, and from these thoughts that you constantly have, ‘This will not go well for me, the other will not go well for me.’ Everything will be fine! Breakthrough! And you know what I have to tell you? You will become rich! Do not worry. It is just that what you are going through is trials. It is what we were saying in the message today. When you are going through trials, move forward, do not stop and do not go back. It is just a test from the Lord. You will go through this and God will make you rich! You will see, those negative thoughts will go away starting today! Devote yourself more to the Word of God, and God will give you a new mind! You are free, in the name of Jesus Christ!”
It all started very well for Mrs. Mavridou when she made the decision to open a new restaurant – a pizzeria eight months ago. She started her business with two employees and the support of some other people. She had employees who covered all the posts, and she would supervise them, as she was the owner of the restaurant.
However, everything turned upside down when her son, who was one of her employees, resigned after four months. The reason he decided to quit was because he felt that he was unable to cope with this part of the business, he believed that the business was a hasty move and should never have opened. Mrs. Mavridou respected his decision and let him step down and do what he wanted to do, which meant that she would have to take over all of his posts. Her trials did not stop there because, her pizza maker told her that he wanted to leave the job for a seasonal job. Mrs. Mavridou thought that if her main pizza maker leaves, someone else would have to replace him. When she found a replacement, he told her he would take the job, however, he later retracted his statement. It was difficult for Mrs. Mavridou to find workers for her business as something kept coming up and she could not fill the positions. Through it all, the grace of God was there, for the Lord sent her a man who would also leave for a seasonal job on the 25th of May. Since 13 May when the first pizza maker left, this man came to help her during those 10 days at least, so that she would have someone in her restaurant.
So, when the ten days passed, Mrs. Mavridou, no longer having any employees in her restaurant, made the decision to run it herself. It got to the point that she had to watch over the supplies, the preparation, make the pizzas, serve them, and take orders from people. People who went to her restaurant wondered what could be going on, because they knew Mrs. Mavridou as a manager and not as a pizza maker.
Meanwhile, she was looking for workers and, suddenly, she received an offer from a person who previously worked for a rival company. Although they made a deal and everything was going well, the day he was supposed to arrive he had an accident, and he was taken to hospital. She was still looking for employees for her restaurant, but she could not find any…
Even if she opened the pizzeria with the intention of making extra income, this business was wasting income from her main job. The situation was so bad that she could not afford her monthly bills. She had to find sources of income from the other jobs to support her shop. The basic expenses of the shop amounted to €2,500 per month!
As to her children, Mrs. Mavridou said that she used to talk to them about God. However, when her children grew up, they began to get tired of hearing their mother talk about the Lord. This troubled her deeply, tormented her and made her very sad, making her cry!
Every day she would travel 50 kilometers to go to her shop in Evosmos and back to her home in Giannitsa, going from one prefecture to the other. When she returned home after two in the morning, she felt that only the Lord was listening to her. No one knew how she felt inside, they were not aware of her sorrow, her sadness, her physical and mental fatigue that brought her to despair. She was in a state of stress, pressure, worry, concern, and she did not know how or why it all happened to her life. The negative thoughts were overwhelming her, making her believe that nothing would go well in her life, that she would not be able to accomplish anything good, and that everything would go to waste! Seeing a darkness around her, she went so far as to say that she would have to shut her shop down. What was more shocking was that since she was in great despair, she went so far as to tell God: “Lord, take me”. She felt that her life was not on a normal course.
Her health was greatly affected, as she had excessive physical fatigue. She had pains in her body to such an extent that she would ice herself as soon as she woke up. The pain she was feeling was unbearable! Recently, she even felt her heart ache and a tightness in her chest. She felt that it might be her last moment and that she might be having cardiac arrest.
So, as Mrs. Mavridou received the prophetic word and a second chance at life, she also decided that for every negative challenge and thought that is to come to her, she would put the Word of the Lord before her and stand firm in His promise. She believes that the Lord will give her a new mind, and that all will be well only by His power and grace, otherwise man cannot survive. She also mentioned that from now on, she will leave her business in God’s hands so that His will can be done!
Filled with gratitude to God Almighty for preserving her, she promised Him that she would surrender herself in His hands, so He can use her according to His plan. Moreover, she promised that she would serve Him until the end of her life!
When the Lord says you are blessed, then you are blessed indeed! When the Lord says you are healed, then you are healed indeed! When the Lord says you are free, then you are free indeed! Praise the name of the Lord, for He saved Mrs. Mavridou from instant death! Only God can reverse your situation and give you a second chance at life! Since Jesus died for you, make the decision to live for Him!

Petros Aloumanis, a 14-year-old young boy, was one of the people God blessed with a prophetic word through the Prophetess Evgenia on prayer mountain. When the Prophetess prayed for him, she told him the following words: “Do not think that everything will come easily in life. Life is not all fun and games! If you do not strive, if you do not put in the effort, success will not come in your life, you will be a failure all your life. Or do you want to be a failure for life? To be successful you have to struggle and finally make a decision in your life. Do not change direction all the time! You have no direction, this was the message we were talking about today. You have no direction and you have no vision. You must find both direction and vision to march towards it, otherwise I see bad things, I don’t want to mention them. Get to work, study! If you do not study, I see you getting left back. Put in the work and you will pass. God will help you, you are a good boy, but ask the Lord to reveal your calling, and He will reveal it to you!”

He later confirmed that he was indeed not a good student at school. In fact, he was naughty, caused trouble, did not do his homework, and his teachers often complained to his mother about his behaviour, because due to his “restlessness”, he would not let them teach. Moreover, they warned that if he did not change his ways, he risked repeating the year…
As a consequence of the above, his grades at school dropped significantly. In the first term of this school year, his average score reached 11/20! Never in his life had it ever reached that low, and his grades scared him. However, he thought that because he had been a good student the previous year, he hoped the teachers thought well of him and that he would not have to repeat the year. In addition, he thought that he would study a little towards the end of the year to make sure he would pass to the next year.
As to his thoughts about the future, he believed that he was too young to find his calling and that it was still early. Thus, he had no vision or purpose in life, did not know what direction to take and was constantly changing his mind about his future. Additionally, he thought that after he finishes school, he would get a job just to make a living, not that he would pursue something because he loves it.
Without any direction in his life and therefore performing poorly in school made him feel confused and disoriented, as he did not know what else to do to help himself. Thankfully, however, he made the decision to leave his problem in the mighty hands of the Most High God who loves us all without discrimination and desires that we fulfil the calling He has placed within us to have a contented and successful life!
Rejoicing in the instruction he received directly from the Spirit of God, he promised Him that he would begin to study and pray for his vision.
In every situation, do not forget that you have a role to play. Trusting God is not just about praying; there are times to pray in faith and times to act in faith. In other words, there are things we need to do, and other things we expect God to do!

Sunday was a day full of surprises for Ms. Eileen Hawthorne, who came from Germany to see the power of Jesus Christ working mightily in her life. Having the conviction that God is the one who heals, delivers, and blesses, she took part in the prayer line to receive a touch, capable of changing the story of her life. Just as the anointing of God was moving powerfully through the Prophetess Evgenia, a prophetic word came and brought light into her life: “You are worried about a job. This is not the job that the Lord wants you to do, another job will come. You have to go into business, you are very smart, that is why the devil wanted to bind you. Now all the things you have written will be gone, you will be normal. I reveal to you your calling, your calling is to become a businesswoman with a difference. You now have a direction and you are headed in that direction”. Clearly happy and grateful to have received an answer from God regarding her life, she wanted to confirm everything that the Prophetess Evgenia told her!

She began by saying that she had made several applications for her internship, but all she received were negative responses, or even, many times, she was the one who forgot to attend the appointments. This made her quite concerned, as she did not know what God’s will for her life was.
Regarding the level of intelligence that the Prophetess mentioned, Ms. Hawthorne explained that in the jobs she would go to, her supervisors would tell her that she was very intelligent and had a lot of potential.
In addition to the obstacles in the professional field, the devil also used the spirit of homosexuality, in the past, to bind her, making her believe it was normal, plunging her into sin. In fact, she was living openly as a homosexual. But when she met Jesus Christ, she left that life behind, and believes that, after the prayer, she has been set free from any bondage of homosexuality!
Now Ms. Hawthorne is ready to invest in her relationship with God so that she can fulfill the calling He has revealed to her! In summary, she promised to continue to follow Jesus Christ and to get to know His ways even better!
We need good, inspired and well-informed people to accomplish our calling in this life! We thank God Almighty for sending us the right people to help us succeed and progress in our lives!

On the Holy mountain of the Lord, the prayer mountain, Angelos Georgandas from Thessaloniki was present to receive a touch from God Almighty. As he was in the prayer line, the Prophetess Evgenia came to him and gave him a prophetic word that was to save his life from something extremely serious: “You use something to get around, it is a scooter that you use. You have to be very careful because I see an accident. You have to use the sidewalk very carefully and not ride on the street because I see a serious accident. I see you in the hospital lying down. Pay attention to what I’m telling you! And, also, start doing your homework. You have neglected it even though you are very smart, you study a little bit and you get it. Make an effort to study so you can succeed in life. Follow your calling and don’t dwell on things that have no eternal value. There is no time to waste!”. Shortly, later Angelos confirmed the words of the prophecy he received.

Indeed, Angelos used to ride his electronic scooter in the street. He specifically referred to an experience he had, about two weeks prior! While he was speeding down the road on his scooter, a car came in front of him and he barely had time to hit the brakes to avoid colliding with the car. At that moment he felt intense fear, but later on, he continued to speed again. Although he often thought that he should go more slowly and carefully, many times, because of his haste, he ignored the dangers and did not take cars and other vehicles into account.
He stressed that after the prophetic word he received, he has made a decision to be very careful, drive slower, look around, and behave responsibly on the road.
He then addressed the second part of the prophecy, which referred to his academic progress. He stated that the prophetic word was 100% true because, while last year his performance in school was good, this year he neglected his responsibilities in school and did not study, and even made a fuss during class. When the time came to get his grades, the result was disappointing, and he realised that he could not continue in these ways.
Referring to his calling, Angelos revealed that his vision is to become a professional basketball player, and he is active on it every day to achieve it.
He concluded by promising God Almighty that he will glorify Him and spend more time studying the Bible, and that he will be careful, from now on, in everything he does!
Jesus Christ has given us a mind and the ability to choose between right and wrong. In His infinite grace, the Lord reveals to us future events and calls us to do what is right so that we do not fall into the trap of the enemy. The closer we draw near to God, the more He will open our minds to understand what is right, and empower us to do it!
In the pictures below we see the anointing of God moving with power and might as unclean spirits and sickness have no choice but to submit to the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you Jesus Christ for all these words of encouragement at the end of each testimony. After reading everything, I am very encouraged to become something good for society (high school math teacher). I am encouraged to work hard, study a lot and also pray to know my vocation.